10. Чому ви надаєте перевагу? Каві або какао? - Мені не подобається а  перевод - 10. Чому ви надаєте перевагу? Каві або какао? - Мені не подобається а  английский как сказать

10. Чому ви надаєте перевагу? Каві

10. Чому ви надаєте перевагу? Каві або какао? - Мені не подобається а ні кава, а ні какао. Я надаю перевагу зеленому чаю перед ними. .Після обіду Мері повинна прибрати зі столу і помити посуд.
11. - Ти все ще працюєш? - Так. - Я збираюсь спуститись до нашої їдальні. Давно час перекусити. - Вибач, але я залишусь. Я маю підготуватись до дискусії, і я не дуже голодна.
12. - Том запитує, які гамбургери ми б хотіли? - Про гамбургери не може бути і мови. Таку їжу називають неповноцінною. Бабуся завжди говорить, що така їжа шкодить здоров'ю. – Моя мама теж.
13. - Хто буде накривати на стіл? Спочатку поставте тарілки, виделки, стакани, а потім несіть помідори, огірки, ковбасу, котлети, оселедець, сир, гірчицю, перець та напої. Не забудьте про компот. Він у холодильнику.
14. - Цей бульйон мені не до смаку. Я б з'їла смаженої картоплі з відбивною, а на десерт морозиво або фрукти: виноград чи персики. - У нас не має ні винограду, ні персиків. – Як щодо слив або дині? - Диню, будь-ласка.
15. - Офіціант питає з чого ми хотіли почати. - Я б хотіла вина. - Якому вину ти надаєш перевагу: білому чи червоному? - Біле, будь-ласка.
16. - Що ти читаєш? - Дуже цікаву статтю про британську їжу. Автор стверджує, що іноземні страви заміняють традиційну англійську їжу. Він запитує, чому британці віддають перевагу складним рецептам інших кухонь, які спотворюють смак продуктів. Звичайно, деякі історичні події мали вплив на цю ситуацію. Але я гадаю, що британці, як і українці, здатні самі виробляти найкращі продукти. В Британії вже є ресторани, які можуть запропонувати традиційні англійські страви.
17. Американці дуже стурбовані, що багато продуктів містять харчові добавки, які можуть спричинити багато різних захворювань. Я вважаю, що вони повинні повернутись до природних шляхів виробництва їжі.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
10. Why do you prefer? Coffee or cocoa? -I don't like neither coffee, nor cocoa. I prefer green tea before them. After dinner Mary should clear the table and wash the dishes.11.-are you still working? -Yes. -I'm going to spustitis′ to our dining room. Long time snack. -Sorry, but I'm having. I have to prepare for the debate, and I'm not very hungry.12.-Tom asks who the burgers we'd like? -About the burgers may not be and speech. This food is called incomplete. Granny always says that such food harms. – My mom too.13.-who will set the table? First put the plates, forks, cups, and then lay off the tomatoes, cucumbers, sausage, meatballs, herring, cheese, mustard, pepper and drinks. Don't forget about Compote. It's in the refrigerator.14.-This soup me not to taste. I would have ate the fried potatoes with chops, and for dessert, ice cream or fruit: grapes or peaches. -In the us has neither grapes nor peaches. – How about plums or melon? -Melon, please.15.-the waiter asks what we'd like to start. -I would like to wine. The fault you give Badoo advantage: white or red? White, please.16.-What are you reading? -Very interesting article about British food. The author argues that foreign food replace traditional English food. He wondered why the Brits prefer complicated recipes and other dishes that distort the flavor of foods. Of course, some historical events had an impact on this situation. But I believe that the British and Ukrainians are capable by themselves of producing the best products. In Britain already have restaurants that can offer traditional English dishes.17. the Americans are very concerned that many foods contain additives that can cause many different diseases. I believe that they should return to the natural ways of producing food.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
10. Why do you prefer? Coffee or cocoa? - I dislike and no coffee, no cocoa. I prefer green tea to them. .After Lunch Mary should clear the table and wash the dishes.
11. - You still working? - Yes. - I'm going to go down in our dining room. Long time snack. - Sorry, but I'll stay. I have to prepare for the debate, and I'm not very hungry.
12. - Tom asks that we would like burgers? - About burgers can be no question. This meal is called incomplete. My grandmother always said that this food is injurious to health. - My mother too.
13. - Who will set the table? First, place the plates, forks, cups, and Bring tomatoes, cucumbers, sausage, meatballs, herring, cheese, mustard, pepper and drinks. Do not forget about fruit compote. It is in the refrigerator.
14. - This soup I did not like. I have eaten fried potatoes with chop and ice cream for dessert or fruit: peaches or grapes. - We do not have any grapes or peaches. - How about plums and melons? - Melon please.
15. - The waiter asked what we wanted to start. - I would like wine. - Which blame you prefer white or red? - White, please.
16. - What are you reading? - Very interesting article about British food. The author argues that foreign foods replace traditional English food. He wondered why the British preferred complex recipes other cuisines that distort the taste of food. Of course, some historical events influenced the situation. But I think the British are Ukrainian, are themselves able to produce the best products. In Britain already have restaurants that can offer traditional English dishes.
17. Americans are very concerned that many foods containing dietary supplements that can cause many different diseases. I think they should go back to the natural ways of food production.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
10. Why do you prefer? Coffee or liquor? - I do not like or coffee, nor of cocoa. I games prefer green tea to them. .after dinner Mary should away from the table and wash dishes.
11. - You're still you work for? - Yes.- I am still go down our dining room. Long time light snack. - Sorry, but I will remain. I prepare for discussion, and I am not very hungry.
12. - Tom asks that hamburgers we would like? - About hamburgers there can be no question.Such food called неповноцінною. My grandmother always says that such experiences harm the health. - My mother too.
13. - Who will lay on the table? First put plates, forks, cups, and then carry the tomatoes, cucumbers,Sausage, chops, herring, cheese, mustard, pepper and drinks. Do not forget about the fruit compote. It in the refrigerator.
14. - This broth me not to taste. I would ate fried potatoes with lamb, and for dessert ice cream or fruits:Grape or peaches. - We have neither grapes, nor peaches. - How about plums or melon? - melon, please.
15. - the waiter asked what we wanted to start. - I would like to wine. - What role you gives advantage: white or red?- White, please.
16. - What you read? - a very interesting article about Britain's food. Author argues that foreign dishes replace traditional Russian language squeezes out Ukrainian food. He wondersWhy the Brits prefer complex an alert will appear stating Recipes may require other kitchens, which distort the taste of food. Of course, some historical events had effects on this situation. But I think that the British, like Ukrainians,Are able to produce the best products. In Britain have restaurants, which can offer traditional consciences dishes.
17. Americans are very concerned that many products contain dietary supplements,Which may cause a lot of various diseases. I think that they should return to the natural way to production of food.
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