Кожен, хто народжується, претендує на щасливу долю.Кажуть: «Щасливими не народжуються, ними стають». І вирішальну роль у цьому відіграє сім'я. Народна мудрість стверджує: «З родини йде життя людини».Здавна відомо, що родина — то невичерпне джерело наснаги, любові та батьківських обов'язків. І кожна сім'я докладає зусиль, аби не всохло родове дерево.Ясна річ, що для мене прикладом є моя власна родина. Тому мені б дуже хотілося, аби моя сім'я була схожою на мою нинішню, де я зараз — просто доросла дитина. А мамина ласка, татова вимогливість, дідусева мудрість, тепло домашнього затишку на все життя лишають глибокий слід у житті кожної людини.Значення сім'ї неоціненне. Від стану охорони родинного вогнища, материнства, дитинства, батьківства вирішальною мірою залежить не тільки особисте благополуччя окремої людини, а й життєва міць народу, України. Адже духовно-моральне здоров'я людини — то найважливіша запорука процвітання нації.Я уявляю свою родину в колі великої кількості друзів, з якими ми можемо ходити в туристичні походи, відпочивати біля моря, влаштовувати родинні свята. Крім того, оскільки я захоплююся українською сучасною музикою, то ми будемо відвідувати концерти не лише сучасних виконавців, але також і оперу, балет. Я мрію бути лікарем-педіатром. Я не знаю, хто буде за фахом мій чоловік, але це має бути людина, яка поділяє мої погляди на життя. Я сподіваюся, що зустріну такого, коли в нас почнеться «мода на непаління цигарок», і тому діти в нас мають бути здоровими, незважаючи на всі проблеми з екологією. Хочеться, щоб у нас була затишна оселя, де б нам було всім приємно проводити час. Доречною буде китайська мудрість: «За гроші придбаєш дім, та не сімейне вогнище».
Хочеться ще додати таке. Хай мине ця чаша мене: зневірена, зневажена сім'я — то втрачене майбутнє. Родина — то святий вузол, котрим сполучаються люди в суспільстві, то є життєдайний осередок,що плекає найвищу цінність — цвіт нації — дітей, аби кожен батько, кожна мати мали можливість повторити себе у своїх нащадках. Ми всі люди — смертні, лише рід, родина, сім'я — безсмертні. Про таку сім'ю я мрію і сподіваюся, що моя мрія здійсненна.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Everyone who is born, claims to be the lucky fate. say: "Happy are not born, they are." And the crucial role played by the family. Folk wisdom says: "with the family is a person's life." has long been known that the family is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, love and parental responsibilities. And every family makes efforts to avoid inevitably slowly dry up family tree. naturally, that for me is my own family. So I would really like if my family was similar to my current one, where I am now — just a grown-up kid. And please, mamina tatova scrupulousness, dìduseva wisdom and warmth of home comfort for all life leave a deep trace in the life of every human being. The family is invaluable. The State of the family hearth, maternity, childhood, parenthood crucially dependent not only the personal well-being of the individual, but also the vital strength of the people of Ukraine. After all, spiritual and moral health is the most important key to the prosperity of the nation. I imagine their family in the circle of friends with whom we can go hiking, relax by the sea, organize family holidays. In addition, because I admire the Ukrainian modern music, then we'll attend concerts not only of modern artists, but also Opera, Ballet. I dream to be a doctor-pediatrician. I don't know who will be majoring in my husband, but it has to be a person who shares my views on life. I hope to encounter this when we start "fashion for nepalìnnâ cigarettes" and why children in the us have to be healthy, despite all the problems with the environment. Want to we had a cozy house, where we were all pleasantly to spend time. Appropriate will be Chinese wisdom: "for the money you buy a home, and not the family hearth".I want to still add such. Let this cup pass from me: znevìrena, despised family — then lost future. The family — the holy site, which combined people in society, that is life-giving Center that cherishes the highest value is part of the nation-children to every parent, every mother had the opportunity to repeat themselves in their offspring. We are all humans — death, only the genus, family, family is immortal. About this family I dream and I hope that my dream is feasible.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Everyone who is born, claiming happy dolyu.Kazhut: "Happy are not born, they become." And a crucial role is played by the family. Folk wisdom says: "From the family is life" .Zdavna know that family - that inexhaustible source of inspiration, love and parental responsibilities. And every family is making an effort to not withered away derevo.Yasna family thing for me is an example of my own family. So I'd love to my family was similar to my current where I am now - just an adult child. A mother's Please Pope demands, grandfather wisdom, warmth of home comfort for life leave a deep mark in the life of every family lyudyny.Znachennya invaluable. The state of hearth, motherhood, childhood, parenthood crucially depends not only personal well-being of the individual, but also the vital power of the people of Ukraine. After all, the spiritual and moral health - the most important key to success natsiyi.Ya imagine their family in terms of a large number of friends with whom we can go hiking in, relax by the sea, arrange family holidays. Also, because I admire Ukrainian modern music, we will attend concerts not only contemporary artists, but also opera, ballet. I want to become a pediatrician. I do not know who will be the specialty my husband, but it must be someone who shares my views on life. I hope that this will meet when we start "fashion nepalinnya cigarettes", and therefore we have children to be healthy, despite all the environmental problems. I wish that we had a cozy house, where we were all a pleasure to spend time. Appropriate to the Chinese proverb: "For the money acquire the house and not the family home."
I want to add that. Let this cup pass me desperate, humiliated family - the lost future. The family - the sacred knot by which people are combined in a society that is viable cell that fosters the highest value - Pride of Nation - children to every parent, every mother had a chance to repeat themselves in their offspring. We are all people - mortal, only family, family, family - immortal. On such a family dream and I hope my dream feasible.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Every, who comes to being, claims happy destiny.It is said: "Happy do not come to being, them become". And crucial role in these plays family. National mudrist affirms: "From family goes the man''s life.Zdavna well-known ,What family — then not comprehensive source nasnagi, darling of and parental duties. And every family strives, in order to not vsokhlo ancestral wood.Clear thing, what for me instance is my proper family. Therefore me would very was wanted ,In order to my family look like my present, where I now — simply adult baby. And mamina caress, tatova vimoglivist, diduseva mudrist, warmly home zatishku on whole life abandon deep mark in the life of everybody.Meaning family impayable. From the condition of the security of family bonfire, maternity, childhood, parenthood by crucial extent depends not only the personal prosperity of several man, but also vital mits nation, Ukraine.Because the spiritual-moral health of man — then the essential earnest of prosperity nation.I imagine the family in the circle of the multitude of friends, with what we can go into travel walks, to rest by the sea ,To satisfy family festivals. It is further, as I admire in ukrainian modern music, then we will visit concerts not of only modern performers, however also and opera, ballet. I dream to be by doctor-pediatrician.I do not know, who will behind profession my man, however it is in prospect man which parts my views on life. I hope that shall meet such, when in us will set in "fashion on not smoking tsigarok", and therefore children in us are in prospect healthy ,Despite all problems with ecology. Is wanted, in order to here was comfortable place to, where would us was all pleasant beguile the time. Advisable will be chinese mudrist: "For money will acquire home, and not family bonfire".
Is wanted more to add such. Let will elapse these chasha me: znevirena, defied family — then is lost future. Family — then holy node which are connected people in society, then is viable oseredok ,What cherishes highest value — bloom the nation of — children, in order to every father of, every mat had opportunity to reiterate itself in the descendants. We all people — mortals, only sort, family, family — immortal. About such family I dream and hope ,What my dream zdiisnenna.
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