Вони минають кілька симпатичних кав’ярень, і Оля здогадується, що Святослав веде її до якогось романтичного й містичного місця. Можливо, тепер кава смакуватиме їй ліпше і вона нарешті полюбить її, а може, не тільки її…
They pass a few cute cafes and Olga realizes that Svyatoslav leads her to a romantic and mystical places. <br>Maybe now her coffee tastes better and is finally love her, and maybe not just her ...
They pass a few cute coffee shops, and Olya guessed that Svyatoslav leads her to some romantic and mystical place.<br> Perhaps now the coffee will taste her better and she finally loves her, and maybe not only her...