Пригода в лісіНема в людини місця дорожчого, ніж те, де вона народилас перевод - Пригода в лісіНема в людини місця дорожчого, ніж те, де вона народилас английский как сказать

Пригода в лісіНема в людини місця д

Пригода в лісі
Нема в людини місця дорожчого, ніж те, де вона народилася, землі, на якій зросла, небо, під яким змужніла. Не тільки людина, навіть птаха і звірі тужать за рідним краєм. Біда вимучить, біда і навчить. З одним хлопчиком сталася така пригода. Він пішов у ліс, зайшов далеко і заблукав. Вибратися з лісу він не зміг. Та натрапив на чужинців. Не довго думаючи, пішов до них, бо стало темно, хоч в око стрель. Він подумав, що у гурті і смерть не страшна. Хлопчик зрозумів, що потрапив пальцем в небо. Люди, що тут перебували були не привітні, чимось стривожені. Батьки хлопчика чекали, але він не прийшов. Вони повідомили в органи розшуку. На пошуки хлопчика вирушили з моменту повідомлення. Відкладати щось на чорний день не було часу. Ходили різні чутки та перемови. Як то кажуть, чув дзвін, та не знаю звідки він. До розшуку підключився детектив. Шукали, розслідували, та звістки не було ніякої. Всякі балачки ніби водили когось за ніс. Пошуки тривали. Неподалік лісу текла спокійна тиха річка. От там і сищик вислідив незнайомця. В нього виник сумнів. Він почав із-за кущів пильно слідкувати за підозрюваним. Злочинець підходив до річки, часто оглядаючись. Це і викликало сумнів у детективів. Не зразу він підійшов до нього. Дуже хотілося знати хто цей незнайомець, чому він ховається в лісі. Довелося витрати не мало часу, щоб дізнатися хто ця особа, чим займається, один він у лісі чи є його спільники. Із сухого дерева добре вогонь класти. То ж натрапивши на слід, сищик продовжував свої розслідування. Він добре вивчив місцевість, де перебував злочинець, чому саме тут він скривається. Шило у мішку не сховаєш. Приватний детектив узяв собі на допомогу компаньйона. А у гурті добре й батька бити. Дослідивши добре місцевість вони все ближче підходили до місця, де переховувався незнайомець. Виявилося, що він був не один. Їх було троє, і заручником був хлопчик. Вони спочатку обіцяли хлопчикові золоті гори, заспокоювали його, що покажуть йому, як вийти з лісу. Але у них був зовсім інший намір. Вони боялися, що постраждалий викаже їх місце пербування, тому й не відпускали його. Детектив повідомив опер групу. Ті не забарилися. Вони обступили злочинців. В той час головне завдання було врятувати життя хлопчика і взяти злочинців, тобто одним пострілом двох зайців вбити. В народі кажуть, що добре ім’я - найкраще багатство. То ж завдяки хорошим умінням, знанням, упевненості, опер група зуміла взяти злочинців і визволити із заручників хлопчика. Виявилося, що переслідувані були втікачами із зони осуджених за злочин. Для переховування вони обрали глибину лісу, щоб сховатися від чужого ока. Та із цієї ситуації вони вийшли голі, як бубон, спіймавши облизня. Хлопчик повернувся додому не ушкодженим, але переляканим. Він вирішив, що більше ніколи не буде іти в ліс один. А злочинці попали пальцем в небо. Їх забрали і відправили туди, звідки вони втекли. То й катюзі по заслузі. Хлопчик прославляв рідну землю, був щиро вдячним людям, що стільки приклали зусиль, щоб знайти його і визволити з рук злочинця. Він ще більше полюбив своїх батьків, і пообіцяв їм завжди і в усьому їх слухати та дослуховуватися до їх порад.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Adventure in the WoodsThere is a person with a place than where she was born, the land on which has risen, sky, under which did. Not only the man, even birds and animals languishing on native land. Trouble vimučit′, Beda and teach. One boy has encountered this kind of adventure. He went into the forest, walked away and got lost. Get out of the forest, he could not. And the strangers. Not long thinking, went to them because it was dark even in the eye of the strel′. He thought that in the Group and not afraid of death. The boy realized that he got a finger to the sky. The people that were here were not friendly, somewhat alarmed. The parents of the boy waited, but he didn't come. They reported the authorities wanted. In search of the boy went from the moment of notification. Put off something for a rainy day there was no time. Went to various rumors and peremovi. As they say, hear ringing, and I do not know where he is. The investigations connected to the detective. Looking on, and the news there was no. All sorts of chatter as if vodili someone for the nose. Searches continued. Nearby forest flowed calm quiet river. Here there and Detective vislìdiv. He came into question. He started from the bushes to closely follow a suspect. The offender approached the River, often looking back. This sparked doubts in investigators. Not immediately he approached him. Would love to know who this stranger, why is he hiding in the forest. Had costs not enough time to find out who this person is, what does the one he in the woods or his accomplices. With dry wood well fire place. The same encounter on the trail, the detective continued his investigation. He studied the area, where was the culprit, why here he skrivaêt′sâ. Awl in the bag is not hidden. Private investigator took himself to help Companion. And in the Group well and father beat. Explore well the area they came closer to the point where hiding the stranger. It turned out that he was not alone. They had three, and the hostage was a boy. They initially promised the boy Golden mountains, soothing him, show him how to get out of the forest. But they had a completely different intention. They were afraid that affected vikaže their place perbuvannâ, and therefore do not release it. The detective said a u. Those don't stay too long. They tunics. While the main task was to save the life of a boy and take criminals, i.e. two birds with one stone kill. People say that good name-best wealth. So thanks to good skills, knowledge, confidence, operas, the Group managed to take criminals and free from taking the boy. It turned out that persecution were runaways from the osudženih for the crime. For hiding they chose the depth of the forest, to hide from someone else's eyes. And with this situation, they went naked as tambourine, looming. The boy returned home not damaged but frightened by. He decided that never will go into the Woods alone. And criminals go finger in the sky. They have taken and sent back to where they fled. It is due to katûzì. Boy glorify the native land, was sincerely grateful that so many people have made an effort to find him and get out of the hands of the perpetrator. He even more loved their parents and promised them always and in all of them to listen to this music and to their advice.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Adventure in the forest
have no man places higher than where it was born, the land on which grew the sky under which matured. No man, even the birds and animals yearn for the homeland. Vymuchyt trouble, trouble and teach. With one boy there was such an adventure. He went into the woods, went away and got lost. Getting out of the woods, he failed. And came across strangers. Without hesitation, he went to them, as it became dark, though eye Arrow. He thought that the band is not afraid of death. The boy realized that hit the mark. The people who were here were not friendly, somewhat alarmed. The boy's parents waited, but he did not come. They said the authorities wanted. In the search for the boy went after the message. Postpone something for a rainy day was not time. There were various rumors and talks. As the saying goes, heard the bell, and I do not know where he is. By tracing connected detective. Searched, investigated, and there was no news. Any chat if someone drove by the nose. The search continued. Nearby flowing forest peaceful quiet river. Here and there espied Sergeant stranger. He came into question. He started from the bushes to closely monitor the suspect. The gunman approached the river, often looking back. This led to doubts about the detectives. Not once he approached him. I really wanted to know who this stranger why he is hiding in the forest. Had spending not enough time to find out who this person is, what the one he is in the woods or his accomplices. With good dry wood fire put. So bumping on the trail, Sergeant continued his investigation. He had studied the area, where he was a criminal, why then he skryvayetsya. Shilo in the bag can not be hidden. Private detective took his companion to help. And the band well and beat his father. Examining good place closer they came to the place where he was hiding stranger. It turned out that he was not alone. There were three, and the hostage was a boy. They first promised the boy wonders, comforted him, show him that you leave the forest. But they had a completely different intention. They feared that the victim declare to their place perbuvannya, why not let him. Detective reported operas group. They were quick. They surrounded the criminals. While the main task was to save the boy's life and take criminals is one stone to kill two birds. The people say that a good name - best wealth. So thanks to good skill, knowledge, confidence, operas group of criminals and managed to free the hostages boy. It turned out that pursued fugitives from the area were sentenced for a crime. For hiding deep in the woods they chose to hide from another's eye. And out of this situation they went naked as tambourine, spiymavshy handed. The boy returned home not damaged, but frightened. He decided that will never go into the woods alone. And the criminals got the mark. They were taken away and sent back to where they had fled. It also katyuzi on merit. Boy praised his native land, was sincerely grateful to people who have put so much effort to find and rescue him from the hands of a criminal. He loved even more his parents and promised them always and everywhere hear and to listen to their advice.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Adventure in the woods
Absent in person seats more expensive Brody-Odessa than that, where she was born, land on which has increased, sky, under which змужніла. Not only as the man, even birds and animals banduras on his edge. Trouble вимучить, bida and teach.With one boy occurred this adventure. He went into the woods, went far and lost. Get out of wood, he did not. And encountered on strangers. Not long thinking, went to them, since it became dark, at least in the eye стрель. He thoughtThe band and death not afraid. The boy understood, that I have got the mark. People that here there were were not friendly, something alarmed. The boy's parents waited, but he has not come They report to the investigation.In search of the boy went from the moment of the message. Put something on a rainy day there was no time. There were different rumors and talks. As they say, heard bell, and do not know where it. To track down joined detective. Looking,Investigated and the good news was not vain. All sorts of the chat was convoyed like someone by nose. The search for continued. Near the forest flowing calm still river. There and сищик вислідив stranger. He came into question.He started with behind the bushes to follow the suspect. The offender flew to the river, often without looking back. This caused doubts in detectives. Not at once he went to him. I would like to know who this stranger,
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