2.Василь Ярославович Вірастюк народився 22 квітня 1974 року в Івано-Фр перевод - 2.Василь Ярославович Вірастюк народився 22 квітня 1974 року в Івано-Фр английский как сказать

2.Василь Ярославович Вірастюк народ

2.Василь Ярославович Вірастюк народився 22 квітня 1974 року в Івано-Франківську в родині водія вантажних автомобілів. У 10 років він почав займатися легкою атлетикою, штовхав ядра. Закінчив 8 класів Івано-Франківської середньої школи в 1989 році. У 13 років вперше сів за кермо вантажівки і відразу проїхав 25 Найбільше виділялися з-посеред них впевнений у своїх ідеях єпископ Александрії Афанасій та три інші церковні провідники з Каппадокії (Мала Азія): Василь Великий, його брат Григорій Нісський і їхній приятель Григорій Назіанзін.

Chief among them were Athanasius, the assertive bishop of Alexandria, and three church leaders from Cappadocia, Asia Minor—Basil the Great, his brother Gregory of Nyssa, and their friend Gregory of Nazianzus.
Василь вже багато років служить у Бетелі в Росії. Коли 30 березня 2014 року він свідчив неподалік філіалу з пересувним стендом, біля нього зупинилася поліцейська машина.

On March 30, 2014, Vasilii, a longtime member of the Russia Bethel family, was witnessing with a literature cart near the branch office when a police car approached.
«У православній церкві... особливо шануються письменники IV століття, а зокрема так звані «три Великі Ієрархи»: Григорій Назіанзін, Василь Великий та Іоанн Златоуст»,— зазначає письменник-монах Каллістос.

“The Orthodox Church . . . has a particular reverence for the writers of the fourth century, and especially for those whom it terms ‘the three Great Hierarchs,’ Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom,” states the writer Kallistos, who is a monk.
Василь Великий залишався «греком» і надалі».

Basil remained a ‘Greek.’”
Василь вирішив послухатися і не встрявати в суперечку.

Vasilii decided that it would be best to obey the police and not argue about his rights.
Наступного дня Василь все пояснив мені.

The next day he explained the matter.
Василь Ґузо, старійшина із Закарпаття, пригадує, що у 1960-х роках за «теократичну бібліотеку» йому служив карпатський ліс.

Vasyl Guzo, an elder from Transcarpathia, recalls that in the 1960’s he used a forest in the Carpathian Mountains as a “theocratic library.”
Василь висловив подібну думку: «Деколи людині необхідно лише з кимсь поговорити».

Vincent likewise observes: “Sometimes people just want to talk.”
Василь ніколи не вживав наркотиків, однак він теж почувався поневоленим.

Vasyl never used drugs, but he did not escape captivity.
Ваше повне ім’ я. Приклад: Василь Петренко

Your full name. Example: Joe User
Ось що розповів Василь Савчук: «Я охрестився на Україні в 1941 році, коли мені було 14.

Vasily Savchuk remembers: “I was baptized in Ukraine in 1941 at 14 years of age.
Василь зі своєю дружиною Іриною.

Vasyl with his wife, Iryna
Тоді начальник запитав, чому Василь, знаючи, що не порушує закону, послухався поліцейських і пішов.

The chief asked Vasilii why he, although knowing that he was fully within his rights, did not object to the policemen’s demands for him to stop his activity?
Василь Калін сказав: «Вони використовували різні методи, намагаючись відбити у нас бажання вести християнське життя.

Vasyl Kalin said: “They used many methods to try to suppress our desire to lead a Christian life.
Андрій Олексій Богдан Валентин Валентина Валерій Василь Віктор Володимир В' ячеслав Галина Дмитро Данила Євген Ігор Іван Іванна Катерина Костянтин Люба Марина Марія Микита Микола Мирослав Мирослава Надія Наталя Ніна Неля Олег Олександр Олександра Олена Олеся Пилип Параска Роман Руслан Саша Світлана Семен Сергій Степан Устин Федір Христина Юлія Ярослав Ярослава

Adam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim Walter
Упродовж подальшої розмови Василь пояснив, що наша проповідницька діяльність цілком законна.кілометрів
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
2. Vasil Yaroslavovych Virastjuk was born April 22, 1974 in Ivano-Frankivsk in the family of the driver of the truck. In 10 years he started practicing athletics, hustled. He graduated 8 classes of Ivano-Frankivsk secondary school in 1989. In the 13 years first sat behind the wheel of the truck and immediately drove the 25 Most stood out from among them, confident in their ideas of Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria and three other church leaders from Cappadocia (Asia minor): Basil the great, his brother Grigory Nìss′kij and their friend Gregory Nazìanzìn.Chief among them were Athanasius, the assertive bishop of Alexandria, and three church leaders from Cappadocia, Asia Minor—Basil the Great, his brother Gregory of Nyssa, and their friend Gregory of Nazianzus.Vasyl for many years in Betelì in Russia. When March 30, 2014, he testified the nearby branch of the moving stand, stopped a police car.On March 30, 2014, Vasilii, a longtime member of the Russia Bethel family, was witnessing with a literature cart near the branch office when a police car approached."In the Orthodox Church. especially honored writers of the IV century, and in particular the so-called "three great Hierarchs: Gregory Nazìanzìn, Basil the great and John Chrysostom", says writer-monk Kallìstos."The Orthodox Church . . . has a particular reverence for the writers of the fourth century, and especially for those whom it terms 'the three Great Hierarchs,' Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom," states the writer Kallistos, who is a monk.Basil the great was "Greek" and later ".Basil remained a 'Greek.'"Vasiliy decided to follow and not vstrâvati in the dispute.Vasilii decided that it would be best to obey the police and not argue about his rights.The next day, Vasyl everything explained to me.The next day he explained the matter.Vasily Ǵuzo, the elder of the Transcarpathian region, recalls that in the 1960s for "teokratičnu library" served the Carpathian forest.Vasyl Guzo, an elder from Transcarpathia, recalls that in the 1960's he used a forest in the Carpathian Mountains as a "theocratic library."Vasyl expressed a similar view: "Sometimes a man just someone to talk to."Vincent likewise observes: "Sometimes people just want to talk."Basil never used drugs, but he, too, felt enslaved.Vasyl never used drugs, but he did not escape captivity.Your full name example: Vasily PetrenkoYour full name. Example: Joe UserHere's what Vasily said Savchuk, I was baptized in Ukraine in 1941, when I was 14.Vasily Savchuk remembers: "I was baptized in Ukraine in 1941 at 14 years of age.Vasyl with his wife Irina.Vasyl with his wife, IrynaThen the head of Vasil asked why, knowing that does not violate the law, followed the police and went on.The chief asked Vasilii why he, although knowing that he was fully within his rights, did not object to the policemen's demands for him to stop his activity?Vasily Kalin said, "they used a variety of techniques, trying to recapture the US desire to lead a Christian life.Vasyl Kalin said: "They used many methods to try to suppress our desire to lead a Christian life.Andrey Alexey Bogdan Valentin Valentine Victor Valery Vladimir Vasil ' expert Galina Dmitry Daniel Eugene Igor Ivan Ivanna Mrs. Constantine Dear Marina Maria Nikita Nikolay Miroslav Miroslav Hope Natalie Nina Nelya Oleg Alexander Alexander Elena Olesya Philip Paraska Roman Ruslan Sasha Svetlana Semen Sergey Stepan That Fedor Christina Julia Yaroslav YaroslavAdam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim WalterDuring the subsequent conversation Vasyl explained that our propovìdnic′ka activity is quite legitimate kilometers
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
2.Vasyl Virastiuk Ya was born April 22, 1974 in Ivano-Frankivsk in the family truck driver. At 10 he started athletics, pushing the core. He graduated from the 8 classes Ivano-Frankivsk High School in 1989. In 13 years, first sat behind the wheel of the truck and immediately traveled the 25 most stood out from among them confident in their ideas bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius and three other church leaders from Cappadocia (Asia Minor), Basil the Great, his brother Gregory of Nyssa, and their friend Gregory of Nazianzus.

Chief among them were Athanasius, the assertive bishop of Alexandria, and three church leaders from Cappadocia, Asia Minor-Basil the Great, his brother Gregory of Nyssa, and their friend Gregory of Nazianzus.
Basil has for many years served in Bethel in Russia. When the March 30, 2014 he testified nearby branch with a mobile stand next to it stood a police car.

On March 30, 2014, Vasilii, a longtime member of the Russia Bethel family, was witnessing with a literature cart near the branch office when a police car approached.
"In the Orthodox Church ... especially revered writers IV century, and in particular the so-called" Big Three Hierarchs ": Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great and John Chrysostom," - says the writer-monk Kallistos.

"The Orthodox Church. . . has a particular reverence for the writers of the fourth century, and especially for those whom it terms 'the three Great Hierarchs,' Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom, "states the writer Kallistos, who is a monk.
Basil the Great remained "Greek" and the future ".

Basil remained a 'Greek.' "
Vasil decided to disobey and do not get involved in the dispute.

Vasilii decided that it would be best to obey the police and not argue about his rights.
The next day, Basil explained everything to me.

The next day he explained the matter.
Basil Ґuzo, elder from Transcarpathia, recalls that in the 1960s for "theocratic library" he served Carpathian forest.

Vasyl Guzo, an elder from Transcarpathia, recalls that in the 1960's he used a forest in the Carpathian Mountains as a "theocratic library."
Basil expressed a similar opinion: "Sometimes people just need someone to talk with."

Vincent likewise observes: "Sometimes people just want to talk."
Vasyl never used drugs, but he also felt enslaved.

Vasyl never used drugs, but he did not escape captivity.
Your full name 'i. Example: Vasily Petrenko

Your full name. Example: Joe User
's what Basil Savchuk said: "I was baptized in Ukraine in 1941, when I was 14.

Vasily Savchuk remembers:" I was baptized in Ukraine in 1941 at 14 years of age.
Vasily and his wife Irina.

Vasyl with his wife, Iryna
Then the chief asked why Basil, knowing that does not violate the law, police obeyed and left.

The chief asked Vasilii why he, although knowing that he was fully within his rights, did not object to the policemen's demands for him to stop his activity?
Vasyl Kalin said: "They used different methods of trying to discourage us the desire to lead a Christian life.

Vasyl Kalin said: "They used many methods to try to suppress our desire to lead a Christian life.
Andrew Alex Bogdan Valentin Valentin Valery Vasyl Victor Vladimir B 'Vyacheslav Galina Dmitri Daniel Eugene Igor Ivan Ivanov Ekaterina Konstantin Luba Marina Maria Nikita Nicholas Miroslav Miroslav Hope Natalie Nina Nelia Oleg Alexander Alexander Elena Olesya Philip Paraska Roman Ruslan Sasha Svetlana Simon Sergey Stepan Ustin Theodore Christine Julia Jaroslav Jaroslav

Adam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim Walter
During further conversation Basil explained that our preaching of quite zakonna.kilometriv "They used many methods to try to suppress our desire to lead a Christian life. Andrew Alex Bogdan Valentin Valentin Valery Vasyl Victor Vladimir B 'Vyacheslav Galina Dmitri Daniel Eugene Igor Ivan Ivanov Ekaterina Konstantin Luba Marina Maria Nikita Nicholas Miroslav Miroslav Hope Natalie Nina Nelia Oleg Alexander Alexander Elena Olesya Philip Paraska Roman Ruslan Sasha Svetlana Simon Sergey Stepan Ustin Theodore Christine Julia Jaroslav Jaroslav Adam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim Walter During further conversation Basil explained that our preaching of quite zakonna.kilometriv "They used many methods to try to suppress our desire to lead a Christian life. Andrew Alex Bogdan Valentin Valentin Valery Vasyl Victor Vladimir B 'Vyacheslav Galina Dmitri Daniel Eugene Igor Ivan Ivanov Ekaterina Konstantin Luba Marina Maria Nikita Nicholas Miroslav Miroslav Hope Natalie Nina Nelia Oleg Alexander Alexander Elena Olesya Philip Paraska Roman Ruslan Sasha Svetlana Simon Sergey Stepan Ustin Theodore Christine Julia Jaroslav Jaroslav Adam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim Walter During further conversation Basil explained that our preaching of quite zakonna.kilometriv
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
2%20%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%BD%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%B2%208%20%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81% D1%96%D0%B2%20%D0%86%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%of BE-%D0%A4%D1%80% D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%B2%D1%81% D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%97%20%D1%81% D0%B5%D1%80% D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8C%D0%BE%D1%97%20%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%B2%201989%20%D1%80% D0%BE%D1%86%D1%96.%%%%%%T%%V%%20%E2%80% 9CThey%20used%20many%20saying%20to%20try%20to%20suppress%20our%20desire%20to%20lead%20a%20Christian%20life.%5E%%%
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