Голова ради директорів ніяк не бажав пристати на цю пропозицію. Любите перевод - Голова ради директорів ніяк не бажав пристати на цю пропозицію. Любите английский как сказать

Голова ради директорів ніяк не бажа

Голова ради директорів ніяк не бажав пристати на цю пропозицію. Любителям спостерігати футбольні матчі по телевізору доведеться платити за прямий показ матчів. Він - стриляний горобець і якось справиться. Вона пустилася берега і бездумно марнувала власне життя. Життя складалося не так, як бажалося, та йому вдалося змінити все на краще. Спочатку слід залагодити усі розбіжності. Нарешті їх звинуватили у намаганні повернути колесо історії назад, а це тоді було серйозною справою. Вона була така гарна, хоч з лиця воду пий, та ще й здорова нівроку. Представнику влади не годиться так безсоромно брехати. Дуже важко переховати людину. Вибачайте, але ви своє вже відспівали - час на відпочинок. Голова тримав усіх у залізному кулаці - воно й не дивно, з таким безробіттям. Він на неї не ображався - вона була лише сліпим знаряддям у чужих руках. Час готуватися до випробування - головні іспити попереду. Часи "залізної завіси", здається, були зовсім недавно, але молодь вже майже нічого про це не знає. Деякі намагалися приховати брак культури під оболонкою диплому про вищу освіту. Цей нічний клуб - найрозкішніший у місті.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Chairman of the Board of Directors did not want hit on this offer. Fans watch football matches on tv have to pay for direct showing matches. He strilânij Sparrow and somehow cope. She pustilasâ the shore and thoughtlessly has spent his own life. Life was not as we, and he managed to change everything for the better. You must first reconcile all differences. Finally they accused of trying to bring back the wheel of history is back, and this was a serious matter. She was so pretty, though from the face of the water to drink, and healthy nivroku. The representative of the Government not do so shamelessly lie. Very difficult to perehovati the person. Vibačajte, but you are your already have time to rest. The Chairman kept all iron fist-and it's no wonder, with such unemployment. It it not abusing myself-it was only a blind instrument in someone else's hands. Time to test the main exams ahead. The days of the iron curtain, "seems to have been quite recently, but the youth is almost nothing about this do not know. Some tried to hide a lack of culture under the shell of the diploma of higher education. This night club-the most luxurious in the city.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Chairman of the Board does not want to accept this offer. Fans watch the football matches on TV have to pay for direct display matches. He - strylyanyy sparrow and somehow cope. She set off shore and recklessly lavished own life. Life was not as pretty, and he was able to change things for the better. You should first settle all differences. Finally they were accused of trying to turn back the clock, and then it was a serious matter. It was such a good, although drink water from the face, and even healthy Nivroku. The authorities not good so shameless lie. It is very difficult perehovaty person. Sorry, but you have his hymn - time to rest. Head all kept in an iron fist - it is not surprising, with the unemployment. He is not offended at it - it was only a blind tool in the wrong hands. Time to prepare for trial - the main exams ahead. The days of the "iron curtain" seems to have been recently, but young people have almost nothing about it know. Some tried to hide the lack of culture under the shell diploma of higher education. This nightclub - the most luxurious hotels.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Chairman of the board of directors is not willing to accept the this proposal. Lovers of watch football matches on TV have to pay for the direct broadcast matches. He - стриляний sparrow and somehow cope.She indulging the shore and thoughtlessly марнувала their life. Life consists not, as desirable, but he managed to change for the better. The first thing to resolve all differences.Finally they were accused in an effort to return the wheel of history back, but it was a serious matter. She was so good, even from the face of the water drink, and even healthy neverko.The representative of the government is not fit so shamelessly lies. Very difficult odd hiding places or more people. Yet, but you are not afraid of solemn requiem service was performed by - time to rest. Chairman kept all in iron fist - it is not surprising,With such unemployment. He is not angry - it was only blind weapon in the hands of others. Time to prepare to test - the main exams ahead. The "iron curtain", it seems, were quite recently,Still, young people are almost nothing about it knows. Some tried to cover up the lack of culture under a cover the diploma in higher education. This night club - luxurious in the city.
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