Які зникаючі види все ще продовжують боротьбу за існування на Землі? Ц перевод - Які зникаючі види все ще продовжують боротьбу за існування на Землі? Ц английский как сказать

Які зникаючі види все ще продовжуют

Які зникаючі види все ще продовжують боротьбу за існування на Землі? Це близько 25-ти відсотків різних типів ссавців, 11 відсотків усіх птахів, 20 відсотків представників рептилій, 25 відсотків амфібій і близько 34 відсотків прісноводних риб. Вашій увазі надаються кілька тварин, існування яких під загрозою.

Полярний ведмідь вимирає через глобальне потепління. І чим менше на Землі стає льоду, тим швидше йде цей сумний процес. Шансів вижити цей зникаючий вид тварин майже не має. Саме з цієї причини полярні ведмедики покидають арктичну тундру. Так, в деяких країнах вже були знайдені гібриди білих і бурих ведмедів.

Велика панда – це, мабуть, найвідоміший вид рідкісних тварин, що красується на емблемах і символах Всесвітнього фонду охорони та захисту дикої природи. На жаль, на всій нашій планеті залишилося майже 1500 особин. Скільки з них виживуть, незрозуміло через економічного буму в Китаї, який і є їх батьківщиною.

Гірські горили – найвідоміші зникаючі тварини, найбільш великі і сильні примати, знайомі всім з дитинства по «Кінг-Конгу» і «Тарзану». Їх залишилося всього близько 700 особин по всій земній кулі. Ці зникаючі тварини, незважаючи на відразливу зовнішність, в цілому дуже товариські і миролюбні.

Яванський носоріг мешкав колись у Південно-Східній Азії у великих кількостях, а сьогодні їх можна налічити всього не більше 70. Цей сумний факт пов’язаний саме з людиною, яку ці зникаючі види тварин цікавлять через цінних рогів. Навіть в зоопарках світу не можна помилуватися на таких носорогів.

Тигри різних видів також є рідкісними тваринами. За останніми даними на землі залишилося близько 3300 представників.

Блакитний кит – це величезне тварина, здатне розмістити на своїй мові навіть слона, а загальна довжина його тіла-в середньому 33 метри. Спілкуються вони між собою, видаючи особливі звуки, які можна почути і за сотні кілометрів. Через жорстоких дій людини на Землі залишилося 10000 таких тварин.

Сніжний барс або ирбис – зникаючі види цієї породи колись часто можна було зустріти в Гімалаях, Тянь-Шані, Памірі і в інших горах середньої Азії . Нагадують леопардів, ірбіси мають пухнастий хвіст. У вільних умовах живуть всього близько 150 особин, але в зоопарках їх досить багато.
лускокрилих Мохо. Ці пташки живуть на Гаваях. Їх залишилося всього близько 4 особин, тобто двох пар, які, звичайно ж, не зможуть врятувати даний вид.

Новозеландський совина папуга – пташка, яка не вміє літати і рухається дуже повільно, природно, не зможе вижити. Залишилося близько 10 таких папуг, які на зразок своїм побратимам напевно не зможуть врятуватися від мисливців і інших тварин.

Слонова черепаха. Залишився єдиний у світі представник цих тварин, які колись буквально заполоняли Галапагоські острови.
Джордж, а саме так звуть черепаху, дуже скоро помре від старості, а цих звіряток також запишуть у вимерлі види.

Звичайно ж, дані зникаючі види тварин – всього лише дуже мала частина тих, хто перебуває на межі вимирання . Головне – об’єднати зусилля всіх людей на планеті. Втакому випадку напевно можна буде врятувати ці зникаючі види тварин.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
That vanishing species still continue to struggle for existence on Earth? It's about 25 percent of different types of mammals, 11 percent of all birds, 20 percent of reptiles, 25 percent of amphibians and about 34 per cent of freshwater fish. To your attention are few animals whose existence threatened.

polar bear goes extinct because of global warming. And the less the Earth becomes ice the faster goes this sad process. Chance to survive this endangered animal species has almost no. Precisely for this reason polar bears leave the Arctic tundra. Yes, in some countries were already found hybrids of white and brown bears.

Big Panda is probably the best known species of rare animals, What is the emblemah and the characters of the World Fund for the protection and the protection of wildlife. Unfortunately, on the whole our planet left almost 1,500 individuals. How many of them will survive is unclear, due to the economic boom in China which is their homeland.

Mountain Gorilla is the most endangered animals, most big and strong they are familiar from childhood on "King Kong" and "Tarzanu". They left only about 700 individuals across the globe. These endangered animals, despite vìdrazlivu appearance, generally very sociable and peaceful.

Javan Rhino lived in Southeast Asia in large numbers, But today they can be nalìčiti just not more than 70. This sad fact is connected with person these disappearing species of animals of interest through valuable horns. Even in zoos around the world can't admire such rhinos.

Tigers of various species also are rare animals. According to the latest data on earth left around 3,300 representatives.

Blue Whale is a huge animal, able to place in their language even elephant and the total length of its body-an average of 33 meters. They communicate between themselves, giving special sounds that can be heard for hundreds of kilometers. Through cruel actions of man on earth left over 10,000 such animals.

Snow Leopard or irbis is a vanishing species this species once common to be found in the Himalayas, Tian-Shani, or Pamirs and other mountains of Central Asia. Reminiscent of the leopards, ìrbìsi have a furry tail. In free conditions live only about 150 individuals, but in zoos them quite a lot.
Lepidoptera Discontinuity. These birds live in Hawaii. They left only about 4 individuals, i.e., the two couples who, of course, not be able to save this species.

New Zealand sovina Parrot is a bird that can not fly and moves very slowly, of course, not be able to survive. Left about 10 such parrots who like their counterparts might not be able to escape from hunters and other animals.

Elephant turtle. Remaining the world's only representative of these animals, which once literally zapolonâli Galapagos Islands.
George, namely name turtle, very soon will die of old age, but these animals are also zapišut′ in the extinct species.

course data disappearing species of animals – only a very small fraction of those who is on the verge of extinction. The main thing is to unite efforts of all people on the planet. Vtakomu the case probably will be able to save these endangered species of animals.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What are the endangered species still continue to fight for survival on Earth? It is about 25 percent of the different types of mammals, 11 percent of all birds, 20 percent of members of reptiles, 25 percent of amphibians and about 34 percent of freshwater fish. Your attention provided several animals whose existence is threatened. Polar bears dying because of global warming. And the less ice on Earth gets, the faster is this sad process. Chance of surviving this endangered species of animals has little. It is for this reason polar bears leave the Arctic tundra. For example, in some countries has been found hybrids of white and brown bears. giant pandas - this is probably the best known species of rare animals painted on the emblems and symbols of World Wide Fund for protection and wildlife. Unfortunately, the entire planet was left almost 1500 individuals. How many of them will survive is unclear because of the economic boom in China, which is their home. Mountain gorilla - the most famous endangered animal, the largest and strongest primates, familiar to all from childhood on "King Kong" and "Tarzan." They were only about 700 individuals across the globe. These endangered animals, despite the repulsive appearance, generally very sociable and loving. Javanese rhinoceros once lived in Southeast Asia in large numbers, but now they can nalichyty total no more than 70. This sad fact is linked with the person these endangered species of interest because of the horns. Even zoos in the world can not admire these rhinos. Tigers also have different kinds of rare animals. According to recent reports on the earth there are about 3,300 representatives. Blue Whale - a huge animal, can be placed on the language even an elephant, and the total length of its body-an average of 33 meters. Communicate them together, giving special sounds that can be heard for hundreds of miles. Because of the brutal actions of man on earth left 10,000 of these animals. Snow Leopard or ounce - endangered species that breed once can often be found in the Himalayas, Tian Shan, Pamir and other mountains of Central Asia. Recall leopards, snow leopard with a furry tail. In terms of free live only about 150 individuals in zoos, but they pretty much. Lepidoptera Moho. These birds live in Hawaii. They were only about 4 individuals, that two couples, of course, will not be able to save this species. Parrot New Zealand owl - a bird that can not fly and move very slowly, of course, will not survive. Left about 10 of these parrots who like his fellow probably will not be able to escape from hunters and other animals. Ivory turtle. Stayed world's only representative of these animals that were once literally zapolonyaly Galapagos Islands. George, namely the so called turtle soon die of old age, and these animals also written in the extinct species. course, these endangered species - only a very small of those who are on the verge of extinction. The main thing - to unite the efforts of all the people on the planet. Insuch cases probably would save these endangered animals.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
What znikaiuchi kinds still carry on fight for existence on Lands? These near 25 percents of the different types of mammals, 11 percents of all birds, 20 percents of the representatives of reptiles ,25 percents of amphibians and near 34 percents prisnovodnikh rib. To your attention several animals, existence which under menace are accorded.

Polar bear vimirae across global poteplinnya. And than less on Earth becomes ice ,That sooner goes this sad process. Odds to survive this znikaiuchii the kind of animals almost has no. Alone on this account polar teddy bears leave arctic tundra. It is so ,In several countries already were found hybrids white and brown vedmediv.

Large panda – this, apparent, the best-known kind of rare animals ,What krasuetsya on devices and the characters of The world-wide fund of security and the defence of wild nature. I am afraid, on all our planet remained almost 1500 osobin. How many of them will survive, not naturally across economic boom in China ,These znikaiuchi animals, despite vidrazlivu appearance, on the whole very sociable and peaceful.

Yavanskii nosorig dwelt sometime in South Skhidnii Asia in large kilkostyakh ,And today them possible nalichiti all not above
70. This sad fact related alone with man, what these znikaiuchi kinds interest animals across valuable rogiv. Even in zooes world not possible pomiluvatisya on such nosorogiv.

The tigers of different kinds also is rare animals. Behind last data on earth remained near 3300 representatives.

Blue whale – this great animal, capable to allocate on the language even of elephant ,And the general length of it body-into the mean 33 meters. Communicate they between by itself issuing special sounds which can be to heard and for the hundreds of kilometers. Across the cruel actions of man on Earth remained 10000 such animals.

Snow bars or irbis – znikaiuchi kinds these generate sometime frequently possible was meet in The himalayas, Tyan-Esteem, Pamiri and in other hills of average Asia. Remind leopards, irbisi have pukhnastii tail.In free conditions live all near 150 osobin, however in the zooes of them enough many.
luskokrilikh Mokho. These birds live on Gavayakh. Them remained of all near 4 osobin, that is two couples, what, generally ,Will are able redeem given kind.

Novozelandskii sovina parrot – bird, what is not able to fly and moves very slow, natural, will is able survive. Remained of near 10 such parrots ,Which on example the pobratimam maybe will are able get rid of mislivtsiv and other animals.

Slonova tortoise. Remained single in the world the representative of these animals, what sometime literatim zapolonyali Galapagoski islands.
George, namely so call tortoise, very soon will die from aging, and these zviryatok also will record in vimerli kinds.

Generally, given znikaiuchi the kinds of animals – all only very little part that, who is on limit vimirannya.Main – to unite the effort of all people on planet. Vtakomu case maybe possible will redeem these znikaiuchi the kinds of animals.
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