Продавці і покупці стверджують, що даний договір вчинений не під впливом помилки, обману, насильства, тяжкої обставини і не є удаваним правочином і спрямований на реальне настання правових наслідків, які обумовлені ним.
Sellers and buyers say that this Treaty is not placed under the influence of errors, fraud, violence, bad circumstances and is not feigned pravočinom and aimed at the real onset of the legal consequences that are caused by it.
Sellers and buyers say that this agreement is not committed under the influence of error, fraud, violence, and severe circumstances not apparent transaction and is aimed at the real onset of the legal consequences that stem from it.
Sellers and buyers say that this contract committed without mistakes, fraud, violence, severe circumstances and not a mock authority and focused on real occurrence of legal consequencesWhat caused him.