Перший шкільний день неможливо забути. Все нове, все цікаво. Так радіс перевод - Перший шкільний день неможливо забути. Все нове, все цікаво. Так радіс английский как сказать

Перший шкільний день неможливо забу

Перший шкільний день неможливо забути. Все нове, все цікаво. Так радісно на душі від того, що ти тепер учень , що ти вже великий. Далі йдуть наступні роки життя. Ти знайомишся з своїми новими вчителями. Всі вони хороші і розумні люди. Вони намагаються віддати нам свої знання і підготувати нас до дорослого життя. Але ми поки ще діти і нам іноді більше хочеться пограти і похуліганити, ніж вчитися. Ми не завжди розуміємо, що вчителі стараються для нас. Ми іноді їх розбудовуємо та навіть ображаємо. Кожен вчитель вимагає щось своє. Один, щоб не крутилися, інший, щоб не базікали і ще багато всього. Я намагаюся вчитися якомога краще, щоб не засмучувати батьків, та й самому мені це знадобиться. Знання потрібні скрізь і завжди, адже у мене попереду ще ціле життя. Батьки мені завжди говорять, що, якщо хочеш чогось досягти в житті, потрібно починати працювати з дитинства. Ось так я уявляю для себе своє шкільне життя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
First school day it is impossible to forget. Everything is new, everything is interesting. So gleefully on the soul from the fact that you're now the pupil that you are already great. This is followed by the following years of his life. You are znajomišsâ with their new teachers. They are all good and smart people. They are trying to give us their knowledge and prepare us to adulthood. But we're still the children we sometimes more eager to play and pohulìganiti than to learn. We don't always understand that teachers are trying hard for us. Sometimes we've forged them, and even wrong. Every teacher requires something of their own. One that is not spun, another to not chatted and much more. I'm trying to learn as much as possible it is better to not upset the parents, and the I need. Knowledge need everywhere and always, because I have a whole life ahead. Parents I always say that if you want to accomplish in life, you need to start working with childhood. So I submit to your school life.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
First day of school can not forget. All new, all interesting. So happy the soul of what you are now a student that you are great. Followed later in life. You get acquainted with their new teachers. All of them are good and smart people. They try to give us their knowledge and prepare us for adulthood. But we are still children, and sometimes we want to play more and hooliganism than to learn. We do not always understand that teachers are trying for us. We are building and sometimes even offend. Every teacher needs something. One that is not spinning, the other to not talking and much more. I'm trying to learn the best way possible, so as not to upset parents and myself needed. Knowledge needed everywhere, because I have a whole life ahead. Parents always tell me that if you want to achieve something in life, you need to start working from childhood. This is how I imagine for themselves their school life.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
First school day impossible to forget. All new, all interesting. So cheerfully on soul from what you now pupil, what you already large. Further go the following years of life. You get acquainted with the new teachers.All they are good and clever people. They attempt to cede us the knowledge and to prepare us to adult life. However we while more children to and us sometimes more is wanted pograti and pokhuliganiti, knife be taught. We do not always understand ,What teachers try for us. We sometimes of them develop and even insult. Every teacher demands anything the. One, in order to did not screw, other, in order to did not gossip and much all. I attempt be taught yakomoga better ,In order to do not sadden parents, and and alone me this znadobitsya. Knowledge are necessary everywhere and always, because a my place ahead more lifetime. Parents me always speak that, if want something to achieve in life ,It is necessary to to work from childhood. Here is so I imagine for itself the school life.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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