4.1. Акціонерами Товариства визнаються фізичні і юридичні особи, а також держава в особі органу, уповноваженого управляти державним майном, або територіальна громада в особі органу, уповноваженого управляти комунальним майном, які є власниками акцій Товариства.
Акціонери мають право:
- брати участь у загальних зборах акціонерів і голосувати особисто або через своїх представників. Одна проста акція Товариства надає акціонеру один голос для вирішення кожного питання на загальних зборах, крім випадків проведення кумулятивного голосування;
- брати участь в обранні органів управління та контролю, визначених у статті 8 цього Статуту, і бути обраними до них в порядку, передбаченому цим Статутом та законодавством;
- брати участь у розподілі прибутку Товариства та одержувати дивіденди;
- отримувати інформацію про діяльність Товариства.
- розпоряджатися акціями, що їм належать, у будь-який не заборонений чинним законодавством та цим Статутом спосіб.
На вимогу акціонера Товариство зобов'язане надавати йому для ознайомлення копії Статуту, річних балансів, звітів Товариства, протоколів зборів в приміщенні Товариства, після узгодження з Виконавчим органом.
4.2. Посадові особи органів Товариства та інші особи, які перебувають з Товариством у трудових відносинах, не мають права вимагати від акціонера - працівника Товариства надання відомостей про те, як він голосував чи як має намір голосувати на загальних зборах, або про відчуження акціонером - працівником Товариства своїх акцій чи намір їх відчуження, або вимагати передачі довіреності на участь у загальних зборах
4.3. У разі ліквідації Товариства акціонери мають право отримати частину вартості майна Товариства, пропорційну вартості належних їм акцій Товариства, в порядку, передбаченому законодавством.
4.4. У разі необхідності, за попереднім узгодженням із наглядовою радою, акціонери Товариства в межах заходів щодо запобігання банкрутству Товариства можуть надати фінансову допомогу Товариству в розмірі, достатньому для погашення зобов'язань Товариства перед кредиторами, та на умовах, передбачених рішенням наглядової ради Товариства, відповідно до законодавства.
4.6. Переважне право акціонерів на придбання акцій, що додатково розміщуються Товариством, діє лише в процесі приватного розміщення акцій та встановлюється законодавством.
4.7. Акціонери Товариства зобов'язані:
- дотримуватися вимог установчих документів та внутрішніх нормативних актів (документів) Товариства, виконувати рішення загальних зборів акціонерів Товариства та інших органів управління Товариством;
- не розголошувати комерційну таємницю та конфіденційну інформацію стосовно діяльності Товариства;
- у разі заміни свого представника у вищому органі Товариства своєчасно повідомити про це виконавчий орган Товариства;
- виконувати інші обов'язки, передбачені чинним законодавством України та
4.8. Акціонери відповідають по зобов'язанням Товариства тільки у межах вартості належних їм акцій.
Акціонери, які не повністю сплатили Товариству за акції Товариства при додаткової емісії, несуть відповідальність за зобов'язаннями Товариства у межах неоплаченої суми за акції Товариства.
У випадку реорганізації або ліквідації юридичної особи - акціонера Товариства, смерті фізичної особи - акціонера Товариства, акції у порядку, передбаченому законодавством України, переходять до правонаступників (спадкоємців) акціонера, які з моменту виникнення та належного оформлення права власності на акції набувають усі права та обов'язки акціонера Товариства.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Article 4. The SHAREHOLDERS of the COMPANY
4.1. Shareholders are individuals and legal entities, as well as the State, represented by the body authorized to manage State property, or the local community in the face of authority, authorized to manage municipal property, who are the owners of shares.
Shareholders have the right to participate in the general meeting of shareholders and vote personally or through their representatives. One simple action Company shareholder one vote to resolve every issue at the general meeting, except cumulative voting;
-to participate in the election of the management and control defined in article 8 of the Charter, and be elected to them in the manner prescribed by this Charter and legislation;
-to participate in the distribution of the profits of the company and receive dividends;
-receive information about the activities of the Association.
-to dispose of the shares they own in any not prohibited by current legislation and this Statute the way.
At the request of a shareholder company is obliged to provide him for copies of the Charter, annual balance sheets, reports of the Association, meeting protocols in the Society, after the approval of the executive body.
4.2. Officials of the company and other persons who are in labor relations with the company, did not have the right to require a shareholder-employee Company providing details on how as he voted, or how he intends to vote at the general meeting, or alienation of a shareholder-employee of the Company or its shares to their alienation, or require transmission powers of attorney to participate in the General Meeting
4.3. In case of liquidation the shareholders are entitled to receive a portion of the value of the property of the Association, proportional to the value of their shares in the manner prescribed by the legislation.
4.4. In case of need, by prior agreement with the Supervisory Board, the shareholders of the company within the measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the Association may provide financial assistance to the Company in the amount necessary to repay the obligations of the company to creditors, and on the terms stipulated by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the company, in accordance with the legislation.
4.6. Preferential right of shareholders to purchase additional shares, which placed the company, valid only in the private placement and is established by legislation.
4.7. The shareholders of the company are:
-comply with the requirements of the statutory documents and internal regulations (documents) of the company, to carry out decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of the company and other management bodies of the company;
-not to disclose the trade secret and confidential information regarding activity of the company;
-in case of replacement of a representative in the highest body of the company timely inform the executive body of the company;
-to perform other duties stipulated by current legislation of Ukraine and
Regulations 4.8. Shareholders are responsible for obligations of the Association only within appropriate cost them the shares.
Shareholders that are not fully paid the Company for the shares in issuance, responsible for the obligations of the company within the limits of the unpaid amount for shares of the company.
in case of reorganization or liquidation of a legal person-a shareholder of the company, the death of an individual shareholder of the company, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine, pass to successors (heirs) of the shareholder, Since the occurrence and proper registration of the property rights on shares acquired all of the rights and obligations of the shareholder of the company.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Article 4 shareholders of the Company
4.1. Company's shareholders is recognized natural and legal persons, as well as the state represented by the body authorized to manage state property, or the local community in the face of the body authorized to manage municipal property, which are shareholders of the Company.
Shareholders have the right to:
- participate in the general meeting of shareholders and vote in person or through their representatives. One ordinary share of the Company gives the shareholder one vote to address each issue at a general meeting, except in cases of cumulative voting;
- to participate in the election of the management and control defined in Article 8 of the Charter, and to be elected to it in the manner prescribed by this Charter and legislation;
- to participate in the distribution of income of the Company and receive dividends;
- receive information about the society.
- dispose of the shares held by them in any not prohibited by applicable law and this Statute manner.
Upon request of shareholders of the Company is obliged to provide him with the copies of the Charter, annual reports, reports of the Company, minutes of meetings in the premises of the Company, with the concurrence of the Executive Body.
4.2. Officials of the Company and other persons of the Company are in employment are not entitled to require the shareholder - an employee of the Company to provide information about how to vote or how he intends to vote at the general meeting or the exclusion shareholder - its employees of the Company shares or the intent of the exclusion, or require the transfer of power of attorney to participate in general meetings
4.3. In the event of liquidation of the Company shareholders are entitled to receive the value of the Company's property proportional to the value of their shares of the Company in the manner provided by law.
4.4. If necessary, upon consultation with the Supervisory Board, the shareholders of the Company within the measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the Company may give financial assistance to the Company in an amount sufficient to meet obligations to creditors of the Company, and subject to the conditions stipulated by the Supervisory Board of the Company in accordance with legislation.
4.6. Preemptive rights to purchase shares placed by the Company in addition, valid only in the private placement and for the legislation.
4.7. Shareholders of the Company are required to:
- comply with the requirements of statutory documents and internal regulations (documents) of the Company, to execute a general meeting of shareholders of the Company and other body;
- not to disclose trade secrets and confidential information concerning the business of the Company;
- When replacing a representative in the supreme body of the Company to timely notify the executive body of the Company;
- perform other duties stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine and
4.8. Shareholders meet the liabilities of the Company only in the value of their shares.
Shareholders that are not fully paid by the Company's shares at an additional issue shall be liable for the obligations of the Company within the unpaid amount of the shares of the Company.
In case of reorganization or liquidation of the legal individuals - shareholders of the Company, an individual's death - a shareholder of the Company, shares in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine transferred to successor (successors) a shareholder who since the beginning and proper registration of title to shares acquired all the rights and obligations of shareholders.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
4.1. By the sharers of Amalgamated union are avowed of physical and legal entity, and also country in individual organ accredited to administer state assets, or territorial community in organ individual ,Accredited to administer communal assets which is the owners of the actions of Amalgamated union.
Sharers have the right:
- to take part in the general meeting of sharers and to vote personally or across the representatives.One simple action of Amalgamated union will accord sharer one voice for the solution of every question on general meeting, except the cases of the conduct of accrual vote;
- to take part in the election of the organs of management and control ,Determined in the article 8 this Status, and to be elected to them in order envisaged by this Status and legislation;
- to take part in distribution the income of Amalgamated union and to receive dividends ;
- To receive data on The amalgamated union activity.
- To dispose actions, what to them belong, in any not forbidden by effective legislation and this Status manner.
On demand sharer Amalgamated union is obligated to accord it for acquaintance copy Status, annual balances, the accounts of Amalgamated union, the minuteses of meeting in the premise of Amalgamated union, after reconciliation with Executive organ.
4.2.The functionary of the organs of Amalgamated union and other individuals which are with Amalgamated union in labor relations, are debarred demand from sharer - the worker of The amalgamated union of the rendering of data about that ,As he voted or as intends to vote on general meeting, or about alienation by sharer - the worker of The amalgamated union of the actions or the aim of their alienation ,Or to demand warrant transfer on participation in general zborakh
4.3. In razi the annihilations of Amalgamated union sharers have the right to receive part the cost of the assets of Amalgamated union, the proportional cost of proper to them the actions of Amalgamated union ,In order envisaged by legislation.
4.4. In razi necessity, behind preliminary reconciliation with naglyadovoiu council ,The sharers of Amalgamated union within measures concerning avoidance to insolvency Amalgamated unions can accord financial aid to Amalgamated union in size, adequate to the repayment of the commitments of Amalgamated union before creditors, and on conditions ,To envisaged the decisions of naglyadovoi the council of Amalgamated union, according to legislation.
4.6. The overwhelming right of sharers on the acquisition of actions, what supplementarily are located by Amalgamated union ,Action only in the process of the private allocation of actions and is established by legislation.
4.7. The sharers of Amalgamated union are obligated :
- To observe the demands of constituent documents and the internal normative acts (of documents) Amalgamated unions, to accomplish the decision of the general meeting of the sharers of Amalgamated union and other organs of management by Amalgamated union ;
- Do not blaze commercial secret and esoteric information about The amalgamated union activity ;
- In razi the replacers of the representative in the top organ of Amalgamated union betimes to report this executive organ of Amalgamated union;
- to accomplish others duties, envisaged by the effective legislation of Ukraine ta
4.8.Sharers correspond on commitments Amalgamated unions only within the cost of proper to them actions.
Sharers, what did not entirely paid Amalgamated union for the actions of Amalgamated union at supplementary emission ,Bear responsibility behind the commitments of Amalgamated union within unpaid assessment for the actions of Amalgamated union.
In case readjustment or the annihilations of legal entity - the sharer of Amalgamated union ,The death of natural person - the sharer of Amalgamated union, actions in order envisaged by the legislation of Ukraine, proceed to assignees (beneficiaries) sharer ,Which from the moment of creation and the proper legalization of ownership on actions acquire all rights and duties of the sharer of Amalgamated union.
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