я розповім вам про відкриття фотоапарата. Здається, що немає такої род перевод - я розповім вам про відкриття фотоапарата. Здається, що немає такої род английский как сказать

я розповім вам про відкриття фотоап

я розповім вам про відкриття фотоапарата. Здається, що немає такої родини, яка не володіла б своїм сімейним архівом фотографій. Цей архів зберігається і передається в родині на протязі багатьох років. Перші фотознімки почали з'являтися близько двохсот років тому. І в той час важко було собі уявити, що фотоапарат чекає цікава історія створення та розвитку.
Вся технологія фотографії побудована на законах заломлення світлових променів. Астроном Іоганн Кеплер почав використовувати закони заломлення світла, які давали можливість спостерігати проектування зображення на плоску поверхню. Але така проекція вперше була зафіксована лише в 1820 році Жозефом Нісефор Ньєпсом. В якості фіксатора зображення він використовував асфальтовий лак. Створена ним установка стала прообразом сучасної фотокамери.
перший у світі фотоапарат
Вільям Тальбот використав камеру-обскуру Ньєпса для отримання негативів, а також покращення якості зображень. Дещо пізніше, в 1865 році Т. Стептон винаходить дзеркальний об'єктив, а сама фотокамера набуває знайомий нам зовнішній вигляд. Така фотокамера вже давала можливість робити фотознімки досить високої якості.
Знаменною подією у розвитку фотографії стало створення фотоплівки фірмою Кodak. Ця подія відбулася в 1889 році. Через п'ять років, в 1904 році брати Люм'єр роблять відкриття, яке стало революційною подією у фотографії, вони запропонували використовувати спеціальні пластини, які давали можливість створювати кольорові фотографії.
Крім братів Люм'єр дослідженнями в області фотографії російський фотограф, хімік і винахідник С.М. Проскудін-Горський проводить ряд дослідів, внаслідок яких він запатентував ряд технологій для отримання унікальних кольорових фотографій. Але ці технології не набули широкого застосування і стали просто ще одним унікальним фактом в історії фотографії.
Масове виробництво фотоапаратів почалося в 1925 році. Випускався цей фотоапарат під маркою Leica. Ця фотокамера, в якій використовувалася плівка шириною 35 мм, тривалий час займала лідируюче положення у виробництві фотоапаратів. З невеликих негативів друкувалися великі зображення, що у той час вважалося дивом своєї епохи. Крім того, дана фірма вперше почала використовувати систему фокусування зображення, а також застосовують ефект затримки при створенні фотографії.
У 1963 році стався ще один революційний прорив в області створення фотографій - компанія Polaroid створює фотоапарат, який створював фотографії миттєво. Після цього всі дослідження і досягнення в даній галузі призводять розробників до створення сучасної цифрової фотокамери.
Перша цифрова фотографія зоряного неба була зроблена в 1974 році. Дещо пізніше, починаючи з 1980-х років починається випуск цифрових відеокамер, які сьогодні знайомі і звичні кожному з нас.
Людству знадобилося півтора століття, щоб навчитися запам'ятовувати навічно важливі події. А на сьогоднішній день фотоапарат - не просто технічне пристосування, а це можливість кожному з нас створювати високохудожні шедеври.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I will tell you about the opening of the camera. It seems that there is no such family, which owned the would his family archive of photographs. This archive is stored and transmitted in the family for many years. The first pictures began to appear about two hundred years ago. And while it was hard to imagine that the camera offers an interesting history of creation and development.The whole technology of photography based on the laws of refraction of light rays. Astronomer Johann Kepler began to use the laws of refraction of light, which gave the opportunity to observe the design images on a flat surface. But such a projection was first recorded only in 1820 Žozefom Nicéphore N′êpsom. As the release image he used asphalt varnish. Created him the installation became the prototype of the modern camera.World's first cameraWilliam Talbot used a camera-obskuru N′êpsa to get the negatives, as well as improving the quality of the images. Somewhat later, in 1865, t. Stepton invents a mirror lens, and the camera is familiar to us appearance. This camera is already able to make pictures of pretty high quality.Significant event in the development of photography was the creation of photographic film company to odak. This event took place in 1889. Five years later, in 1904 Lumière make opening, which was a revolutionary event in photography, they offered to use special plates that were given the ability to create color photos.In addition to research in the field of Lumiere brothers pictures Russian photographer, chemist and inventor, s. m. Proskudìn-gorsky conducts a series of experiments, by which he patented a number of technologies to produce unique color photos. But these technologies are not have been widely used and became just another unique fact in the history of photography.Mass production of the cameras started in 1925. Was this camera under the brand Leica. This camera, which used film width 35 mm, long time occupied the leading position in the production of cameras. From small negatives printed large images, which at the time was considered a miracle of his era. In addition, the firm first began to use the system to focus the image, and also used the effect of the delay in creating the pictures.In 1963 was another revolutionary breakthrough in the field of creating photos-Polaroid company creates a camera that created the photos instantly. After that all the research and achievements in this field lead the developers to create a modern digital camera.The first digital photography of the starry sky was made in 1974. Somewhat later, starting with the 1980s begins production of digital cameras that are now familiar and habitual to each of us.Man it took half a century to learn to remember forever important events. But today the camera-not just a technical adaptation, as is the opportunity to each of us to create artistic masterpieces.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I'll tell you about the opening of the camera. It seems that there is no family that did not have to their family Archives. This archive is stored and transmitted in the family for many years. The first pictures began appearing about two hundred years ago. And while it was hard to imagine that the camera is an interesting story of creation and development.
All photos technology is based on the laws of refraction of light rays. The astronomer Johannes Kepler began to use the laws of refraction of light, which made ​​it possible to observe projecting an image on a flat surface. But this projection was first recorded only in 1820 Joseph Nicephore Niepce. As holder image he used asphalt varnish. Established setting it became the prototype of the modern camera.
The world's first camera
William Talbot used a camera obscura Niepce for negatives and improve image quality. Later, in 1865 T. Stepton invents mirror lens, and the camera becomes familiar look. This camera has made ​​it possible to take pictures of high quality.
Significant event in the photos was the creation of Kodak film company. This event took place in 1889. Five years later, in 1904, the Lumière brothers made ​​a discovery which was a revolutionary event in the pictures, they suggested using special plates that made ​​it possible to create color photographs.
In the Lumiere brothers studies in photography Russian photographer, chemist and inventor SM Proskudin-Gorski conducting a series of experiments, due to which he patented a number of technologies to produce unique color photographs. However, these technologies have not been widely used and have become just another unique event in the history of photography.
Mass production of cameras began in 1925. Produced under the name of this camera Leica. This camera, which used a film of 35 mm long occupied a leading position in the production of cameras. From small negatives printed large image while considered a miracle of his era. In addition, the firm first started using the system image focus, and apply the effect of delay in creating photographs.
In 1963 there was another revolutionary breakthrough in the field of pictures - the company creates Polaroid camera that photographs created instantly. After all this research and developments in the industry lead developers to create a modern digital camera.
The first digital photography sky was made ​​in 1974. Later, starting in the 1980s, begins production of digital cameras, which are now known and familiar to all of us.
Mankind took half a century to learn forever remember important events. A camera today - not just technical adjustments, which enable each of us to create highly masterpieces.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I shall tell you about camera discovery. Appears that no such family which would not possess the family archive of photographs. This archive is preserved and is broadcasted in family during many years.First fotoznimki began to appear near of dvokhsot years therefore. And during that time hard was itself imagine that camera waits the interesting history of creation and development.
All technology photograph is built on the laws of zalomlennya luminous rays. Astronomer Iogann Kepler began to use laws zalomlennya light ,Which gave opportunity to observe the image designing on flat superficial. However such projection for the first time was fixed only in 1820 year Zhozefom Nisefor Nepsom.In the quality of fixatora image he used asphalt varnish. Is created it installation constant proobrazom modern fotokameri.
World's first camera
Viliam Talbot used camera-obskuru Nepsa for the reception of negatives, and also improvement the quality of images. Something afterwards, in 1865 year T. Stepton invents dzerkalnii ob'ektiv ,And alone fotokamera acquires familiar us exterior. Such fotokamera already gave opportunity to do fotoznimki enough excellence.
Znamennoiu by affair in photograph development became the creation of film by firm Kodak.This affair happened in 1889 year. Across five years, in 1904 year brothers Lium'er do revelations, what by constantly revolutionary affair in photographs, they requested to use special plates ,Which gave opportunity to create color photographs.
Except brothers Lium'er by explorations in area photograph Russian photographer, chemist and inventor S. M. Proskudin-Гorskii conducts the array of experiments ,Because of what he zapatentuvav the array of technologies for the reception of unique color photographs. However these technologies did not acquire broad administration and became simply one more unique fact in photograph history.
The mass manufacturing of cameras set in in 1925 year. Was exhaled this camera under stamp Leica. These fotokamera, in what vikoristovuvalasya film by breadth 35 mm ,Continued time engaged lidiruiuche position in the manufacturing of cameras. From a little negatives were printed large images, what during this time was believed by the miracle of the epoch. It is further ,Given firm for the first time began to use the system of fokusuvannya image, and also apply the delay effect at photograph creation.
In 1963 year happened one more revolutionary break-through in the area of the creation of photographs - company Polaroid creates camera which created photographs immediate.Thereafter all explorations and achievements in given branch lead developers to creation modern digital fotokameri.
The first digital photograph of zoryanogo heaven was done in 1974 year. Something afterwards ,Beginning from 1980 years will begin the issuance of digital video cameras, what today familiar and accustomed each of us.
To human race znadobilosya one and a half ages, in order to qualify zapam'yatovuvati navichno important affairs.And on present day camera - not simply technical accomodation, and this opportunity each of us to create visokokhudozhni masterpieces.
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