Мій улюблений фільм називається

Мій улюблений фільм називається "Ха

Мій улюблений фільм називається "Хатіко" - фільм ПРО ЛЮБОВ. І неважливо хто до кого відчуває любов: жінка чи до чоловіка, чоловік чи до дитини, тварина чи до людини - це почуття свято в будь-якому своєму прояві. Вражає, що Хаті чекав свого господаря більше років, ніж з ним прожив. Ось це дійсно любов! Ось це дійсно прихильність! Хоча, мотив якогось байдужості у фільмі теж присутня. І я говорю не про те, який витрачав на власні примхи гроші, призначені Хатіко. більше мене вразило, що хлопчикові розповіли істоірію Хатіко, коли він був уже підлітком. А хлопчик так і не разу не відвідав Хатіко. Хоча міг би. Не знаю. що це-режисерська задумка або сценарна недоробка, але от не викликає сім'я Паркера в мене добрих почуттів.Коли наприкінці фільму дізнаєшся, що історія заснована на реальних подіях, плакати хочеться ще більше. Протязі всього фільму сльози стояли в мене в очах, під кінець - я розридалася-таки навзрид. Особливо, коли побачила фоторгафії Справжнього Хатіко - обдертою, хворий, втомленою, що сумує собаки ... А як показаний старий Хатіко у фільмі! Я розридалася тільки від його виду!

Вражає, що таким емоційним, зворушливим, хапає за душу може бути фільм, в якому так мало реплік. Адже зауважте: слова рідкісні в "Хатіко". Зате постійно ми чуємо красиву, сумну мелодію
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite movie is called "Hachiko"-a film about love. And it doesn't matter who is who feels love: a woman or a man, husband or child, animal or person is the feeling of a holiday in any of its manifestation. Impressive, that House was waiting for his master for more years than he lived. Here is a truly love! Here is really a commitment! Although the motive of some indifference in the film also present. And I'm not talking about something that is spent on their own whim money meant Hachikō. more it struck me that the boy told ìstoìrìû Hachikō, when he was a teenager. As a boy and never visited the Hachikō. Although it could. I do not know. that it is the producer's idea or Screenwriting bug, but that's not the family Parker in me good feelings when in the end the movie will know that the story is based on real events, cry I want even more. Throughout the film of tears standing in my eyes at the end-I burst into tears yet navzrid. Especially when I saw fotorgafìï True Hachikō-obdertoû, sick, tired, that misses the dog ... more As shown in the movie Hachiko old! I burst into tears just from his kind!Impressive that so emotional emotional grabs the soul may be a movie in which so little replicas. After all, note: words rare in "Hachiko". But constantly we hear a beautiful, sad melody
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite movie is called "Hachiko" - a film about love. It does not matter to someone who feels love: a woman or a man, a man or a child, or animal to person - a sense of celebration in any its manifestation. It is striking that Hut was waiting for his master more years than he lived. That's really love! That's really a commitment! Although the motive of some indifference in the film is also present. And I'm not talking about what is spent on a whim money intended Hachiko. more struck me that the boy told istoiriyu Hachiko, when he was already a teenager. A boy and have never visited Hachiko. Although could. I do not know. that this is the director's idea or scenario flaw, but that does not cause the Parker family I have good pochuttiv.Koly end of the film you learn that the story is based on real events, I want to cry even more. Throughout the movie there were tears in my eyes, in the end - I burst into tears still navzryd. Especially when I saw fotorhafiyi True Hachiko - ragged, sick, tired, sad dog that ... How old is shown Hachiko in the movie! I just burst into tears of its kind! It is striking that so emotional, touching, snaps soul may be the film in which so little replicas. Note Because words are rare in "Hachiko". But we constantly hear the beautiful, sad melody

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My their favorite animated film called "Хатіко" - is a film about love. And no matter who feels love: a woman or to her husband, man or to a child, an animal or to a man - a sense of celebration in any its manifestations. Amazing,The House was waiting for his master than with him lived This is really love! This is really a favor! Although some motive of coldness in the film is also present. And I'm not talking aboutWho spent on their own whim money intended Хатіко. More impressed me that the boy told істоірію Хатіко when he was already a teenager. The boy and never visited Хатіко. He may have. I do not know.
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