Результаты (
английский) 2:
Lyubimaya My book, "Harry Potter and the philosophical stone." Her author - Joan Rolynh. Within this book rasskazыvaetsya of crude-Boy Harry Potter Lives kotoryya Tetko own way in the family and does not know, something on genuine volshebnyk. . When EMU yspolnylos 11 years, on uznaet, accounted something magic in school. To school him in poyavlyayuts friends (Hermione Granger, Ron, and Nevyll) and enemy. Harry Took the team on kvyddychu and ego vыyhrыvaet the team in the match. Online popadaet raznыe in history, his little ysklyuchyly not IZ school. Professor Mag Honahall presented emu Mettlach, and Professor Dumbledore presented mantyyu - invisible, kotoraja earlier prynadlezhala ottsu Harry. At the end of Harry uznaet mysterious death svoyh parents, co svoymy Friends Together raskrыvaet philosophical mystery stones and breaking meshaet volshebnyku delighted him. "Harry Potter and the philosophical stone" - is Very ynteresnaya book.
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