Зачувши їх, бик почав ремигати в повітці, нахиляючи роги і вимагаючи в перевод - Зачувши їх, бик почав ремигати в повітці, нахиляючи роги і вимагаючи в английский как сказать

Зачувши їх, бик почав ремигати в по

Зачувши їх, бик почав ремигати в повітці, нахиляючи роги і вимагаючи випустити його. Теля теж спробувало було протестувати, але воно було занадто малим, аби йти до череди. В іншому кінці повітки заіржав віслюк: "Ііі-ооо! Ііі-ооо!", мабуть згадуюючи вільне життя в табуні. Ослиця навіть морду не повернула - маленький ослик саме прилип до її вимені, ласуючи молоком. Зате іржання почули в конюшні, де спочатку заіржав жеребець, б'ючи підкованим копитом в землю, роздуваючи ніздрі та мотаючи гривою. За ним заіржала кобила, а потім й жеребчик та кобилка. Навіть мале лоша, яке ще в житті не бачило табуна, спробувало й собі заіржати. В сараї замекали кози - цап, коза та козенята - скоро їх поженуть до череди пастися на вигоні. В кошарі забекали барани, вівці та ягнята: "Бее! Бее!" Їм теж кортіло до отари. У свинарнику почулося рохкання свиней: "Хрю! Хрю!" Кабан, кнур, свині, відгодований на забій підсвинок з великим рилом та цілий виводок поросят рідкісної породи, що якийсь час була практично на межі вимирання, похропуючи, риссю побігли до корита. А був вже час, коли багато хто вважав спробу відродити цю цінну породу безглуздою і сміховинною, пропонуючи всякі альтернативи! Жаль, що попри всю прихильність до цих свинок, доведеться свого часу відправляти їх на бойню. Таке життя! В кролятнику заворушилися кріль, кролиці та виводок кроленят. З собачої будки виглянув пес, гавкнувши на курей, що греблися вже занадто близько: "Гав! Гав!" Потім для порядку погарчав на півника, що шпацирував коло курей, як Пилип з конопель, і заховався в будку. Тут можна було згадувати вільне життя, коли він був ще щеням, і гасав у зграї таких же вільних собак, як і він. Там у нього була така гарна собачка! З блискучим хутром, симпатичною мордочкою, м'якими лапами і блискучими пазурами! Солодкі спогади зволожили його очі і він тихо заскавучав. На ганок ліниво вийшла кішка, ворушачи усами і озираючись довкола. Помітивши зажуреного пса, зневажливо нявкнула. "Ховається в ту будку як у панцир. Знову згадує молодість. Було б що згадувати! Оце я б стала тинятися смітниками у зграї кішок з усякими драними котами та кошенятами? Та ні за що в світі! Ні, все таки цей пес мені не рівня. І взагалі, час йому вже мабуть пакувати речі, бо з нього ні діла ні роботи". Вона простягнулася на теплому ганку, примружила очіі задоволено замурчала.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Začuvši them, the bull started remigati in the povìtcì by tilting the Horn and demanding his release. Calf too sprobuvalo was a test, but it was too small to go to cattle. At the other end of the povìtki the donkey whinny "III-Oh! III-Oh! ", apparently zgaduûûči free life in tabunì. Jenny even face returned-little donkey just stuck to her udder, lasuûči milk. But the neighing is heard in the stables, where originally the whinny Stallion, hitting savvy by ... in the ground, blowing your nostrils and motaûči mane. It zaìržala Mare and then and žerebčik and filly. Even the small colt, which in life hath not seen tabuna, sprobuvalo and self zaìržati. In the barn zamekali goats-goat, goat or goats-soon moved them to the cattle graze on pasture-raised. In košarì zabekali sheep, sheep and lambs: "Piemontese Bé! Piemontese Bé! "they too want to flock. In the pig pen heard some grunting pigs: "Oink! OiNK! "boar, boar, pig, vìdgodovanij finishers pìdsvinok with big rilom and a clutch of rare breed pigs, which for some time was almost on the verge of extinction, pohropuûči, trotting rushed to the trough. But there was a time when many thought the attempt to revive this valuable breed of senseless and smìhovinnoû, offering all sorts of alternative! Unfortunately, despite all the commitment to these pigs have their time to send them to the carnage. Is life! In krolâtniku zavorušilisâ rabbit, explore and brood rabbits. With the dog booths peeked out male, gavknuvši on the chickens that greblisâ already too close: "Wow! Wow! "then for order pogarčav in the cockerel that špaciruvav circle of chickens, as Philip of hemp, and is in the booth. Here you can mention the free life, when he was still a puppy, and gasav favored the same free dogs like it. There he was such a good little dog! With shiny fur, a cute muzzle, Soft Paws and shiny pazurami! Sweet memories zvoložili his eyes and he quietly zaskavučav. On the porch lazily released cat, vorušači Osama and looking around. Noticing zažurenogo PSA, dismissive nâvknula. "Hiding in the booth as the carapace. Again mentions youth. Would remember! This I would stick smìtnikami swarms in cats with dranimi all cats and kittens? And for anything in the world! No, I still have this dog I have. And, while he is probably Pack your stuff, because neither the work nor the work. " It stretches in the warm front porch, primružila očìì satisfied zamurčala.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hearing them, the bull began to shed remyhaty tilting horns and demanding his release. The calf also had tried to protest, but it was too small to go to the cattle. At the other end of the shed zairzhav ass "III-ooo! III-ooo!", Presumably zhaduyuyuchy free life in the herd. Ass even face not returned - a little donkey is stuck to her udder lasuyuchy milk. But heard neighing in the stables, where the first zairzhav stallion, beating savvy hoof into the ground, inflating his nostrils and motayuchy mane. Behind him neighing mare, and then zherebchyk and filly. Even small foal that in life not seen the herd, and tried a zairzhaty. In the shed bleated goats - goat, goat and kid - soon they chase cattle to graze on pasture. Zabekaly sheep into the sheepfold, sheep and lambs, "Bee! Bee!" They are also eager to flock. In Pig heard grunting pigs, "Oink! Oink!" Hog, boar, pig, gilt-fed for slaughter snout with a large brood and a rare breed pigs that some time was almost on the verge of extinction, pohropuyuchy, trot ran to the trough. A There was a time when many believed attempt to revive this valuable breed absurd and ridiculous, offering all sorts of alternatives! Pity that despite the commitment to these pigs have their time to send them to slaughter. Such is life! In the rabbit warren stir, rabbit and brood rabbits. With dog kennels looked, havknuvshy on chickens that are too close hreblysya "Gav! Gav!" Then, for the manner in poharchav cock that shpatsyruvav range chickens, as Philip hemp, and hid in a box. You could mention free life, when he was a puppy, and hasav in the same flock free dogs like him. There he was such a good dog! With shiny fur, nice muzzle, paws soft and shiny claws! Sweet memories moistened his eyes and he quietly zaskavuchav. On the porch lazily out cat moving his Osama and looking around. Noticing the sad dog nyavknula contempt. "Hiding in one booth like armor. Again mentions youth. It would be to remember! Behold, I have become trash wander in flocks with all sorts of cats and kittens cats Lath? And for anything in the world! No, do not dog me of . In general, he has probably time to pack things for it to work with no job. " It stretches on the warm porch prymruzhyla ochii zamurchala satisfied.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Having caught them, bull began in ремигати повітці by tipping the horns and demanding to release it. Calf also tried to test, but it was too small to move to the flock. At the other end of service buildings - barns guffawed baby donkey,: "Ііі-ooo!Ііі-ooo!", maybe згадуюючи free life in табуні. Even Ослиця snout has not returned - small ослик is sticking to its udder, while relishing milk. But the neighing heard in конюшні, where he guffawed stallion,Beating up підкованим копитом in the ground, ballooning nostrils and мотаючи mane. Behind him заіржала Kobyla peaks, and then also жеребчик and mare. Even small colt, which is still in your life is not seen табуна ZN tried itself and заіржати.In the barn замекали goats - cap, goat and козенята - soon their stadium with 30,000 to herd graze on вигоні. In кошарі забекали sheep, sheep and ягнята: "Бее! Бее!" They also eager to the flock. In the piggery it snaps-down grunt hogs: "Хрю! Хрю!" Wild Boar, кнур, pigs, відгодований slaughter підсвинок with large snout and a little pigs виводок bustard, which some time was almost on the brink of extinction of the похропуючи, trot ran to a trough. As was already timeWhen many people considered attempt to revive this valuable breed pointless and laughable, offering all sorts of alternative! It is a pity that despite all the commitment to these guinea pigs have time to return them to бойню.Such a life! In кролятнику moved kril, rabbit and виводок rabbits. With the dog friendly booth looked dog гавкнувши for laying hens, which already греблися too close: "Wow! Wow!" Then the погарчав on cockerel,What шпацирував circle of laying hens, as Philip from hemp and hid in box. Here you can remember a free life, when he was still a puppy and гасав in the pack such as free dogs, as the presidency. There he had such a good dog!With a brilliant fur, nice mordashka, soft paws and brilliant пазурами! Sweet Memories moistened his eyes and quietly заскавучав. On the porch lazily exited a cat, Osama ворушачи and looking around.Noticing зажуреного dog, disparagingly mewed. "Hiding in the booth in shell. Recalls again youth. It would be nothing to remember! That I would become ages 16-25 hang in the pack cats with all kinds of драними cats and kittens?Not for anything in the world! No, it's this dog me not equal. And in general, time, he may already pack things, because with him interested either works". Extending it to a warm porch, narrowed her очіі satisfied замурчала.
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