Одного дня в лісі сталась біда, хтось почав красти запаси на зиму. Всі перевод - Одного дня в лісі сталась біда, хтось почав красти запаси на зиму. Всі английский как сказать

Одного дня в лісі сталась біда, хто

Одного дня в лісі сталась біда, хтось почав красти запаси на зиму. Всі звірі були налякані. Особливо був наляканий заїць тому що він був боягузом. Всі звірі зібралися на галявині щоб знайти злочинця і покарати його. На наступний ранок всі прокинулися з півнями і лев почав розслідувння. Всі почали битися в паніці і шукати злодія тому що запасів у всіх залишилось як кіт наплакав. Лев обійшов більшість звірів і дойшла черга до мавпи. У мавпи була збудована домівка на дереві і вона думала що туди ніхто не дістанеться. на поміч їм прийшла білка, вона піднялась на дерево і знайшла там всі їхні запаси. Лев вирішив що справедливо буде провести суд над мавпою. На наступний день почався суд. Лев був суддею,мавпа була обвинуваченою а її адвокатом була білка. Суд тривав 2 години нарешті лев озвучив вирок, що вони вирішили що мавпа поверне всі запасизвірям і буде вигнаною з лісу. Всі звірі погодились з ним. Згодом всі спокійно чекали на зиму.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One day in the Woods there, someone began to steal supplies for the winter. All the animals were scared. Especially was scared zaïc′ because he was a coward. All the animals gathered on the lawn to find the perpetrator and punish it. The next morning all woke up with the roosters and Leo started rozslìduvnnâ. Everyone started fighting in panic and look for a thief because of stocks in all remaining as Keith naplakav. Leo bypassed most of the animals and dojšla turn to the monkey. The monkey was built home on the tree and it is thought that there is no marquee. to help them came the squirrel, it grew on the tree and found there all their stocks. Leo decided that the fair will hold a trial of the monkey. The next day began the trial. The lion was a judge, the monkey was obvinuvačenoû and her attorney was protein. The trial lasted 2 hours and finally Leo announced the sentence that they decided that the monkey will bring back all the zapasizvìrâm and will be vignanoû from the forest. All the animals agreed with him. Subsequently, all quietly waiting for the winter.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One day in the forest there was trouble, someone started stealing supplies for the winter. All animals were scared. Especially zayits was scared because he was a coward. All the animals gathered in a clearing to find the perpetrator and punish him. The next morning all woke up with the roosters and the lion began rozsliduvnnya. All began to fight in a panic and look for the thief because all remaining stocks like a cat laugh. Leo walked most of the animals and turn tidings to monkeys. In monkeys was constructed home in a tree and she thought that no one will get there. to help them come squirrel, she climbed a tree and found all their stocks. Leo decided that fair to hold the trial of the monkey. The next day the trial. Leo was a judge, the monkey was accused and her lawyer was protein. Court lasted 2 hours lion finally announced the verdict, they decided that the monkey will return all zapasyzviryam and be cast out of the woods. All the animals agreed with him. Subsequently, all quietly waiting for the winter.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
One day in a forest trouble, someone I began to steal reserves for the winter. All animals were frightened. Especially was scared заїць because he was a coward. All animals gathered on the lawn to find the offender and punish him.The next morning all woke up with півнями and Lev began розслідувння. Everything started to fight in a panic and seek thief because of reserves in all remains as's not enough to swear by. Leo beat most animals and дойшла queue before the monkey.In monkeys was built home on a tree and she thought that he could not get it. For help from them came protein, it moved on a tree and found all their stocks.Lev decided it's fair to conduct a trial of master. The next day the trial began. Leo was judge,monkey was обвинуваченою and her lawyer was protein. Court lasted 2 hours finally Lev voiced a sentence.They decided to which the monkey will return all запасизвірям and will be expelled from the forest. All animals agreed with him. Then all calmly waiting for the winter.
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