Мій брат писав, що він уже склав екзамени.
Він подякував мені за те, що я для нього зробив.
Учень прочитав у голос оповідання, яке він написав у дома.
Минулого літа її батько їздив у село, де він провів своє дитинство.
Учора Аня прийшла додому о 5 годині. Її молодший брат, виконував домашні завдання, а батько і мати ще не повернулися з роботи.
Вона була певна, що бачила цю жінку раніше, але вона не могла пригадати, де вона її бачила
Його батько почав працювати на заводі, коли йому було 20 років. До того він жив у селі.
Після того, як мій товариш пішов додому, я згадав, що забув показати йому свої марки
Коли я війшов до класу, учні обговорювали план екскурсії. Вони обговорювали його вже 20 хвилин
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My brother wrote that he had already passed the exams.He thanked me for what I did for him.Student read in the voice of the story, which he wrote home.Last summer her father traveled to the village where he spent his childhood.Yesterday, Anya came home at 5 o'clock. Her younger brother, executed the homework, and father and mother has not returned from work.She was certain that has seen this woman before, but she couldn't remember where she had her seenHis father started to work when he was 20 years old. He lived in the village.After my friend went home, I remembered that I forgot to show him their brandWhen I has class, students discussed the plan. They discussed it for 20 minutes
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My brother wrote that he had made up exams.
He thanked me for what I have for him did.
The student read aloud the story, which he wrote at home.
Last summer, her father went to the village where he spent his childhood.
Yesterday Anna came home at 5 o'clock. Her younger brother, played homework, and the father and the mother has not returned to work.
She was certain that she had seen the woman before, but she could not remember where she had seen
his father began working at the factory when he was 20 years old . Before he lived in the village.
Once my friend went home, I remembered that I forgot to show him their brands
When I came in to the class, students discussed the plan trips. They discussed it for 20 minutes
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