.Де ти був, коли приходив Пітер? 2.Цілий день учора ми сперечались про перевод - .Де ти був, коли приходив Пітер? 2.Цілий день учора ми сперечались про английский как сказать

.Де ти був, коли приходив Пітер? 2.

.Де ти був, коли приходив Пітер? 2.Цілий день учора ми сперечались про місце будівництва котеджу. 3.Рослини завяли, тому що ти забув полити їх. 4.Коли я повернувся додому, концерт по телебаченню вже розпочався. 5.Раніше ми вважали Грега чесною людиною. 6.Де ти вивчав французьку до того, як записався на курси? 7.Як тільки настала зима, дачне селище спустошилося. 8.Пол ще не закінчив писати твір, хоча розпочав ще рано вранці.9.Хлопці грали у волейбол, доки на вулиці не стемніло. 10.Моя родина переїхала до Києва в 1987 році 11.Учителька почала опитувати учнів тільки після того, як ще раз пояснила складні вправи. 12.Мері була щасливою, коли бабуся подарувала їй маленьке цуценя.13Середньорічна температура в той період постійно зростала. 14.Коли мама зазирнула у кімнату, діти щось захоплено малювали. 15.Поки мати готувала вечерю, діти закінчували домашне завдання. 16.Чому ти така сердита? -Коли я повернулась додому, мене оббризкала машина. 17 Ти коли небудь чув щось подібне? 18.Саллі відкрила щоденник, знайшла потрібну сторінку і почала уважно щось читати. 19.Коли ти востаннє розмовлял з Джимом? -Я не бачила його цілу вічність. 20.Сюзанна стала переможецею конкурсу, тому що багато років займалася танцями.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Where have you been when psyche of Peter? 2. All day yesterday we reasoning together about the place of the construction of the cottage. 3. Plants of zavâli, because you forgot to water them. 4. When I got home, the concert on television has already begun. 5. Before we felt Greg's honest man. 6. Where have you studied French as registered for a course? 7. As soon as the winter came, the Dales for summer residence village spustošilosâ. 8. Paul haven't finished writing the piece, although it started too early in the morning, 9. The boys played volleyball until the street is not it grew dark. 10. My family moved to Kiev in 1987 11. Timothy Bradley began to debrief students only once again explained the difficult exercises. 12. Mary was happy, when grandma gave her little puppy. 13Seredn′orìčna temperature during this period constantly grew. 14. When mom zazirnula into the room, the children drew pictures of captured something. 15. While the mother was preparing dinner, the kids were domašne the task. 16. Why are you so angry? When I returned home, my obbrizkala machine. 17 did you ever heard of something like that? 18. Sally opened the diary, found the page and began to read something carefully. 19. When are you most was just talking with Jim? -I haven't seen his eternity. 20. Suzanne became a peremožeceû contest, because for many years engaged in the dance. Love
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
.De You when Peter came? 2.Tsilyy day yesterday we were arguing about the construction of the cottage. 3.Roslyny zavyaly because you forgot to water them. 4. When I returned home, the concert on television has already started. Greg 5.Ranishe we considered an honest man. 6.De you studied French before you enrolled in? 7.What only come winter, holiday village spustoshylosya. 8.Pol not yet finished writing work, but started too early vrantsi.9.Hloptsi played volleyball until the street is not dark. 10.Moya family moved to Kyiv in 1987 11.Uchytelka began to question students only after again explained the difficult exercise. 12.Meri was happy when my grandmother gave her little tsutsenya.13Serednorichna temperature during this period grew steadily. 14.Koly mother looked into the room, the children enthusiastically drew something. 15.Poky mother preparing dinner, the children finished homework. 16.Chomu you so angry? -When I returned home, I obbryzkala machine. 17 Have you ever heard something like that? 18.Salli opened diary found the right page and began to read something carefully. 19.Koly you last spoke with Jim? -I Have not seen him for ages. 20.Syuzanna was the winner because many years engaged in dancing.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
.Where were you, when came Peter? 2.All day yesterday we competed about the place of construction of the cottage. 3.Plants завяли, because you forgot to pour them. 4.When I returned home, a concert on television has been already started. 5.Earlier we thought Greg honest man. 6.where I studied the French before I enrolled? 7.As soon winter came, housing estate спустошилося. 8.Paul had not finished writing an essay, although started early in the morning.9.The guys have played volleyball until the street darkened. 10.My family moved to Kyiv in 1987 11.Teacher began interviewing a students only after again explained complicated exercise. 12.Mary was happy,When my grandmother presented to her a little puppy.13Average annual temperature in that period was constantly growing. 14.When mum 'straightforward into your room, children something delightedly painted. 15.while the mother cooked dinner,Children finished home application task. 16.Why are you so angry? -When have returned home, I оббризкала machine. 17 You Are when something heard something like that? 18.Sally opened diary,Found The requested page and started carefully something to read. 19.When you last розмовлял from Jim Breen? -I have not seen it for ages. 20.Suzanne began переможецею competition, because many years studying dance.
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