Моя сім'я — це тато, мама, брат Славік . Мама і тато багато працюють,  перевод - Моя сім'я — це тато, мама, брат Славік . Мама і тато багато працюють,  английский как сказать

Моя сім'я — це тато, мама, брат Сла

Моя сім'я — це тато, мама, брат Славік . Мама і тато багато працюють, і тому я дуже ціную години, коли ми буваємо разом. Вони намагаються виділити час, щоб поспілкуватися зі мною і Славком. Тоді ми йдемо до лісу або в парк, а влітку — до річки або водосховища. Найбільш мені подобається, коли ми їдемо на кілька днів порибалити. Я, брат і тато рибалимо , а мама готує чудову юшку. Але рибу чистимо ми, бо справжній рибалка повинен сам приготувати рибу: тільки тоді вона дуже смачна. Ще мені подобається допомагати татові ремонтувати техніку. Здається, він усе вміє робити своїми руками. І ми з братом залюбки допомагаємо йому і навчаємося того, що вміє тато. Мама дуже радіє, коли нам з братом вдається щось відремонтувати своїми руками. Тоді її ласкаві очі стають радісними, і вона, мабуть, нами пишається. Іноді ми з братом змагаємося, хто краще зробить якусь річ. Частенько такі змагання закінчуються бійкою, бо кожному з нас хочеться перемогти. І це призводить до сварок з батьками.Але я дуже радий, що в мене є брат. Він старший за мене, і коли у мене щось не виходить, брат допомагає.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My family - a father, mother, brother Slava. Mom and dad work hard, so I really appreciate the hours when we go together. They try to make time to talk with me and Slavko. Then we go to the forest or park,and summer - the river or reservoir. Most of all I like it when we go for a few days fishing. I, my brother and dad IPB, and my mother prepares a wonderful soup. But we clean the fish,For real fisherman himself must prepare fish: only it is tasty. I also enjoy helping my father repair appliances. I think he can do anything with his hands.And my brother gladly help him and learn to what can dad. My mother is very happy when my brother and I we manage to fix something with my hands. Then her eyes are kind of joy, and it is perhaps our pride.Sometimes my brother and I are competing, who better to do a thing. Often these competitions ending fight for every one of us wants to win. And this leads to quarrels with batkamy.Ale I am very glad that I have a brother.He's older than me, and when I have something does not work, my brother helps.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My family is the dad, MOM, brother of Slavik. MOM and Dad a lot of work, and so I very much appreciate the hours when we are together. They try to set aside time to talk with me and Member Slavko. Then we go to the forest or to the Park and in the summer — to the river or reservoir. The most I like it when we go for a few days fishing. I, my brother and dad fishing, and MOM prepares a wonderful soup. But the fish net we because a true fisherman must itself prepare the fish: only then it is very delicious. Still I like helping dad repair technique. It seems he can do with his hands. And my brother and I'd help him learn what he dad. MOM is very happy when us with his brother manages to have something repaired with their hands. Then her kind eyes become happy, and she apparently us proud. Sometimes my brother and I competing or who is better to make some kind of thing. Often such competitions ending fight, because all of us want to win. And this leads to quarrels with their parents but I am very glad that I have a brother. He's older than me, and when I do something wrong, brother helps.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My family — this dad, mother, brother Slavik. Mother and dad many work, and therefore I very appreciate hours, when we happen together. They attempt to exude time, in order to pospilkuvatisya with me and Slavkom. Then we go to forest or into park ,And in summer — to river or vodoskhovishcha. Most I like, when we go on several days poribaliti. I, brother and dad ribalimo, and mother prepares wonderful iushku. However fish clean we ,Because real fisherman must alone make ready fish: Only then she delicious. More I like to help dad to repair technology. Appears, he everything is able to do the arms.And we with brother zaliubki help it and qualify what is able dad. Mother very rejoices to, when us with brother resorts anything to repair the arms. Then her nice eyes become cheerful, and she, apparent by, us pishaetsya.Sometimes we with brother contend, who better will do some thing. Chastenko such competitions end by fight, because each of us is wanted to win. And it results in quarrels with parents.However I very radii, what in me is brother.He elder behind me, and when a my place anything does not go out, brother helps.
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