Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The sovereignty of the people. Recognition эtoho oznachaet principle, something people javljaetsja Source power, ymenno on vыbyraet svoyh representatives of power and s Periodically smenyaet
3. Vseobschee, ravnoe yzbyratelnoe right taynoe and voting. Demokratycheskye vыborы predpolahayut realnuyu sorevnovatelnost DIFFERENT candidates, alternative choice.
4. Garantiia major human rights. Right human relations harakteryzuyut Principles Between State and citizens and opredelyayutsya As freedom
5. Hrazhdanskye law. K it can otnesty vseh equality of citizens before the law, the right to life chastnuyu, punishment without judgment, freedom veroyspovedanyya
6. Political rights enable citizen Ability uchastvovat in the process of management and vlyyat on Adoption decisions zakonodatelnыmy and yspolnytelnыmy bodies: the right yzbyrat and bыt yzbrannыm, freedom of expression polytycheskyh judgments, freedom of the vote, the right to demonstration, right to the creation polytycheskyh and Public organizations, law submitted petytsyy authorities.
7. Sotsyalnыe and Economic Rights. hard life, kotorыy on vыbyraet freely, and the right to spravedlyvыe and favorable conditions of life.
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