Як змінити світ на кращий ? Мабудь , на цю тему замислювався кожен . Я перевод - Як змінити світ на кращий ? Мабудь , на цю тему замислювався кожен . Я английский как сказать

Як змінити світ на кращий ? Мабудь

Як змінити світ на кращий ? Мабудь , на цю тему замислювався кожен . Я думаю , що світ може стати кращим , тільки якщо кожен із нас стане кращим , якщо всі знайдуть собі спільну мету і сумісними зусиллями будуть досягати ії . Світ можна почати покращувати саме з себе . Стати добрішим , допомагати іншим . світ може стати кращим не для всіх , але хоча б для одного ,з того все і почненться , одна посмішка , одна розмова і людина може стати зовсім другої думки про світ. Адже хто як не ми допоможемо один одному стати кращим ? Світ стане кращим , якщо прості речі ( не кидати сміття на вулиці , не порушувати правила дорожнього руху) будуть виконувати . Ми можем кожен раз говорити собі :" Але ж інши порушують, чому я один буду робити не так , як всі , чому я змушений дотримуватися цього ." . Але в цьому і проблема. Всі так говорять собі , всі бояться почати саме з себе , бояться, що його не зрозуміють ,або просто не хочуть виділятися з натовпу . Люди ніколи не зроблять світ кращим , якщо не почнуть з себе . не обов*язко змінюватися всім одразу , треба щоб кожний рано чи пізно почав з себе.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
How to change the world for the better? Mabud′, the subject thought each. I think that the world can become a better only if each of us become better, if all would find a common goal and compatible effort will reach it. The world can begin to improve it themselves. Be kinder, help others. the world can become a better is not for everyone, but at least for one with all and počnent′sâ, one smile, one conversation and the person may become totally second thoughts about the world. After all, who as we help each other become better? The world will be better, if the simple things (don't throw trash on the street, not to violate the rules of the road) will perform. We can each time you say to yourself, "but another break, why one would do not like everything, why do I have to stick to this.". But in this problem. All so talking to yourself all scared to start with ourselves, afraid that it does not understand, or just don't want to stand out from the crowd. People never make the world a better, if not, start with yourself. not required * âzko change all at once, it is necessary that everyone sooner or later began with himself.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
How to change the world? Rightly so, on the subject every thought. I think that the world can be better only if each of us will be better if all find their common goal and will to achieve consistent efforts AI. The world can begin to improve it off. Become a kinder, to help others. the world may not be the best for everyone, but at least one, since everything pochnentsya, one smile, one person can talk and be completely second thoughts about the world. After all, who does not like we can help each other become better? The world will be better if the simple things (do not throw garbage on the street, not to break the traffic rules) will perform. We can tell ourselves every time: "But other places violate why I will not do one as all why I have to stick to that." . But this is the problem. All say so myself, everyone is afraid to start with ourselves, afraid that he will not understand or do not want to stand out from the crowd. People never make the world a better, if not start it off. * yazko not necessarily change all at once, it is necessary that everyone sooner or later started off.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
It is like to change world on best? Mabud, on this topic was designed every. I think that world can become best, only if every out of us condition best ,If all will find itself associate aim and by compatible efforts will achieve ii. World can be to to improve alone with itself. To become dobrishim, to help others. World can become best not for all, however albeit would for one ,With that everything and pochnentsya, one smile, one conversation and man can become quite another mind about world. Because who as not we shall help one one to become best? World condition best ,If simple things (do not cast garbage on street, do not infringe rules dorozhniogo movement) will accomplish. We mozhem every time to speak itself:" However inshi infringe, why I one will do not as all ,Why I is compeled to observe it." . However in this and problem. All so speak itself, all are afraid to begin alone with itself, are afraid that it will not understand, or simply do not want be exuded from crowd.People never will do world best, unless will begin with itself. Not obov*yazko to change all immediate, necessary in order to every sore or late began with itself.

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