Декілька МІСЯЦІВ тому Джордж купив квартиру в центрі Лондона. Дейв і Керол допомогли йому придбати меблі і все необхідне для квартири. Джордж запросив своїх родичів і друзів на новосілля. Гостям сподобалася квартира - невелика, але затишна та добре мебльована. Джорджу подобалось виступати в ролі господаря. Він привітав гос¬тей, показав їм квартиру, прийняв подарунки: настінний годинник і настільну лампу, книжкову полицю, картину та інші речі.
Гості почувалися як вдома, жартували, обмінювалися компліментами. Як завжди, Джордж і його друзі зразу ж почали обговорювати політичні проблеми, але потім пе¬рейшли до спільної розмови про музику і книги Тепер Джон сів на свого улюбленого коника і розповів багато цікавих фактів, пов’язаних з історією Англії.
Бесіду перервала Керол, яка запросила всіх до столу. Гості скуштували багато смач¬них страв. Після обіду слухали музику і танцювали. Музика принесла справжню насо¬лоду. Всіх розсмішив Вільям, який заспівав кумедну пісеньку французькою мовою
Було вже доволі пізно, коли гості зібралися йти. Джордж провів їх і запросив наві¬дувати його.
Без сумніву, вечірка вдалася. Джордж був задоволений, що в нього з’явилася в Лондоні квартира, де він може приймати друзів, відпочивати після роботи і куди він може повернутися після своїх поїздок. Джордж сказав своїм батькам, що наступного ро¬ку він збирається одружитися. Отже квартира була придбана вчасно. Майбутню дружи¬ну Джорджа звуть Ділі. їй 25 років. Вона нещодавно закінчила університет Ділі пише вірші і короткі оповідання. Вона також пише для одного відомого журналу для жінок.
Дейв і Керол сподіваються, що Джордж і Ділі будуть щасливі, тому що вони не тільки люблять одне одного, але в них багато спільних інтересів
Результаты (
английский) 1:
A few months ago, George bought a flat in Central London. Dave and Carol helped him purchase the furniture and everything you need for the apartment. George invited their relatives and friends at the housewarming. Guests enjoyed the apartment-small but cosy and well furnished. George podobalos′ to act as host. He congratulated the owner of Tei, showed them the apartment, took gifts: a wall clock and a table lamp, Bookshelf, picture and other things. Guests feel right at home, joked exchanged compliments. As always, George and his friends immediately began discussing political issues, but then PE ' rejšli to the public conversation about music and books is now John sat on his favorite skate and told many interesting facts associated with the history of England. The conversation is interrupted by Carol, who invited everyone to the table. Customers opens a lot of yummy ' them. After dinner, listening to music and dancing. Music has brought true to ¬ lodu. All rozsmìšiv William, who sang a funny song in French It was already rather late, when guests come to go. George held them and invited Navi ¬ accompany him. Without a doubt, the party was a success. George was pleased that it appeared in a London apartment where he can make friends, relax after work and where he can come back after their trips. George said to his parents, the next Roh ¬ Ku he was going to marry. So the apartment was bought on time. Future druži ' well George name. her 25 years. She recently graduated from the University Actually writes poems and short stories. She also writes for one of the famous magazine for women. Dave and Carol are hoping that George and Really be happy, because they not only love each other, but they got a lot of common interests
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
A few months ago, George bought an apartment in central London. Dave and Carol helped him buy furniture and everything necessary for the apartment. George invited his family and friends for a housewarming party. Guests liked the apartment - small but cozy and well furnished. George liked to act as host. He welcomed hos¬tey showed them the apartment, took the gifts, wall clocks and desk lamp, bookshelf, paintings and other stuff.
The guests feel at home, joked and exchanged compliments. As always, George and his friends immediately started to discuss political issues, but then pe¬reyshly common to talk about music and books now, John sat in his favorite skate and told many interesting facts connected with the history of England.
The conversation was interrupted by Carol which invited all to the table. Guests tasted many dishes smach¬nyh. After lunch, listened to music and danced. Music has brought real naso¬lodu. All laugh William, who sang a funny song in French
was already quite late, when guests gather to go. George had invited them navi¬duvaty it.
Without a doubt, the party failed. George was pleased that he appeared in the London flat where he can make friends, relax after work and where it can return after their trips. George told his parents that he was going next ro¬ku marry. So flat was purchased in time. Future druzhy¬nu name is George Dili. her 25 years. She recently graduated from the University of Dili writes poetry and short stories. She also writes for a famous magazine for women.
Dave and Carol are hoping that George and Dili are happy because they not only love each other, but they have many common interests
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