1.Я увійшов до кімнати і побачив свою дочку,яка щось малювала.
2.хлопці їхали на автомобілі,коли сталася аварія.
3.коли ми зайшли до кімнати,вона сиділа за столом.
4.я не почув,що він сказав мені,тому що я слухав музику.
5.коли це сталось?- це сталось,коли ми йшли на роботу.
6.вчора він сидів у своїй кімнаті,коли зайшла його дружина і сказала,що їхні діти прийшли додому.
7.чому ти зробив стільки помилок в останньому диктанті?-я думав про щось інше під час диктанту.
8.вона злама ключ,коли намагалась відчинити двері.
9.минулої п ятниці я весь день працював над доповіддю.
10.що робили діти,коли ви зайшли до кімнати?- вони гралися м ячем.
11.позавчора о другій я ремонтував годинник.
12.коли ми пливли на човні,ми побачили маленький острів попереду.
13.хто допомагав тобі, коли ти прибирала в кімнаті?
14.минулого року мої батьки взяли мене з собою у відрядження.
15.ти спав вчора о десятій?- ні. В цей час я гуляв зі своїм собакою у дворі.
16.вчора я кудись поклав свої зошити.
17. ми прийшли додому о п ятій годині. В цей час наш син дивився телевізор.
18. що вона відповіла вам,коли ви запросили її в театр?
19.мати приготувала обід о четвертій годині.
20.він не дивився телевізор о шостій годині, він слухав музику.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I entered the room and saw her daughter, which is something of a draw.2. the guys drove away when the accident occurred.3. when we went into the room, she was sitting at the table.4. I have not heard that he told me, because I was listening to music.5. When this happened? — it happened when we went to work.6. yesterday, he sat in his room, when his wife came in and said that their children came home.7. Why did so many mistakes in the latter diktantì?-I was thinking about something else at the time diktantu.8. She zlama key when trying to open the door.9. last Friday I worked the whole day report.10. What did the kids, when you came into the room? – they were m âčem.11. before yesterday at the second I repaired the watch.12. when we sailed on the boat, we saw a small island.13. who helped you when you joined in the room?14. last year, my parents took me along on a business trip.15. you're asleep at ten?-No. At this time I hiked with her dog in the yard.16. yesterday I have somewhere to put their notebooks.17. we came home at Mr. âtìj. At this time our son was watching tv.18. what she said to you when you requested it in the theater?19. have prepared dinner at the fourth hour.20. He didn't watch tv at six o'clock, he listened to music.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I entered the room and saw his daughter, who was drawing something.
2.hloptsi were traveling by car when the accident occurred.
3. When we entered the room, she sat at the table.
4. I did not hear what he said to me, because I listened to music.
5.koly this happen? - it happened when we went to work.
6.vchora he sat in his room when his wife came and said that their children came home.
7.chomu you have done so much errors in the last dictation? -I was thinking about something else during dictation.
8.vona broke a key when tried to open the door.
9.mynuloyi Friday all day, I worked on the report.
10.scho children did when you entered the room? - they played yachem m.
11.pozavchora I repaired at two hours.
12.koly we sailed on the boat, we saw a small island in front.
13.hto help you when you cleaned the room?
14.mynuloho, my parents took me to a business trip.
15.ty slept yesterday at ten? - no. At this time I was walking with his dog in the yard.
16.vchora I have somewhere to put their notebooks.
17. We came home at Mr yatiy hour. At this time our son was watching TV.
18. she said to you when you invite her to the theater?
19.maty prepared dinner at four o'clock.
20.vin not watch TV at six o'clock, he listened to music.
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