Family relations – топик на английском языке о семейных отношениях. Th перевод - Family relations – топик на английском языке о семейных отношениях. Th английский как сказать

Family relations – топик на английс

Family relations – топик на английском языке о семейных отношениях. The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters but the ability to understand each other. It’s really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. When a family is happy, it means that all the members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents. Housework may take a great deal of your time. But if all the members of the family help each other, has his special duties, keeping house won’t be so difficult. So to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. Only when each member of the thinks about the happiness of the others the family will be happy. Clever and understanding parents are always ready to help and find the way out. We know there will still be a family to turn to for love, compassion and understanding, the family will remain in our soul forever. Оригинал :
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Family relations is topic at anglijskom âzyke o semejnyh relations. The family plays a very important role in everybody's life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters but the ability to understand each other. It's really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. When a family is happy, it means that all the members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents. Housework may take a great deal of your time. But if all the members of the family help each other, has his special duties, keeping house won't be so difficult. So to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. Only when each member of the thinks about the happiness of the others the family will be happy. Clever and understanding parents are always ready to help and find the way out. We know there will still be a family to turn to for love, compassion and understanding, the family will remain in our soul forever. Original:
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Family relations - in Topeka of English at semeynыh relations. The family plays a very important role in everybody's life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters but the ability to understand each other. It's really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. When a family is happy, it means that all the members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents. Housework may take a great deal of your time. But if all the members of the family help each other, has his special duties, keeping house will not be so difficult. So to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. Only when each member of the thinks about the happiness of the others the family will be happy. Clever and understanding parents are always ready to help and find the way out. We know there will still be a family to turn to for love, compassion and understanding, the family will remain in our soul forever. Original:
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Family relations - топик on английском языке o семейных отношениях. The family plays a very like system. role in everybody's life. Labor pa, mood and what is called studies contains depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that studies contains in their marriage will be track by somebody else, not by themselves.They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Enabled husband and wife must create their studies contains together. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters but the ability to understand each other. It's really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. When a family is happy,It means that all the members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents. Housework may take a great deal of your time. But if all the members of the family help each other, has his special duties, keeping house won't be so difficult. So to create a happy family is a difficult if you lose,But everything gives a on ourselves. Only when each member of the thinks about the studies contains of the others the family will be happy. Clever and understanding parents are always ready to help and find the way out. We know there will still be a family to turn to for love, compassion and understanding, the family will remain in our soul forever. Оригинал : Http://www.fun4child.Ru/690-english-topics.-semejjnye-otnoshenija.html
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