1. Прийнятий усіма хлопчиками в команді, Джим міг показати свій талант перевод - 1. Прийнятий усіма хлопчиками в команді, Джим міг показати свій талант английский как сказать

1. Прийнятий усіма хлопчиками в ком

1. Прийнятий усіма хлопчиками в команді, Джим міг показати свій талант умілого футболіста
2. Показаний напередодні Дня перемоги, цей фільм отримав найбільше лайків в інтернеті
3. Споживаний у великій кількості, цукор дуже шкідливий для організму. Ви повинні обходитися без цукру принаймні 3 дні в тиждень
4. Вони шукали пліт, щоб дістатися на інший берег річки, де на них чекала скромна вечеря і теплий одяг
5. Мати заспокоїла дітей, які плакали від страху перед громом
6. Птах покружляв над містом декілька разів, поки не приземлився в полі. На щастя, на борту було мало пасажирів
7. У страху перед зміями ми не наважилися йти через джунглі
8. Бджоли літали з квітки на квітку і весело гуділи. Що буде із світом, коли бджоли вимруть?
9. Вона заснула зразу після обіду.
10. Він викурив сигарету, нервово викинув її на асфальт і розчавив.
11. Я не впевнений, що він досяг успіху, бо працював багато. Хтось підтримав його.
12. Якими видами спорту ти захоплювався до того, як вступив до університету?
13. Ми помітили, як дівчатка сміялися
14. Перестань говорити усякі нісенітниці! Я не такий довірливий, щоб у таке повірити
15. Проблема, з якою вони зустрілися, була зовсім не проблемою.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Adopted by all the boys in the team, Jim could show their talent skilful footballer2. Shown on the eve of the victory day, this film received the most lajkìv on the Internet3. Consumed in large quantities, sugar is very harmful to the body. You have to go without sugar for at least 3 days a week4. They are looking for a raft to get to the other side of the River, where they waited for a modest dinner and warm clothing5. Have calmed the children crying from fear of Thunder6. Bird pokružlâv over the city several times until it landed in the field. Fortunately, on Board was little passengers7. fear of snakes, we don't dare to go through the jungle8. A bee flying from flower to flower and fun were buzzing. What will happen to the world when bees become extinct?9. She fell asleep immediately after lunch.10. He smoked a cigarette, nervously threw her on the asphalt and crushed.11. I'm not sure he succeeded because he worked a lot. Someone supported it.12. what sports you are admired as I entered University?13. We noticed how the boys laughed14. Stop talking "nonsense! I'm not that gullible to believe this15. The problem with which they met, was not a problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Take all the boys in the team, Jim could show his talent skillful player
2. Shown on the eve of Victory Day, the film received the most likes on the Internet
3. Consumed in large quantities, sugar is very harmful for the body. You have to go without sugar at least 3 days a week
4. They searched raft to get to the other side of the river, where they waited for a modest dinner and warm clothes
5. Mother reassured the children who were crying from fear of thunder
6. Bird pokruzhlyav the city several times until it landed in the field. Fortunately, there were few passengers aboard
7. In fear of snakes, we decided not to go through the jungle
8. Bees fly from flower to flower and fun buzzed. What will happen to the world when the bees die?
9. She fell asleep immediately after dinner.
10. He smoked a cigarette nervously threw her on the asphalt and crushed.
11. I'm not sure that he succeeded because he worked a lot. Some supported it.
12. What sports do you admired before he entered the university?
13. We noticed how the girls were laughing
14. Stop talking all sorts of nonsense! I'm not that gullible to believe in is
15. The problem with which they met was not a problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Adopted all boys in the team, Jim could show their talent clever player
2. Shown on the eve of the Victory Day it recieved most лайків online
3. Consumed in large numbers,Sugar is very harmful to the organism. You must do without sugar at least 3 days in a week
4. They searched raft to get to the other bank of the river, where they were waiting for a modest dinner and warm clothing
5. Have calmed childrenWho cried the fear thunderous
6. Bird покружляв over the city button a few times until landed in the field. Fortunately, on board were few passengers
7. Afraid of snakes we did not dare go through the jungle
8.Bees fly with flower on a flower and fun гуділи. What will happen in the world, when the bees will become extinct?
9. She fell asleep immediately after dinner.
10. He was smoke a cigarette, nervously threw it on asphalt and crushed.
11. I am not sureHe succeeded because worked a lot. Someone supported the document.
12. What kinds of sports you purred before entered the university?
13. We notice how girls laugh
14. Stop speak any nonsense.I'm not so gullible to this believe
15. Problem with which they met, was quite different problem.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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