Natasha Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I ? this year перевод - Natasha Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I ? this year английский как сказать

Natasha Anderson, 19, had not plann

Natasha Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I ?

this year. lul„„irH1w8,UuWllTOuWM w,,**,™/.
I'll take my exams again next June. At first, I didn't

know what to do, but after a couple of months of doing nothing and feeling bad about I contacted a gap year agency and now here I am, far from home." fl
“I've been here for five weeks so far. I've been helping build a water system, working alongside I —
professionals. We're based in a permanent tented camp, but for the last two weeks I've been staying in a small camp some distance from the main one. It's all very exciting. Before I came here, I had just been sitting around watching daytime TV and getting bored. ’’
“I've learned so much while I've been here. For example, I've been learning Spanish since I arrived, and that might be very useful for me later.
I've met so many interesting people. I've got to know the locals and to understand their point of view. I realised how much of what I thought was true was just the way my particular culture viewed the world. In fact, I've now got a whole new way of looking at the world. Not only that, I now feel much more confident about myself."
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Natasha Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I ? this year. lul""irH1w8,UuWllTOuWM w,,**,™/.I'll take my exams again next June. At first, I didn't know what to do, but after a couple of months of doing nothing and feeling bad about I contacted a gap year agency and now here I am, far from home." fl"I've been here for five weeks so far. I've been helping build a water system, working alongside I —professionals. We're based in a permanent tented camp, but for the last two weeks I've been staying in a small camp some distance from the main one. It's all very exciting. Before I came here, I had just been sitting around watching daytime TV and getting bored. ’’"I've learned so much while I've been here. For example, I've been learning Spanish since I arrived, and that might be very useful for me later.I've met so many interesting people. I've got to know the locals and to understand their point of view. I realised how much of what I thought was true was just the way my particular culture viewed the world. In fact, I've now got a whole new way of looking at the world. Not only that, I now feel much more confident about myself."
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Natasha Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I? This year. lul "" irH1w8, UuWllTOuWM w ,, **, ™ /. I'll take my exams again next June. First At, I did not know what to do, but after a couple of months of doing nothing and feeling bad about I contacted a gap year agency and now I am here, far from home. "Fl" I've been here for weeks so far five. I've been helping build a water system, working alongside I - professionals. We're based in a permanent tented camp, but for the last two weeks I've been staying in a small camp some distance from the one main. It's all very exciting. Before I came here, I had just been sitting around watching daytime TV and getting bored. '' "I've learned so much while I've been here. For example, I've been learning since I arrived Spanish, and that might be very useful for me later. I've met so many interesting people. I've got to know the locals and to understand their point of view. I realised how much of what I thought was true was just the way my particular culture viewed the world. In fact, I've now got a whole new way of looking at the world. Not only that, I now feel much more confident about myself. "

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
House Anderson, 19, had not planned to take a gap year I ?

this year. lul""irH1W8,UuWllTOuWM w,**,/.
I'll take my exams again next June. At first, I didn't

know what to do, but after a couple of months of doing nothing and feeling bad about I contacted a gap year agency and now here I am, far from home." fl
"I've been here for five weeks so far.I've been helping build a water system, working alongside I -
professionals. We're based in a permanent tented camp and but for the last two weeks I've been staying in a small speaking camp distance from the main one racing. It's all very exciting. Before I came company here, I had just been sitting around watching TV daytime and getting bored. ''
"I've learned so much while I've been example. For example,I've been learning Spanish fixtures ever since I arrived, and that might be very useful for me later.
I've ta met so many interesting people. I've got to know the locals and to understand their point of view. I realised how much of what I thought was true was just the way my particular culture viewed the world. In fact, I've now got a whole new way of looking at the world. Not only that,Now I feel much more confident about myself."
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