Український солдате! Доброго дня чи вечора! Головне доброго! Раніше ні перевод - Український солдате! Доброго дня чи вечора! Головне доброго! Раніше ні английский как сказать

Український солдате! Доброго дня чи

Український солдате! Доброго дня чи вечора! Головне доброго! Раніше ніколи не задумувалася над цими словами, вони сприймалися, як щось звичне, буденне. Так, як і не думала про поняття «війна». Чула про нею зі згадок свідків Вітчизняної чи героїв-афганців. Але то не сприймалося так, то було десь, далеко, не зі мною і не з моєю сім’єю. А сьогодні… Сьогодні тривога заполонила душу, неспокій, з’явилось сум’яття.
Я, як матір двох синів, можу упевнено сказати, що ростила їх для щастя і мирного життя. Так і ваші матері віддавали всю мудрість, тепло свого серця та здоров’я. Лише материнська любов не знає кордонів страху, сумнівів, розрахунків. Лише вона очищає усіх, зігріває, зупиняє перед безоднею та оберігає. Мати тяжко страждає, якщо її дітей спіткало горе.
Важко зараз усім. Увесь світ здригнувся від несправедливості, від беззаконня, від жаги збагачення можновладців. Це відчуваємо ми, це вже знаєте ви, бо знаходитися в епіцентрі подій. Ви довели і доводите усьому світові, що є на сьогодні патріоти своєї Батьківщини, сміливі, відважні, віддані, безкорисливі. Я пишаюся тим, що живу у такій країні, де за світле майбутнє, без рабства, свободу українці стоять на смерть. Від імені усіх матерів нашої країни дякую вам, українським солдатам, що ви розумієте головну істину життя - не страшно впасти, страшно, коли все життя повзти. Слава Україні! Вам, героям, слава!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ukrainian soldate! Good day or evening! The main good! Never was conceived over these words, they were seen as something normal, everyday. So, as and not thought about the concept of "war". Heard about it with references to witnesses Patriotic or heroes-Afghans. But it came down so it was somewhere far away, not with me and not with my family. And today ... Today, anxiety, restlessness, captivated the soul appeared distraught.I, as the mother of two sons, I can confidently say that grow them for happiness and peaceful life. And your mother gave all the wisdom, the warmth of his heart and health. Only motherly love knows no boundaries of fear, doubt, calculations. Only it cleans all warms, stops in front of the abyss and protects. Mother is seriously suffering, if her children experienced grief.Hard now to all. The whole world shuddered from injustice, from the lawlessness of žagi enrichment powers. This we feel we already know you, because to be in the epicenter of events. You have proven and dovodite all over the world, which is today the Patriots their motherland, bold, brave, loyal, unselfish. I am proud that I live in a country where a bright future without slavery, freedom, Ukrainians are on death. On behalf of all mothers in our country thank you, Ukrainian soldiers, that you understand the main truth of life-not scary fall, scary when your whole life to a crawl. Glory To Ukraine! You, heroes, glory!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Ukrainian soldier! Good afternoon or evening! The main things; Had never conceived of these words, they were perceived as something familiar, everyday. So, how did not think about the concept of "war". I heard about it from witnesses mentions Patriotic heroes or Afghans. But it is not so perceived, it was somewhere far away, not me and not my family. And today ... Today anxiety flooded shower, anxiety, confusion appeared.
I am a mother of two children, I can confidently say that they brought up to be happy and peaceful life. So your mother gave all wisdom and warmth of his heart health. Only a mother's love knows no boundaries of fear, doubt calculations. Only it clears all warming stops in front of the abyss and protects. Mother heavily affected if her children suffered grief.
It is difficult for everyone. Worldwide shuddered from injustice, from lawlessness, thirst enrichment of those in power. This, we feel, that's you know, because to be in the epicenter of events. You proved and prove the world that is today the patriots of their Motherland, courageous, brave, loyal, unselfish. I am proud to live in a country where for a bright future without slavery, freedom Ukrainian facing death. On behalf of all mothers of our country thank you, Ukrainian soldiers that you understand the main truth of life - not scared to fall, scared when life creep. Glory to Ukraine! You heroes, glory!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Ukrainian - soldier! Good day or night! Main good! She had never conceived over these words they apprehended as something usual good. As never thought about the concept of "war".Heard about a new portion of witnesses of the Domestic or heroes-Afghans. But it was not perceived yes, was somewhere, far, not with me and my family. And now… Today anxiety заполонила soul, anxiety, appeared of confusion.
I,Like mother of two sons, I can confidently say that has raised them for happiness and a peaceful life. And your mother gave the wisdom, warmth of his heart and health. Only a mother's love knows no borders fear, no doubt,Calculations. Only it cleanses all, warms and stops before because and protects. Mother fatally suffers, if its children befell grief.
Hard now everyone. The whole world started injustice, lawlessness,From lust for enriching the powers that be. Feel this we are you know, because to be in the spotlight in. You have proved and make the world that is today the patriots of their homeland, bold, brave, faithful,Surely unselfish. I am proud that I live in a country where for a bright future, without slavery, freedom of Ukrainians are to death. On behalf of all mothers know our country thank you, Ukrainian soldiersWhat do you know about the main truth of life - not terrible fall, terrible when life crawl. Glory to Ukraine! You, heroes, thank!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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