1. „Ви не можете мені сказати, чи поїхала міс Сміт лондонським потягом сьогодні вранці?” – запитав він у начальника станції. – „Ні. Вона запізнилася на нього.” 2. Вони проговорили близько двох годин, і потім він сказав, що йому треба побачитися ще з деякими друзями. 3. Його мати померла. Вона була вчителькою довгі роки. 4. Послухай-но, Джон, твоя хазяйка каже, що ти лежиш у ліжку цілий день сьогодні. Так же не годиться, правда? 5. Вона здивувалась, побачивши його. „Хіба ти не отримав мого листа?” – „Твого листа? Ні.” – „Так, звичайно, ти ще не міг його отримати. Я забула. Вона було відправлене тільки сьогодні вранці.” 6. Вона різко повернулась до чоловіка і сказала: „Я відведу машину додому”. – „Але ж ти не водила машину уже багато місяців”, - заперечив він. – „Я ще не забула, як це робиться”, 7. Ми всі троє пішли разом по вулиці. Протягом якогось часу всі мовчали. 8. „Дядя Том приїздить, - об’явила Мег. – Мама отримала від нього листа сьогодні вранці”. 9. На цьому тижні у мене ледве був час, щоб поглянути на газети. 10. „Тобі варто піти відвідати Віллі, - сказала вона. – Ти не бачив його уже три тижні. Ви що посварилися?” 11. Вони довго сиділи поруч. Джек першим порушив мовчанку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. "you can not tell me or left Miss Smith London by train this morning?" asked the head of the station. – No. She arrived late on him. " 2. they people talked for about two hours, and then he said that he had to see with some friends. 3. His mother died. She was a teacher for many years. 4. Listen-but, John, your hostess says you lie in bed all day today. Also not good, right? 5. She zdivuvalas′ to see it. "Don't you got my letter?" – "Your letter? Not. "-" Yes, of course, you are still not able to get it. I forgot. It was sent just this morning. " 6. She abruptly turned to the man and said: "I take the car home." "But aren't you drove the car for many months," he countered. "I haven't forgotten how it's done", 7. We all three went along the street. For some time all were silent. 8. "Uncle Tom arrives, announced Meg. -Mom got a letter from him this morning. " 9. This week, I barely had time to glance at the newspaper. 10. "you should go visit Willie," she said. You haven't seen it already, three weeks. You quarreling? " 11. They long sat nearby. Jack first broke the silence.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. "You can not tell me whether Miss Smith went to London by train this morning?" - He asked the chief of station. - "No. It was late on it. "2 They talked for about two hours, and then he said that he had yet to see some friends. 3. His mother died. She was a teacher for many years. 4. Listen, John, your hostess says you lie in bed all day today. As well not good, right? 5. She was surprised to see him. "Have you not received my letter?" - "Your letter? No. "-" Yes, of course, you still could not get it. I forgot. It was sent only this morning. "6. She abruptly turned to her husband and said," I bring the car home. " - "But did not you drove the car for many months," - he replied. - "I have not forgotten how to do it," 7. We all three went along the street. For some time, all silent. 8. "Uncle Tom comes - make known Meg. - My mother received a letter from him this morning. " 9. This week I barely had time to look at the newspapers. 10. "You should go visit Willie, - she said. - You did not see him for three weeks. Are you quarrel? "11 They long sitting nearby. Jack broke the silence first.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. "You cannot tell me whether went miss Smith London train this morning?" - he asked the chief of the station. - "Not. It late for him." 2. They talked about two hours, and then he saidHe needs see even with some friends. 3. His mother died. She was a teacher for many years. 4. Listen, John, your hostess says that you are lying in bed all day today. It is not good, right? 5.She was surprised the sight of him. "Don't you received my letter?" - "Your letter? Not." - "Yes, certainly, you still could not get it. I forgot. It was sent this morning." 6.She abruptly returned to her husband and said: "I am відведу machine home". - But you're not drove the car for many months", - said he. - "I has not forgotten, as it is done", 7. We all three went along the street.For some time everyone was silent. 8. "Uncle Tom come, - the yavila Мег. - Mom received from him a letter this morning". 9. This week I was the time to look at the newspaper. 10."You should go to visit the Villa, - she said. - You do not seen him for three weeks. What are you squabbled?" 11. They sat beside him. Jack first break the silence.
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