7. Вона підійшла ближче, щоб роздивитися картину уважніше. 8. Тобі слід говорити чіткіше, якщо хочеш, щоб тебе розуміли. 9. Коли вона бреше, вона завжди нервовохихикає. 10. Moro останній роман широко відомий.
7. It came closer to see the picture more closely. 8. You should speak more clearly, if you want to be understood. 9. When she's lying, she is always nervovohihikaê. 10. Moro latest novel is widely known.
7. She went closer to look at the picture carefully. 8. You should speak clearly if want to be understood. 9. When she was lying, she always nervovohyhykaye. 10. Moro last novel widely known.
7. She walked closer to scrutinize the picture more attentively. 8. You should speak more clearly if you want, that you understand. 9. When she lying, she always нервовохихикає. 10. Moro last widely known.