А може, вбивство з милосердя?
Щодня у свiтi тисячi фiзично здорових людей добровiльно йдуть iз життя через те, що не в змозi витримати душевнi страждання. У той же час тисячi безнадiйно хворих страждають вiд фiзичного болю. Чи має право хтось iз людей (бо самi вони не в змозi) покласти край їхньому стражданню, вчинивши «вбивство з милосердя»?
Гарне медичне слово «евтаназiя» означає безболiсне навмисне умертвiння хворого з метою полегшення його страждань. Проблема евтаназiї виникла не сьогоднi i не раптово. Англiйський фiлософ Френсiс Бекон (1561–1626) для означення легкої безболiсної смертi ввiв термiн «евтаназiя», тобто хороша, спокiйна i легка смерть, без мук i страждань.
Кiлька рокiв тому великого розголосу набув судовий процес над 71-рiчним хiрургом Джеком Кеворкяном, активним пропагандистом евтаназiї (звільнення вiд страждань тяжкохворої людини за допомогою безболісного умертвіння), що вiдбувся у м. Понтiак штату Мiчiган США. «Лiкар Смерть» за певний перiод зa допомогою спецiального ним розробленого апарата умертвив 130 безнадiйних пацiєнтiв. Шiсть разiв за цей час вiн притягався до суду, i суд виправдовував лiкаря. Востаннє вiн вiдмовився вiд адвоката, i суд визнав його винним. Вирок – 25 рокiв тюремного ув’язнення. Багато хто висловлював на адресу «Лiкаря Смерть» осуд й неприязнь. Однак є i багато прихильникiв Кеворкяна серед вчених та хворих. Одна з його послiдовниць – медсестра з Угорщини, яка отримала прiзвисько Чорний Ангел, – нинi теж уже за гратами. Хоч вона й переконувала суддiв, що вводила смертельну iн’єкцiю хворим лише на їхнє прохання, чи, наприклад, якщо хворий перебував у глибокiй комi й життя його пiдтримувалося лише за допомогою апаратiв, на прохання близьких родичiв.
Якщо розiбратися детальнiше, то поняття «евтаназiя» має дуже глибоке коріння. Так, у Спартi вбивали немовлят, народжених слабкими й хворими, у деяких первiсних племен був звичай убивати старих людей, якi стали тягарем для iнших. На початку минулого столiття юрист Бiндiнг i психiатр Гохе запропонували називати евтаназiєю знищення так званих «неповноцiнних» людей. Евтаназiя у такiй iнтерпретацiї широко застосовувалася в гiтлерiвськiй Нiмеччинi, де була спецiально розроблена програма масового знищення людей з рiзними формами захворювань (психiчно хворих, епiлептикiв, паралiзованих тощо). Все це робилося «в iнтересах нацiї». Нинi питання про допустимiсть евтаназiї обговорюється в багатьох країнах свiту, а в рядi країн евтаназiя визнана законною: зокрема, у Нідерландах, в Австралiї, з деякими застереженнями у Канаді. У нас же евтаназiю ранiше прийнято було згадувати як явище, властиве виключно капiталiстичному суспiльству, позбавленому елементарних принципiв моралi. Те, що подiбне може бути у нас, сприймалося як абсурд. Не тому, напевно, що всi українцi чи росiяни такi ревнi вiруючі i у всьому, зокрема в питаннi життя i смертi, покладаються на Бога. Можливо, тут далося взнаки горезвiсне українське терпiння? А може, не одному поколiнню втовкмаченi незабутнi слова Павки Корчагiна, що «життя дається тiльки раз...» У той же час багато вчених зі свiтовим iменем вважають, що є категорiї людей, для яких є допустимим «убивство з милосердя».
Злиденне становище нашої медицини – важливий об’єктивний фактор популярностi евтаназiї. Воно формує думку, що медично дозволена смерть i припинення життя є достойнiшими за нестерпне споглядання того, як помирають безнадiйно хворi, котрим суспiльство не в змозi допомогти. У той же час це сприятиме поширенню в суспiльствi цинiзму, нiгiлiзму i моральної деградацiї в цiлому, що є неминучим при вiдмовi вiд дотримання заповiдi «не убий».
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Or maybe the murder of mercy?Every day in the world thousands of fizično healthy people dobrovil′no go with life because not unable to withstand duševni suffering. At the same time thousands of beznadijno of patients suffering from physical pain. Can someone with the people (because they haven't been unable) to put an end to their suffering, had given "the murder of mercy?Good health, the word "evtanaziâ" means bezbolisne intentional umertvinnâ of the patient in order to ease his suffering. The problem of evtanaziï originated not today i don't suddenly. Began to learn English filosof Frensis Bacon (1561 – 1626) for the definition of the term bezbolisnoï light vviv evtanaziâ "death", that is good, the balmy i easy death, without torment i suffering.A few years ago the big publicity gained trial 71-ričnim surgeon Jack Kevorkânom, an active promoter of evtanaziï (the liberation from the suffering of human tâžkohvoroï using drugs putting depth), which took place in Mičigan State Pontiak United States. "Doctor death" for a certain period the last using special it developed the device umertviv 130 beznadijnih patients. Six times during that time, he pritâgavsâ to the Court, i can justify the Court. The last time he age from a lawyer i Court found him guilty. The sentence is 25 years imprisonment. Many have expressed to address "the consultation of death" condemnation and hostility. However, there are many i prihil′nikiv Kevorkâna among scientists and patients. One of his poslidovnic′ is nurse from Hungary, which received prizvis′ko Black Angel, now, too, is already behind bars. Though she and convinced the judges that vvodila death etc ' êkciû sick only at the request, or, for example, if the patient was in komi glibokij and his pidtrimuvalosâ only by using the General, at the request of close relatives.If rozibratisâ more details, then the concept of "evtanaziâ" has very deep roots. Yes, Sparti killed babies born weak and sick, in some pervisnih tribes was wont to kill old people, who have become a burden to the other. At the beginning of the last century lawyer Binding i psihiatr Gohe offered to call evtanaziêû the destruction of the so-called "nepovnocinnih" people. Evtanaziâ in so interpretaciï is widely used in gitlerivs′kij Germany, where there was a specially designed program of mass extermination of people with different forms of diseases (psihično, epileptikiv, paralizovanih etc.). All this was done in the interests of nation ". Now the question of the admissibility of evtanaziï is discussed in many countries of the world, and in some countries evtanaziâ recognized as legitimate: in particular, in the Netherlands, in Panas Myrnyi, with some reservations in Canada. We have the same evtanaziû was accepted to mention as a phenomenon are exclusively kapitalističnomu suspil′stvu, void of the elementary principles of morality. What podibne can be in the us, has been perceived as absurd. Not sure what all the dissemination or rosiâni Taki revni viruûčì i around, particularly in the issue of life, death i rely on God. Maybe it was the effect of gorezvisne Ukrainian terpinnâ? And maybe not one pokolinnû vtovkmačeni nezabutni words Pavki Korčagina that "life is given only once. At the same time many scientists from svitovim lately suggest that there is a category of people for whom an accepted "murder of mercy."A destitute situation of our medicine is an important objective factor populârnosti evtanaziï. It forms the opinion that medically permitted death i termination of life is dostojnišimi by an endless contemplation as die beznadijno patients, which the society is not unable to help. At the same time it will spread in the society cinizmu, nigilizmu i moral on the whole that is inevitable when vidmovi from compliance zapovidi "thou shalt not kill."
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Maybe murder with mercy?
Every day in the world thousands of physically healthy people voluntarily go through life with that is not able to withstand dushevni suffering. At the same time thousands of patients suffering from beznadiyno physical pain. Does someone with the right people (because they sami incapable) to end their suffering by committing "murder with mercy?"
A good medical word "evtanaziya" means intentional mortification bezbolisne patient to alleviate his suffering. The problem did not arise today evtanaziyi i do not suddenly. English filosof Francis Bacon (1561-1626) to describe the light bezbolisnoyi death vviv term "evtanaziya", that is good, i spokiyna easy death, without suffering i suffering.
Several years ago a lot of publicity came the trial of 71 Annual surgeon Jack Kevorkian, active evtanaziyi promoter (liberation from the suffering of seriously ill man with painless killing), which was held in the city. Pontiak state Michihan USA. "Doctor Death" for a certain period za him using a special machine developed by 130 beznadiynyh slew of patients hospitalized. Six times during this time he brought to the court, i court justified the doctor. The last time he vidmovyvsya from a lawyer, i court found him guilty. Sentence - 25 years in prison. Many expressed to the "Doctor Death" condemnation and hostility. However, there are many i Kevorkian supporters among scientists and patients. One of his poslidovnyts - a nurse from Hungary, which received prizvysko Black Angel - now up also already behind bars. Though she tried to convince the judges that introduced lethal injections to patients only on request, or, for example, if the patient was in hlybokiy komi pidtrymuvalosya his life and only through aparativ, at the request of close relatives.
If rozibratysya more, the concept of "evtanaziya "has very deep roots. Yes, Sparti killing babies born weak and sick, some tribes pervisnyh was the custom to kill old people, who have become a burden to others. Early last century lawyer Bindinh i psyhiatr Hohe offered to call evtanaziyeyu destruction of so-called "nepovnotsinnyh" people. Evtanaziya interpretation in such a hitlerivskiy widely used in Germany, which was specially developed program of mass destruction with various forms of diseases (psychic patients epileptykiv, paralyzed, etc). All this was done "in the interest of the nation." Admissibility of the question now up evtanaziyi discussed in many countries, and in a number of countries evtanaziya recognized as legitimate, particularly in the Netherlands, Australia, with some reservations in Canada. We also evtanaziyu previously taken was remembered as a phenomenon peculiar only kapitalistychnomu society, deprived of basic principles of morals. What can be similarly us, perceived as absurd. Not so sure that all Ukrainians or Russians such revni i believers throughout, particularly in life i pytanni death, rely on God. Perhaps there was given felt horezvisne Ukrainian terpinnya? And can not one generation vtovkmacheni nezabutni Pavel Korchahina words that "life is given only once ..." At the same time, many scientists believe the names of the World, which is a category of people for whom a valid "mercy killing."
Miserable situation our medicine - an important objective factor evtanaziyi popularity. It forms the view that allowed medical death i dostoynishymy termination of life is unbearable for contemplation of how the dying beznadiyno Patients for whom Society is not able to help. At the same time it will promote in society tsynizmu, i nihilizmu moral degradation as a whole, which is inevitable when vidmovi from compliance zapovidi "Thou shalt not kill."
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
And maybe murder in solace?
daily in the world a thousand фiзично healthy people добровiльно go with life because they withstand змозi душевнi suffering. At the same time a thousand безнадiйно patients suffering from фiзичного pain.Have a right to someone with people (because controversial they змозi) put an end to their стражданню, Having subjected these "Murder in mercy"?
Good medical word "евтаназiя" means безболiсне intentional умертвiння patient in order to facilitate its suffering. The problem евтаназiї has arisen not presently i could not suddenly.Англiйський фiлософ Френсiс Bacon (1561-1626) for easy безболiсної смертi ввiв term "евтаназiя", that is good, спокiйна i light death, without torments i suffering.
Several years ago big publicity acquired trial of 71-рiчним хiрургом Jack Кеворкяном, active promoter евтаназiї (dismissal from suffering тяжкохворої person using painless killing),That in 1959 in Kyiv. Понтiак Мiчiган State University. "belongs to Smert" for a certain period with the help of special it developed machine умертвив безнадiйних 130 patients. The congress included разiв during this time he притягався to courtI was failing him court лiкаря. The last time he former VR speaker from a lawyer, i the court found him guilty. The sentence - 25 years in prison. Many who voiced onto "Лiкаря Smert" denouncement and resentment.But there are and much прихильникiв Кеворкяна among scientists and patients. One of its послiдовниць - a nurse from Hungary, which received прiзвисько Black Angel, --had also already behind bars. Even though urged суддiв,
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