Вона підкаже вам, якщо ви забудете слова. Залиште пропуск після кожного слова. Вони раніше буди великими друзями. Мама розламала хліб навпіл ( на дві частини) і дала кожній дитині шматок. Він зупинився, щоб зібратися з думками.
It will tell you if you forget your words.Leave a space after each word.They previously be great friends.Mom rozlamala bread in half (in two parts) and gave each child a piece of.He paused to gather his thoughts.
It will tell you if you forget the words. Leave space after each word. They still wake great friends. My mother broke bread in half (in two parts) and gave each child a piece. He paused to gather his thoughts.