1. Свята в англомовних країнахІснує шість громадських свят у Великобри перевод - 1. Свята в англомовних країнахІснує шість громадських свят у Великобри английский как сказать

1. Свята в англомовних країнахІснує

1. Свята в англомовних країнах
Існує шість громадських свят у Великобританії, - це ті дні, коли людям не потрібно йти на роботу. До цих свят відносяться: Різдво, День подарунків, Страсна п’ятниця, Другий день Пасхи, Весняний вихідний день і Офіційне свято останнього дня літа. В Шотландії громадським святом також є Новий рік.
Новий рік.
В Англії Новий рік розповсюджений не так широко та святкується з меншим ентузіазмом, ніж Різдво. Деякі люди ігнорують його повністю та лягають спати в той же час, що й зазвичай, в канун Нового року. Однак, багато інших людей, тим чи іншим чином приймають участь у святі, а тип свята суттєво варіюється згідно з місцевим звичаєм, сімейними традиціями та особистим смаком.
В Канаді Новий рік має давню традицію святкування. Канун Нового року у Французькій Канаді відмічався (і все ще відмічається) за звичаєм групою молодих людей, одягнених к КОЛЬОРОВИЙ одяг, які ходили від дому до дому, співаючи та просячи подарунків для бідних.
В США багато людей проводить новорічні вечірки. Вечірка, як правило, починається приблизно в 8 годин і триває до самого світанку. Опівночі люди слухають бій Біг Бену, виголошують тости за початок Нового року та співають пісню «Добрі старі години».
Впродовж Пасхальних свят увага прогресивних людей у Великобританії і, по-суті, всього світу зосереджується головним чином на Пасхальних маршах світу, які проводились вперше в 1958 році та з тих пір стали традиційними. Люди, які приймають участь в цих маршах походять з різних верств суспільства.
День подяки. Кожного року американці святкують День подяки. Родини і друзі збираються на великий бенкет. Це офіційне свято в США. Багато людей йдуть до церкви вранці, а вдома мають велику вечерю з індичкою. Люди збираються, щоб подякувати Господові за все добро в їх житті. День подяки є фестивалем врожаю. Свято проводилось в 1621 році після першого врожаю в Новій Англії. В кінці 1620 року пасажири з Мейфлауеру приземлилися в Америці та почали там обживатися. Лише половина людей пережила суворі зими. Навесні індіанці дали поселенцям зерна індійської кукурудзи, і перший врожай виявився дуже гарним. Пізніше, Дні подяки після збору врожаю святкувалися в усіх колоніях Нової Англії, але в той же день. В жовтні 1863 року Президент Аврам Лінкольн проголосив День подяки національним святом. В 1916 році Конгрес США проголосив четвертий четвер листопада Днем подяки. День подяки є «днем Всезагального дня подяки всемогутньому Господу за щедрий врожай, який була благословенна Канада». Регулярні щорічні святкування почалися в 1879 році. З 1957 року День подяки проводився в день другого понеділка жовтня.
Великобританія, США, Канада, Австралія та Нова Зеландія є англомовними країнами. Вони розташовані в різних частинах світу та різняться багатьма шляхами.
Кожна країна має свої власні історичні звичаї, традиції, власні національні свята. Але всі вони мають спільну мову. Англійська – мова людей, які лишили Англію, щоб побудувати своє життя в нових країнах.
Незважаючи на відстань між трьома країнами, Об’єднане Королівство, Сполучені Штати Америки та Австралія, мають схожі риси у багатьох традиціях, звичаях і святкування, які вони відмічають. Як говориться в англійському прислів’ї «Скільки країн, стільки й звичаїв». Комбінація слів «традиція» та «звичай» означає звичайний спосіб дій, віру у важливе, поведінку, яка передається від покоління до покоління.
Більшість англомовних країн має схожі святкування та свята, які є важливими. Однак, існують окремі дні, які інші країни не святкують, такі як День Незалежності в Сполучених Штатах або День Австралії в Австралії. Також існують святкування, яка відмічаються тільки в певній частині країни, такі як День святого Георга в Англії, Единбурзький фестиваль в Шотландії або Фестиваль бардів в Уельсі.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. holidays in the English-speaking countriesThere are six public holidays in the UK-those days when people don't need to go to work. To these holidays include: Christmas day, good Friday, the second day of Easter, Spring Day and the official celebration of the last day of summer. In Scotland public holiday is new year.New year's Eve. In England the new year spread is not so widely and celebrated with less enthusiasm than Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time, which usually, in the eve of the new year. However, many other people one way or another participate in the Saints, and the type of holidays significantly varies according to local custom, the family tradition and personal taste.In Canada, the new year has a long tradition of celebration. New year's Eve in French Canada was awarded (and still have) when a group of young people dressed to COLOR clothes, who went from House to House, singing and begging for gifts for the poor.In the United States many people spends new year's Party. The party usually starts about 8 hours and lasts until dawn. At midnight the people listen to battle Big Ben Fry toast at the beginning of the new year and sing the song "good old times". The Passover.During the Easter holidays the attention of progressive people in the UK and, in fact, the whole world focuses mainly on Easter peace marches in the world, which was held for the first time in 1958 and since then have become traditional. People who take part in these marches come from different strata of society.Thanksgiving day. Each year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Family and friends gather at a large banquet. It is an official holiday in the United States. Many people go to church in the morning and at home have a large dinner with Turkey. People gather to thank God for all the good things in their life. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. The Feast was held in 1621 after the first harvest in New England. At the end of the year 1620 the passengers with Mejflaueru landed in America and started there obživatisâ. Only half of people survived the harsh winter. In the spring the Indians gave settlers a grain of Indian corn, and the first harvest was very good. Later, the days of Thanksgiving after the harvest svâtkuvalisâ in all of the colonies of New England, but on the same day. In October 1863, President of Horticultural proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1916, Congress United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is a day of Thanksgiving Vsezagal′nogo vsemogutn′omu the Lord for a bountiful harvest, which was blessed Canada. " Regular annual celebration began in 1879. From 1957, Thanksgiving was a day the second Monday of October.United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English-speaking countries. They are located in different parts of the world and differ in many ways.Each country has its own historical customs, traditions, their own national holiday. But they all have a common language. English – the language of people who left England to build their lives in the new countries.Despite the distance between the three countries, United Kingdom, United States of America and Australia, have similar features in many traditions, customs and celebrations that they mark. As stated in the English proverb "how many countries, many customs". The combination of the words "tradition" and "custom" means regular action, belief in the important behaviour that is transmitted from generation to generation.Most English-speaking countries has similar celebrations and holidays that are important. However, there are certain days that other countries do not celebrate, such as independence day in the United States or Australia day in Australia. There are also celebrating, which is observed only in certain parts of the country, such as the day of St. George in England, the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland or the Bard Festival in Wales.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Holidays in English-speaking countries
There are six public holidays in the UK - these are the days when people do not have to go to work. These holidays include Christmas, Boxing Day, Good Friday, the second day of Easter, Spring weekend and public holidays the last day of summer. In Scotland there is also a public holiday the New Year.
New Year.
In England, the New Year is not as widely distributed and is celebrated with less enthusiasm than Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time as usual, in the eve of the New Year. However, many other people in any way involved in the festival, and type of celebration varies considerably according to local custom, family traditions and personal taste.
In Canada, the New Year has a long tradition of celebrating. New Year's Eve in French Canada was marked (and still is marked) after the manner of a group of young people wearing colorful clothes for who went from house to house, singing and begging for gifts for the poor.
In the US, many people spend Christmas party. The party usually starts at about 8:00 and lasts until dawn. At midnight, people listen to Big Ben fight, says a toast to the New Year and start singing the song "The good old hours."
During the Easter holidays attention of progressive people in the UK and, in fact, the whole world is focused mainly on Easter marches world conducted for the first time in 1958 and has since become traditional. People who take part in these marches from different walks of life.
Thanksgiving. Each year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Family and friends gather for a great feast. This is an official holiday in the United States. Many people go to church in the morning and at home with a big dinner with turkey. People gather to thank God for all the good in their lives. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Celebration was held in 1621 after the first harvest in New England. At the end of 1620 Mayflower passengers landed in America and there began to grow roots. Only half of people survived the harsh winter. In the spring the Indians gave the settlers a grain of Indian corn, and the first harvest was very good. Later, Days of Thanksgiving after the harvest was celebrated in all the colonies of New England, but on the same day. In October 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1916, the US Congress declared the fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is a "day of universal Thanksgiving to Almighty God for bountiful harvest that was blessed Canada." Regular annual celebration began in 1879. Since 1957, Thanksgiving Day was held the second Monday in October.
UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English-speaking countries. They are located in different parts of the world and different in many ways.
Each country has its own historical traditions, its own national holiday. But they all have a common language. English - the language of the people who left England to build their lives in new countries.
Despite the distance between the three countries, United Kingdom, United States and Australia, have similarities in many traditions, customs and celebrations, they note. As stated in the English proverb "How many countries, so many customs." The combination of the words "tradition" and "custom" means the ordinary course of action, belief in important behavior that is passed from generation to generation.
Most English-speaking countries have similar celebrations and festivals that are important. However, there are some days that other countries do not celebrate like Independence Day in the United States or Australia Day Australia. There are also celebrations that marked only in certain parts of the country, such as St. George's Day in England, Edinburgh Festival in Scotland or Bard Festival in Wales.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Holidays in english-speaking krainakh
Іsnue six social holidays in Great britain, - these that days to, when people not necessary to go on work. To these holidays relate: Christmas, The day of gifts, Strasna Friday, Another day of Easter ,Vesnyanii original day of and Official the holily last day of summer. IN Shotlandii social holiday also is New year.
New year.
IN England New year is circulated not so broadly and is celebrated with less enthusiasm ,Knife is Christmas. Several people ignore it entirely and go to bed into the same time, what and as usual, in kanun New year. However of, many other people, by this or that rank take part in festival ,And type holy essentially variiuetsya according to local custom, family traditions and personal flavor.
IN Canada New year has the long-standing tradition of celebration.Kanun New year in French Kanadi was annotated (and still is annotated) behind custom by the group of young people dressed k COLOR apparel which went from home to home singing and asking for gifts for meagre.
IN THE USA many of people conducts novorichni parties. Party, as a rule, will begin about in 8 hours and lasts to alone dawn. In midnight people listen Raced Benu ,Enunciate toasts for the beginning of New year and sing song "Kind old hours".
Vprodovzh Paskhalnikh holidays the attention of progressive people in Great britain and, on-essence ,All world is concentrated mainly on Paskhalnikh marshakh world, what were conducted for the first time in 1958 year and since then became traditional. People which take part in these marshakh accrue from the different layers of society.
Thanksgiving day. Yearly americans celebrate Thanksgiving day. Family and friends gather for large banquet. This official holiday is in USA. Many people go to church vrantsi, and at home have large supper with indichkoiu.People are about to, in order to thank Gospodovi for all boon in their life. Thanksgiving day is festivalem harvest. Holiday in 1621 year after first harvest in New England was conducted.In end 1620 year passengers with Meiflaueru landed in America and began there obzhivatisya. Only half of people experienced strict winter. In the spring indiantsi gave settlers the grains of indian corn ,And first harvest was indicated very pretty. It is afterwards, Thanksgiving days after harvest gathering were celebrated in all colonies of New England, however into the same day.
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