Спорт - це невід'ємна частина нашого життя і кожна людина повинна займ перевод - Спорт - це невід'ємна частина нашого життя і кожна людина повинна займ английский как сказать

Спорт - це невід'ємна частина нашог

Спорт - це невід'ємна частина нашого життя і кожна людина повинна займатися спортом, щоб підтримувати своє тіло у хорошому стані та здоровому дусі. Що до мене, то я дуже люблю спорт. Але у мене є улюблений вид спорт, який приносить мені нескінченне задоволення. Це верхова їзда. Так є багато цікавих спортивних ігор але цей вид не зрівняється ні з чим. Тільки сівши зверху я відчуваю незрівнянну свободу і велику силу духу. Раджу спробувати і вам.
Взагалі, спорт - один із засобів завжди бути у формі. Я вважаю, що кожен зобов'язаний робити все можливе, щоб бути здоровим. Фізично пасивні люди старіють раніше, ніж ті, хто багато займається спортом. Якщо ви щоденно робите зарядку, то відчуваєте себе бадьорим, маєте гарну поставу, що дає вам можливість почуватися добре.
На мою думку, спорт відіграє велику роль у житті людини і дуже допомагає їй. Навіть та сама зарядка вранці заряджає нас енергією на весь день. Крім того це допомогає нам бути здоровими, сильними, стрункими та красивими. Тож потрібно любити спотр і займатися, бо як кажуть: "Хто любить спорт той завжди здоровий і бадьорий"!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sport is an integral part of our life and everyone should exercise to keep your body in good condition and a healthy spirit. That to me, I really love the sport. But I have a favorite kind of sport that brings me endless pleasure. It is horse riding. So there are a lot of interesting sports games but this species can not be compared with anything. Just sat down from the top I feel the incomparable freedom and the great power of the spirit. I advise you to try it and you. In General, sport is one of the means to be always in form. I believe that everyone is obliged to do everything possible to be healthy. Physically inactive people age earlier than those who are much involved in sports. If you do daily exercises, you feel alert, have good posture that gives you the opportunity to feel good. In my opinion, sport plays a great role in human life and helps her. Even the same charging morning charges us energy for the whole day. In addition it helps us be healthy, strong, shapely and beautiful. So you love the spotr and engage, because as they say: "who loves the sport that always healthy and cheerful!"
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sport - is an integral part of our lives and everyone should exercise to keep your body in good condition and healthy spirit. As for me, I love sports. But I have a favorite sport that brings me endless pleasure. This horse riding. So there are many interesting sports games but this kind can not be compared to anything else. Just sitting on top I feel incomparable freedom and great fortitude. I advise you to try it and you.
Generally, sports - a means to be always in shape. I believe that everyone must do everything possible to be healthy. Physically inactive people age earlier than those who engaged in many sports. If you do daily exercises, then feel cheerful, have good posture, which gives you the opportunity to feel good.
I think that sport plays an important role in human life and it helps a lot. Even the very morning exercises charges us with energy for the day. Also it helps us to be healthy, strong, shapely and beautiful. So we love and do spotr because they say: "Who loves sport will always healthy and cheerful!"
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Sport is an integral part of our life and each person should not do sports, to maintain their body is in good condition and healthy spirit. I am fond of sports. But I have a a favorite kind of sports,Which brings me an endless pleasure. This riding. Yes, there are many interesting sporting games but cannot be compared with anything else. Just gotten top I feel unparalleling freedom and great strength of spirit.I advise you to try and you.
In general, sports - one of the ways to always be in shape. I believe that each must do everything possible to be healthy. Physically passive people grow older earlier than thoseWho is engaged in sports. If you daily do exercises, feel vigorous, have good posture, which gives you the opportunity to feel happy.
In my opinion,Sport plays a big role in human rights and helps very much. Even the same exercise morning charges us with energy for the whole day. In addition it helps us be healthy, strong, slim and beautiful.So you should love спотр and reserved, because as say: "The ones who loves sports always healthy and hearty"!
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