Рибальство, як і полювання, пов'язано з певною небезпекою. По-перше, т перевод - Рибальство, як і полювання, пов'язано з певною небезпекою. По-перше, т английский как сказать

Рибальство, як і полювання, пов'яза

Рибальство, як і полювання, пов'язано з певною небезпекою. По-перше, трапляються випадки, коли риба нападає на рибалок. Буває, наприклад, що риба-меч шугає угору, простромлюючи рибалку, або риба є надто важкою, аби рибалка намотав волосінь і витяг її до човна, і судно перекидається, затоплюється водою і тоне. Інколи човен перекидається коли люди намагаються виловити загублене весло, і тоді течія може знести їх у відкрите море. Важливо мати на борту рятувальні круги та жилети, порожні бочки тощо, за які можна триматися, аби не втопитися, аж поки їх не помічали з берега або судна, що пропливало поруч. Бувало, рятівники не заспокоювались, навіть після того, як постраждалих витягували на борт, а робили кілька кіл навколо корабля, аби переконатися, що все гаразд.
2. Комах та істот, які на них схожі ( наприклад, скорпіон, павук, черв'як, слимак) на світі навіть більше, ніж риб. Багато комах літають, наприклад, оси, бджоли, мухи, комарі, деякі жуки, метелики, гедзі, бабки, сонечко, цикади, сарана. Інші перелітають на невелику відстань, наприклад, коник-стрибунець, блоха. Треті зовсім не літають - мурахи, гусениці, таргани, щипавки. Усі комахи мають хоботок та жувальце. Ті, що літають, часто мають дві пари крил - верхню та нижню, а деякі мають ще й жало, наприклад бджола чи оса.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Fishing and hunting, is associated with a particular danger. Firstly, there are times when the fish attacks the fishermen. It happens, for example, that the swordfish šugaê up, prostromlûûči fishing, or fish is too heavy, made mental note to fishing line and pulled her to the boat, and the boat tips over, by water and drowning. Sometimes the boat tips over when people try to viloviti lost paddle, and then flow can demolish them in the open sea. It is important to have on board the lifebuoys and life jackets, empty barrels, etc that you can stick to is not vtopitisâ until they didn't notice from the shore or a boat, that flows nearby. Sometimes, saviors aren't zaspokoûvalis′, even after the victims were on board, as did several laps around the ship to make sure everything is OK.2. Insects and creatures that are similar (for example, Scorpion, spider, worm, snail) in the world, even more than fish. Many insects fly, for example, wasps, bees, flies, mosquitoes, some beetles, butterflies, gedzì, dragonfly, ladybug, cicadas, Grasshoppers. Other moving a short distance, such as Grasshopper-:, flea. Still others do not fly-ants, cockroaches, caterpillars, ŝipavki. All insects are hobotok and žuval′ce. Those who fly often have two pairs of wings-the top and bottom, and some have yet to sting like a bee or WaSP.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Fishing, hunting as due to some danger. First, there are cases when fish attacks the fishermen. Sometimes, for example, swordfish Slush up, prostromlyuyuchy fishing or fish is too heavy to monofilament fishing namotav and pulled her into the boat, and the boat tipped, flooded with water and sink. Sometimes the boat upset when people try to catch the lost paddle and then demolish them can flow out to sea. It is important to have on board life preservers and vests, empty barrels, etc., which can hold so as not to drown, until they did not notice from the shore or boat that floated around. Sometimes rescuers do not rest, even after the victims were removed on board and did a few laps around the ship to make sure everything was okay.
2. Insects and creatures that are similar to them (ie, the scorpion, spider, worm, snail) in the world even more than the fish. Many insects fly, such as wasps, bees, flies, mosquitoes, some beetles, moths, horseflies, dragonflies, ladybug, cicadas, grasshoppers. Other fly a short distance, such as horse-skipjack, flea. Others did not fly - ants, caterpillars, cockroaches, earwigs. All insects have proboscis and zhuvaltse. Those who fly often have two pairs of wings - top and bottom, and some have even sting like a bee or wasp.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Fishery, as and hunt, relatedly with certain danger. It is first, occur cases, when fish assails fishermen. Happens, such as, what fish-sword shugae ugoru, prostromliuiuchi fisherman, or fish is too difficult ,In order to fisherman namotav volosin and the abstract of her to boat, and vehicle overturns, is overflowed by water and drowns. Sometimes boat overturns when people attempt viloviti is lost oar ,And then course can znesti them in open sea. Importantly mats aboard ryatuvalni krugi and vests, blank barrels et cetera, behind which possible to stick to, in order to be not drowned, not less than while them did not notice from shore or vehicles, what proplivalo close.Happened, ryativniki did not settle down, even after that, as postrazhdalikh drew on board, and did several kil around vessel, in order to make sure, what everything OK.

2. Insects and beings which on them similar (such as, scorpion ,Spider, earthworm, snail) on world even more, knife rib. Many insects fly, such as, osi, bees, flies, mosquitoes, several beetles, butterflies, gedzi, babki, sonechko, tsikadi, locust. Others perelitaiut on a little distance ,It is such as, grasshopper-stribunets, flea. Third not a bit fly - ants, caterpillars, cockroaches, shchipavki. All insects have khobotok and zhuvaltse. What fly, frequently have two couples of wings - top and bottom, and several have more and sting ,Such as bee or osa.
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