6.8. Кожний акціонер - власник простих акцій Товариства має право вимагати здійснення
обов'язкового викупу Товариством належних йому голосуючих акцій, якщо він зареєструвався для участі у загальних зборах та голосував проти прийняття загальними
зборами акціонерів рішення про:
злиття, приєднання, поділ, перетворення, виділ Товариства, зміну його типу з публічного на приватне;
вчинення Товариством значного правочину;
зміну розміру статутного капіталу.
Товариство у вказаних вище випадках зобов'язане викупити належні акціонерові акції.
Перелік акціонерів, які мають право вимагати здійснення обов'язкового викупу належних їм акцій, складається на підставі переліку акціонерів, які зареєструвалися для участі в загальних зборах акціонерів, на яких було прийнято рішення, що стало підставою для вимоги обов'язкового викупу акцій.
Ціна викупу акцій не може бути меншою, ніж їх ринкова вартість.
Ціна викупу акцій розраховується станом на день, що передує дню опублікування (надсилання) в установленому порядку повідомлення про скликання загальних зборів акціонерів, на яких було прийнято рішення, яке стало підставою для вимоги обов'язкового викупу акцій. Ринкова вартість акцій визначається в порядку, встановленому в пункті 6.3. Статуту.
Договір між Товариством та акціонером про обов'язковий викуп Товариством належних йому акцій укладається в письмовій формі.
Протягом 30 днів після прийняття загальними зборами акціонерів рішення, що стало підставою для вимоги обов'язкового викупу акцій, акціонер, який має намір реалізувати зазначене право, подає Товариству письмову вимогу. У вимозі акціонера про обов'язковий викуп акцій мають бути зазначені його прізвище, ім'я, по батькові (найменування), місце проживання (місцезнаходження), кількість, тип та/або клас акцій, обов'язкового викупу яких він вимагає.
Протягом 30 днів після отримання вимоги акціонера про обов'язковий викуп акцій Товариство здійснює сплату вартості акцій за ціною викупу, зазначеною в повідомленні про право вимоги обов'язкового викупу акцій, що належать акціонеру.
Оплата акцій здійснюється у грошовій формі, якщо сторони в межах строків, установлених у цьому пункті, не дійшли згоди щодо іншої форми оплати.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
6.8. Each shareholder-owner of ordinary shares of the company shall be entitled to demand the implementation of
compulsory redemption of the voting shares, If he signed up to participate in the general meeting and voted against the decision by the general meeting of the shareholders of
decision thing in merger, accession, Division, conversion, select the company change its type from public to private;
thing in committing the company Divi
thing in change of dends.
, in the above cases is obliged to buy the appropriate shareholder action.
The list of shareholders, who have the right to demand the implementation of compulsory buyout proper them shares, is composed on the basis of the list of shareholders who have registered for participation in the general meeting of shareholders at which it was decided that became the basis for the requirements of the redemption of shares.
Price redemption of shares may not be lower than their market value.
redemption Price calculated on the day preceding the day of publishing (sending) in the prescribed manner a notice of convocation of the general meeting of shareholders, at which it was decided, which became the basis for the requirements of the redemption of shares. The market value of the shares is determined in the manner prescribed in paragraph 6.3. Charter.
Agreement between the company and a shareholder of a mandatory redemption of Society appropriate shares shall be concluded in writing.
Within 30 days after adoption of the decision of the general meeting of shareholders, which was the basis for the requirements of the redemption of shares, the shareholder who intends to implement the above law, gives the Company a written request. At the request of a shareholder about the mandatory redemption of shares must be mentioned his surname, name, patronymic (name), place of residence (location), the number, type and/or class of shares, redemption which he requires.
within 30 days after receiving a request of a shareholder about the mandatory redemption of shares the company shall pay the cost of the shares at the price of redemption, specified in the notice of right to claim redemption of shares owned by shareholders.
shares is effected in cash, if the parties within the deadlines set out in this paragraph, not agree on another form of payment.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
6.8. Each shareholder - owner of ordinary shares of the Company shall be entitled to request the
mandatory redemption by the Company of its own voting shares, if he signed up to participate in the general meeting and voted against by the general
meeting of shareholders of the decision:
merger, consolidation, division, conversion, separation Society , change the type from public to private;
committing significant transaction Society;
change of share capital.
Society in the above cases due to repurchase shares of the shareholder.
A list of shareholders entitled to request the mandatory redemption of their shares, are based on the list of shareholders who have registered to participate in the general meeting of shareholders at which it was decided that was the basis for the requirement of mandatory redemption of shares.
redemption price of shares may not be less than their market value.
redemption price of shares calculated as on the day preceding the day of publication (sending) in the prescribed manner notice of the general meeting of shareholders at which it was decided that was the basis for the requirements of the mandatory redemption of shares. The market value of shares is determined in the manner prescribed in paragraph 6.3. Charter.
Agreement between the Company and a shareholder of the mandatory redemption by the Company of its own shares shall be in writing.
within 30 days after the general meeting decision, which led to demands mandatory redemption of shares, the shareholder who intends to implement this right shall submit a written request to the Company. At the request of a shareholder of the mandatory redemption of shares shall contain his name, first name, middle name (name), address (location), the number, type and / or class of shares, mandatory redemption which he requires.
within 30 days after receipt of the request of a shareholder of the mandatory redemption of shares of the Company shall pay the cost of shares for repurchase price specified in the notice of claim mandatory redemption of shares owned by the shareholder.
shares Payment is made in cash, unless the parties within the time limits set at this point, do not agree on other forms of payment.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
6.8. Every sharer is a owner of the simple actions of Amalgamated union has the right to demand zdiisnennya
obov'yazkovogo redemption by Amalgamated union to the proper it of golosuiuchikh actions ,If he registered for participation in general meeting and voted contra the acceptance of zagalnimi
zborami the sharers of decision about:
amalgamation, reunion, division, conversion, vidil Amalgamated unions ,Variation it type with public on private;
commitment by Amalgamated union significant pravochinu;
variation the size of statute capital.
Amalgamated union in specified higher cases is obligated to buy out proper sharer actions.
The list of sharers which have the right to demand the fulfilment of the obligatory redemption of proper to them actions, consists on the grounds of the list of sharers which registered for participation in the general meeting of sharers ,On which was make decision, what became ground for the demand of the obligatory redemption of actions.
Cost the redemption of actions cannot be less, knife their market value.
Cost the redemption of actions pays off by condition on day ,What precedes the day of manifestation (dispatch) in established the order of message about the call of the general meeting of sharers, on which was make decision which became ground for the demand of the obligatory redemption of actions.The market value of actions is defined in order set in article
6.3. Status.
Treaty between Amalgamated union and sharer about obligatory redemption by Amalgamated union to the proper it of actions is concluded in written form.
By the extension 30 days after acceptance by the general meeting of the sharers of decision, what became ground for the demand of the obligatory redemption of actions, sharer which intends to realize above-mentioned right, submits Amalgamated union written demand.In the sharer's demand about the obligatory redemption of actions are in prospect above-mentioned it cognomen, name, on father (name), the dwelling of (location), number, type and/or the class of actions ,Obligatory redemption which he demands.
By the extension 30 days after the reception of the demand of sharer about the obligatory redemption of actions Amalgamated union accomplishes amortisation the cost of actions behind redemption cost ,Above-mentioned in message about the right of the demand of the obligatory redemption of actions, what belong sharer.
The payment of actions is accomplished in monetary form, if sides within terms established in this article ,Did not come to an agreement concerning another form of payment.
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