ВИСНОВКИТаким чином, «The Beatles» - це те джерело, з якого вилилася в перевод - ВИСНОВКИТаким чином, «The Beatles» - це те джерело, з якого вилилася в английский как сказать

ВИСНОВКИТаким чином, «The Beatles»

Таким чином, «The Beatles» - це те джерело, з якого вилилася вся сучасна музика. Їх не можна любити або ненавидіти, їх творчість існує самостійно, як окрема матерія, окремий вимір. Так думають мільйони людей по всьому світі. Bill board називає «The Beatles» кращою групою вже 45 років. Ці хлопці перевернули музичну культуру Заходу (і нашу частково), породивши феномен "британської музики".
8 грудня 1980 року стало ясно, що «The Beatles» назавжди стали частиною історії музики і культури, і ні про яке відродження не може бути і мови. Альбоми групи перевидаються мільйонними тиражами - дві подвійні збірки «The Beatles» ("синя" і "червона"), що вийшли у форматі CD знов заполонили хіт-паради всього світу, де тримаються і зараз. А наступним кроком, після якого прихильники «The Beatles» у всьому світі знов вишикувалися в черзі за пластинками своїх вічних кумирів, став вихід в світ трьох подвійних "Антологій". І крапку, здається, в цій історії поки ставити рано.
Ці пісні крутили по двадцять годин на добу, знали їх напам'ять. Кожен новий альбом «Бітлз» відкривав нову сторінку в житті тодішньої молоді. Якісь їх пісні виконували функції справжніх молитов. Портфелі, зошити, а також деталі одягу і відкриті ділянки тіла були списані цитатами з пісень «Бітлз».
«Бітлз» завжди були законодавцями музичної моди — і в той же час завжди в стороні від потоку. Будь-яка їх пісня запам'ятовувалася відразу,потрапляла всередину, була дуже проста і завжди в ній було щось невловиме, те, що не можна повторити, зімітувати. Кожен їх альбом був записаний на одному диханні і не схожий на попередні. Вони ніколи неповторювали себе — тому їх музика не має ніякого відношення до комерційної. Вони не обмежували себе якимсь своїм стилем - в цьому і був їх стиль. Особливо це помітно сьогодні, коли кожна група прагне знайти своє звучання, і вже ніколи не змінювати його. Майже кожна пісня «Бітлз» була відкриттям. З кожного музичного рядка їх пісень можна зробити окрему пісню — вони були дивно щедрі на мелодії.
Говорити про значення «Бітлз» можна, напевно, нескінченно. Воно величезне. Їх музика жива і продовжуватиме жити. І тому є доказ: одного разу підліток Стюарт Саткліфф сказав своєму приятелю Полу те, що багато раз повторював своєму кращому другові Джону: "Побачиш, вашими іменами назвуть планети!" Через чверть століття Міжнародний астрономічний союз затвердив за чотирма астероїдами назви "Леннон", "Маккартні", "Харрісон"і "Старр".
«Бітлз» пішли, але бітломанія, схоже, не зникне ніколи. Тридцять років після розпаду групи всіх часів і народів популярність ліверпульської четвірки все ще дуже велика.
Сьогодні, коли мода на звук міняється трохи не що дня, навіть записи груп 70-х звучать, як архаїка. А пісні «Бітлз» не втратили своєї свіжості, і неможливо звільнитися від відчуття, що це записано тільки що.
Філософи сперечаються до хрипоти, чи в змозі музика змінити світ, а ці четверо хлопців своїми піснями звели з розуму ціле покоління, примусивши молодих людей всієї планети забути про техніку, спорт, науку і узяти вруки електрогітари. Такого інтересу молоді у бік музики за всю історію людства не було ще ніколи. І, мабуть, ніколи більше не буде.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
THE CONCLUSIONS OF THEThus, «The Beatles» is the source from which has been poured out all modern music. You cannot love or hate, their creativity exists independently, as a separate matter, a separate dimension. So think of millions of people around the world. Bill board calls "The Beatles" best group already 45 years old. These guys flipped the musical culture of the West (and partially), raising the phenomenon of "British music".December 8, 1980, it became clear that «The Beatles» forever became a part of music history and culture, and neither of which revival may not be and speech. Albums by the band reissued millions of copies-two double compilation "The Beatles" ("blue" and "red"), came out in CD format again filled the hit parades all over the world where you are now. As the next step, after which the supporters of «The Beatles» around the world again lined up in line for plates of their eternal idols, was out in the world of three double "Anthologies". And to the point, it seems in this story until the set early.These songs are played over twenty hours per day, knew them by heart. Each new album "the Beatles" opened a new page in the lives of young people. Some of their songs performed the function of true prayers. Portfolios, notebooks, as well as details of clothing and open areas of the body were written off quotes from songs "Beatles".«The Beatles» were always legislators musical fashion — and at the same time, always on the side of the stream. Any of their song zapam'âtovuvalasâ immediately fell inside was very simple and always there was something elusive, something that can't be repeated, zìmìtuvati. Each of their album was recorded in one go and not similar to the previous ones. They will never nepovtorûvali myself — because their music has no relation to the commercial. They do not limit themselves to make their style-this was their style. This is especially noticeable today, when each group tends to find its sound, and never change it. Almost every song the Beatles "was opening. With each musical line, their songs can make a separate song — they were surprisingly generous in Melody.Talk about the meaning of "the Beatles" you can probably indefinitely. It is huge. Their music is alive and will continue to live. And so is the proof: one day the teenager Stuart Sutcliffe told his buddy to a Semi that many times repeating his best friend John: "will your name be a planet!" after a quarter century of International Astronomical Union approved the four asteroids of the name "Lennon", "Mccartney," "Harrison" and "Starr".«The Beatles» went, but bìtlomanìâ don't seem to go away ever. Thirty years after the breakup of the band of all times and peoples ' popularity by the Liverpudlian Quartet is still very big.Today, when the fashion for the sound changed a little that day, even recordings of groups of the 70 's sound as archaic. And the song "the Beatles" is not lost its freshness, and you can't get rid of the feeling that it was just that.Philosophers argue to the hoarseness is whether able to music change the world, and these four guys with their songs built out of a whole generation's mind, he made young people the entire planet to forget about technique, sport, science and take a vruki electric guitar. The interest of youth in the direction of music in the history of humanity was not yet. And probably never will be.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thus, «The Beatles» - this is the source from which all modern music poured out. They can not love or hate their work exists independently as a separate matter, a separate dimension. So think millions of people around the world. Bill board called «The Beatles» Best Group for 45 years. These guys turned the musical culture of the West (and our part), giving rise to the phenomenon of "British music."
December 8, 1980, it became clear that «The Beatles» all become part of the history of music and culture, and about any revival there can be no question. Albums groups reprinted in millions of copies - two double collection «The Beatles» ("blue" and "red"), published in CD format again flooded the charts around the world, which are held now. And the next step, after which supporters «The Beatles» in the world lined up again in line for his eternal idols plates, was the way the world three double "anthologies". And the point, it seems this story is too early yet.
These songs spun twenty hours a day, knew them by heart. Each new album "The Beatles" opened a new chapter in the life of the then young. Some of their songs have served as true prayer. Portfolios, notebooks, and details of clothing and exposed areas of the body have been written quotations from songs "The Beatles."
"The Beatles" were always legislators musical fashion - and at the same time always away from the stream. Any song they remembered immediately fell into was very simple and always there was something intangible, something that can not be repeated, imitate. Each of the album was recorded in one go and not like the previous ones. They never nepovtoryuvaly themselves - because their music has nothing to do with business. They did not limit themselves somehow their style - this was their style. This is especially noticeable today when every team tries to find their sound, and never change it. Almost every song is "The Beatles" was a revelation. With each musical line their songs could make a separate song - they were surprisingly generous with melody.
Talking about the importance of "The Beatles" could probably forever. It is enormous. Their music is alive and will continue to live. Therefore, it is proof: one teenager Stuart Sutcliffe told his friend Paul that many times repeated his best friend John: "See, your name will be called a planet!" A quarter-century, the International Astronomical Union approved the four asteroids name "Lennon", "McCartney", "Harrison" and "Starr".
"The Beatles" gone, but Beatlemania seems never disappears. Thirty years after the collapse of all time famous Fab Four are still very high.
Today, when fashion changes the sound a bit that day, even recording 70 groups sound as archaic. And the song "The Beatles" have not lost their freshness, and can not get rid of the feeling that this is just written.
Philosophers argue themselves hoarse, music or able to change the world, and these four guys built their songs crazy whole generation of young people by making all Planet forget about technology, sports, science and take vrukah electric. This interest of young people towards music in the history of mankind was not ever. And probably never will.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
TAKIM by rank, "The Beatles" - this that source, with what vililasya all modern music. Them do not can be to loved or to detest, their creative work exists independent, as several matter, several dimension.So think the millions of people on all world. Bill board names "The Beatles" the best group already of 45 years. These boys overturned musical culture West (and our partly) having generated the phenomenon of "British music".
8 decembers 1980 year constantly clear that "The Beatles" once for all became part history musicians and cultures, and no about what renaissance cannot be and languages.The albums of group perevidaiutsya by milionnimi circulations - two double zbirki "The Beatles" ("blue" and "red"), what went out in format CD again zapolonili the hit-parades of all world, where stick to and now. And by following step ,After what partisans "The Beatles" in all world again lined in course behind plastinkami the eternal idols, became exit into the world of three double "Anthologies". And dot, appears, in this history while to set sore.
These songs revolved on twenty hours on day, knew them napam'yat. Every new album "Bitlz" opened new page in life that there young. Some their songs accomplished functions real molitov. Brief-bag, copy-books ,And also details apparel and discovered the allotments of body were spisani by citations from songs "Bitlz".
"Bitlz" always were by the legislators of musical fashion — and into the same time always in party from flood.Any their song zapam'yatovuvalasya antipathy, potraplyala inside, was very simple and always in it was anything nevlovime, what will not can be to reiterated, zimituvati.Every their album was recorded on one breathing and not like preliminary. They never nepovtoriuvali itself — therefore their music has no no relation to commercial.They did not limit itself yakims the style - in these and was their style. Especially it is visibly today, when every group seeks to find the zvuchannya, and already never to change it. Almost every song "Bitlz" was by discovery.From every musical line of their songs can be to done several song — they were surprisingly generous on melody.
To speak about meaning "Bitlz" possible, maybe, neskinchenno. It is great. Their music live and will carry to live.And therefore is provement: Once juvenile Stiuart Satkliff said to svoemu friend Polu what many time reiterated svoemu best friend to John: Will "See, your names will name planets!" Across the quarter of age International astronomical union affirmed behind chotirma the asteroids of name "Lennon", "Makkartni", "Kharrison'i "Starr".
"Bitlz" went, however bitlomaniya, similar, will not disappear never.Thirty years after the decay of the group of all watch and nations popularity liverpool chetvirki still very large.
It is today, when fashion on sound changes a little not what of day, even records of groups 70 sound, as arkhaika.And songs "Bitlz" did not lose the svizhosti, and impossible be clear of feeling, what this are recorded just.
Philosophers argue to khripoti, or in opportunity music to change world ,And these four boys by the songs set up from intellect full generation having coerced the young people of all planet to forget about technology, sport, science and uzyati vruki elektrogitari.Such interest youth in the music side for all history of human race was not more never. And, apparent, nevermore will not.

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