Мабуть, якщо говорити про мої улюблені салати, то одним з перших на ду перевод - Мабуть, якщо говорити про мої улюблені салати, то одним з перших на ду английский как сказать

Мабуть, якщо говорити про мої улюбл

Мабуть, якщо говорити про мої улюблені салати, то одним з перших на думку спадає вінегрет. Цей салат з красивою французькою назвою нерідко з'являвся на нашому столі ще тоді, коли я була маленькою дівчинкою і зовсім не цікавилася кулінарією. Пройшли роки, але моя мама так само часто балує їм домочадців. Напевно, якби свого часу саме мама не прищепила мені любов до деяких страв, вони могли б так і не з'явитися тепер уже в моєму власному меню. Але, на щастя, все склалося вдало, а тому сьогодні я вважаю своєю улюбленою стравою саме вінегрет.

Варто відзначити, що, всупереч поширеній думці, цей салат зовсім не є старовинним російським блюдом, і придуманий він був відносно недавно. Однак і тут існує кілька версій. За однією з них, вперше вінегрет був поданий ще Катерині Великій, яка, ледь спробувавши цю холодну страву, вигукнула: «Фі, ще й не грітий!». Так і народилася, а пізніше вже і закріпилася його назва.

Однак історики говорять про те, що походить назва вінегрету все-таки з французької мови, де «vinaigre» - це винний оцет або дуже кисле вино, а «vinaigrette» - салатна заправка, до складу якої обов'язково входять оцет і рослинне масло. Щоб приготувати цю заправку, сіль і перець розчиняють у винному оцті (як варіант можна використовувати сік лимона або лайма), після чого вводять рослинне масло і збивають до отримання емульсії. Після цього, за бажанням, додають петрушку, зелену цибулю, кріп, каперси, естрагон, кервель, ріпчасту цибулю, цибулю-шалот. Стабілізують заправку гірчицею або звареним круто яєчним жовтком.

Як видно з наведеного вище рецепта, в сучасному салаті вінегрет від цієї заправки залишилася хіба що французька назва. Рідкісна господиня готуватиме її за всіма правилами – зазвичай справа обмежується сумішшю рослинного масла з оцтом, а то й зовсім одним тільки маслом. Але повернемося до нашого салату.

Вікіпедія говорить нам про те, що «Вінегрет» - це популярний в Україні та інших країнах колишнього СРСР салат з відварних буряків, картоплі, моркви, а також солоних огірків і зеленої або ріпчастої цибулі та квашеної капусти. А народилося це блюдо на імператорській кухні Олександра I, де колись працював відомий французький кухар Антуан Карем. Спостерігаючи за роботою російських кухарів, які готували невідомий йому салат, і побачивши, що його заправляють оцтом, Антуан вигукнув: «Vinaigre?» («Оцет?»). На що кухарі, вирішивши, що француз вимовив назву страви, ствердно закивали головою: «Вінегрет, вінегрет». Так і з'явився в царському меню незвичайний салат, який незабаром знайшов широку популярність і дуже полюбився простому народу, так і виникла назва моєї улюбленої страви.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Perhaps, if we talk about my favorite salads, one of the first to come to mind vinaigrette. This salad with a beautiful French name often appeared on our table when I was a little girl and not interested in cookery. Have passed years, but my mom so often spoils them throughout the House. Perhaps, if his time mom not instilled in me a love for some of the dishes they might not appear now in my own menu. But, fortunately, everything went successfully, and so today I find his favorite dish exactly vinaigrette.It is worth noting that, contrary to popular belief, this salad is not the old Russian dish, and thought it was relatively recently. However, there are several versions here. According to one of them, the first time the vinaigrette was another Catherine the great, which barely tasted this cold dish, exclaimed: "PHI, but still not grìtij!". And so was born, and later already gained its name.However, historians say that comes the name vìnegretu still with the French language, where "vinaigre" is wine vinegar or sour wine, and "vinaigrette"-salatna refueling, which necessarily includes vinegar and vegetable oil. To prepare the filling, dissolve the salt and pepper in the wine vinegar (as an option, you can use lemon juice or lime) and then injected vegetable oil and shake to get the emulsion. After this, if desired, add parsley, chives, dill, capers, tarragon, kervel, onions, shallots. Stabilize the refills mustard or welded hard boiled egg yolk.As can be seen from the above prescription, in a modern salad vinaigrette from this filling was left except that the French name. Rare hostess will prepare her for all the rules – usually it is limited to a mixture of vegetable oil with vinegar, and then do one just oil. But back to our salad.Wikipedia tells us that "Vinaigrette" is popular in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR vìdvarnih salad with beets, potatoes, carrots and pickles and green or onion and sauerkraut. But was this dish on the kitchen ìmperators′kìj Alexander I once worked as a famous French chef Antoine Careme. Watching the work of Russian chefs who were unknown to him a salad, and seeing that his fill with vinegar, Antoine exclaimed: "Vinaigre?" ("Vinegar"). What cooks, deciding that the Frenchman said the name of the food, yes zakivali head: the Vinaigrette, vinaigrette. And appeared in the Royal menu unusual salad, who soon found wide popularity and a very favorite of the simple people, and originated the name of my favorite dishes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Apparently, when it comes to my favorite salads, one of the first comes to mind vinaigrette. This salad with a beautiful French name often appeared on our table even when I was a little girl and not interested in cooking. Years passed, but my mother as often indulge their household. Perhaps its time if it is not my mother instilled in me a love for some dishes, they could never be now in my own menu. But fortunately, everything turned out well, and why I believe it is his favorite dish salad. It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, this salad is not old Russian dish, and it was invented relatively recently. However, there are several versions. On one of them, the first salad was served even Catherine the Great, which barely tasted this dish cold, exclaimed: "Phi, yet not warm!". Thus was born, and later already entrenched his name. But historians say that the name vinaigrette still in French where «vinaigre» - this is wine vinegar or too sour wine, «vinaigrette» - Dressings, the composition of which necessarily includes vinegar and vegetable oil. To make this dressing, salt and pepper dissolved in the wine vinegar (as an option, you can use lemon juice or lime), and then injected vegetable oil and whisk until the emulsion. Then, if desired, add parsley, green onions, dill, capers, tarragon, chervil, onion, shallot. Stabilize mustard dressing or hard-boiled egg yolk. As seen from the above recipe in modern vinaigrette salad filling remainder of this unless the French name. Rare hostess will prepare it according to the rules - usually limited right mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar, or even only one oil. But back to our salad. Wikipedia tells us that "Russian salad" - is popular in Ukraine and other former Soviet Union salad of boiled beets, potatoes, carrots and pickles and green or onions and sauerkraut. But this dish was born in the imperial kitchens of Alexander I, where he had worked for a famous French chef Antoine Karem. Watching the work of Russian cooks who prepared the salad unknown to him, and seeing that it is filled with vinegar, Antoine exclaimed: «Vinaigre?» («Vinegar?"). On the cooks decided that the Frenchman said the names of the dishes, nodded his head affirmatively: "Russian salad, vinaigrette". So in the royal menu was unusual salad that soon found fame and very fond of ordinary people, and there was the name of my favorite dishes.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Perhaps, if we talk about my favorite salads, one of the first of salad. This salad with a beautiful French name often appear on our table at a timeWhen I was a little girl and not interested in cooking. Years passed, but my mother just how often indulge in their family. Perhaps, if it in his time as my mother didn't has imparted to me love to certain dishes,They could not appear now in my own menu. But, fortunately, everything was successful, and that is why I think his favorite dish is vinaigrette.

It is worth noting that, contrary to popular belief,This salad does not reflect the old Russian dishes and fictitious he was relatively recently. But here there are several versions. According to one of them, the first salad was filed another Catherine the Great, whichBarely trying this cold dish exclaimed: "Finance, and yet not грітий!". So he was born, and later already gained its title.

But historians say that does the name salad, still in French.Where "vinaigre" is the wine vinegar or too sour wine, and "Vinaigrette" - salad dressing, which are necessarily included vinegar and vegetable oil. To make this filling,Salt and pepper dissolve in balsamic vinegar (as an option you can use lemon juice or lime), then deceive vegetable oil and fluff to obtaining emulsion. After that, if desired, add parsley,Green onions, dill, capers, tarragon, chervil, leek, onions, shallots. Stabilize refueled mustard or boiled egg yolk.

As can be seen from the above recipeIn the modern salad salad from this salad remained is that French title. Rare housewife replacing it with all the rules - usually it is limited with a mixture of vegetable oil with vinegar,And sometimes does one just oil. But back to our salad.

Wikipedia tells us that "Vinaigrette" is a popular in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR salad of boiled beets, potatoes, carrots,And pickled cucumbers and green or onions and sauerkraut. And 2,351 this dish at Imperial kitchen Alexander I, where he once worked as a famous French chef Antoine. They includeWatching their Russian cooks, who prepared the unknown him salad and seeing that his refueled with vinegar, Antoine shouted: "Vinaigre?" ("Vinegar?"). The chefs, deciding that the Frenchman attribute name dishesYes nodded agree: "Vinaigrette, salad. And appeared in the royal menu unusual salad, which soon found fame and very fond of simple people,So the name of my favorite meal.
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