Слід відзначити, що однодольні види виявились менш стійкішими до Проману 500 КЕ, ніж дводольні, тоді як за Приместри TZ Голд показники були вирівняними.
It should be noted that the monocotyledon species were less more resistant to Promanu 500 KE than magnoliopsida, whereas the Primestri TZ Gold indices were aligned.
It should be noted that monocotyledonous species were less resistant to 500 CE Promanu than bipartite, whereas in Prymestry TZ Gold values were aligned.
necessary to chronicle that odnodolni kinds were indicated less stiikishimi to Promanu 500 KE, knife dvodolni, then as for Primestri TZ Gold indexes were aligned.