. Джейн знову вдарилася в купівельну гарячку – це просто хвороба якась перевод - . Джейн знову вдарилася в купівельну гарячку – це просто хвороба якась английский как сказать

. Джейн знову вдарилася в купівельн

. Джейн знову вдарилася в купівельну гарячку – це просто хвороба якась. 2. Ну ти й незграбний, як
ведмідь, посидь краще ось тут. 3. Вона нечасто ходить до великих торгівельних центрів Краще й не ходи,
не здаси – у тебе це на лобі написано. 4. Я ж тобі казала, що він тебе зрадить – навіщо було йому все розказувати? 5. Знову мене не послухав і виставив себе на посміховисько. Скільки ж можна? 6. Звідки йому знати про наші проблеми? Його життя – сама масляна. 7. Місця бізнес-класу не настільки кращі, як різниця в ціні між ними та місцями економічного класу. 8. Виявивши повну непристосованість до сільського життя, він одержав прізвисько “міського білоручки”. 9. На збори прийшли усі без винятку. 10. Навіщо ці балачки – справа вирішена, залишилося лише оголосити результати. 11. Збірна Бразилії була головною окрасою турніру. 12. Аби грати на біржі, слід мати певну підготовку і хист. 13. Тактика біржових маклерів залежить від того, чи котирування на біржі знижується чи підвищується. 14. Економіка занепала і відразу ожив “чорний” ринок. 15. Замість того, щоб відповісти по суті, він почав розводити демагогію. 16. “Товкучка” – не те місце, де варто розводитися про моральність. 17. Гайда на головну вулицю – напевно, там знайдеться де поїсти. 18. Не варто нічого купувати на “барахолці” – дешеві речі якісними не
бувають. 19. Яким вітром занесло його сюди? 20. Компанія сплачувала вартість її проживання у готелі.
21. Мине небагато часу і він звикне до цивільного життя. 22. З часу, коли її книжка стала бестселером,
вона купається в розкошах. 23. Незважаючи на важкі часи, йому вдалося нажити сякий-такий капітал
на перекладах. 24. Подивившись у словнику, вона довідалася, що “брандмауер” – це спільна стіна двохтбудинків або квартир.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. Jane again banged in purchasing fever is just a disease of some sort. 2. Well and clumsy, asbear, stay here better. 3. She often walks to the large shopping centers are better and do not go,not zdasi – you got it on the forehead. 4. I said to you that he will betray – why was it all tell? 5. Again, I listened and put yourself on the mockery. How many can? 6. How did he know about our problems? His life is the most oil. 7. The place of business is not so much the best, as the difference in price between them and the places of economic class. 8. Discovering the full was never designed to country life, he received the nickname "urban bìloručki". 9. The meeting came all without exception. 10. Why these chatter is resolved, it remains only to announce the results. 11. the Team of Brazil was the main decoration of the tournament. 12. To play on an Exchange, you must have a certain training and talent. 13. Tactics stockbrokers depends on whether the quotes on the stock exchange reduces or increases. 14. The economy eroded and immediately revived the "black" market. 15. Instead of reply on the merits, he began to breed demagogy. 16. "Tolkuchka" – isn't that the place where it is worth rozvoditisâ about morality. 17. One of the main street – probably there there where to eat. 18. You should not buy anything on the "flea market" – the cheap stuff quality is notThere are. 19. How does the wind brought it here? 20. The company splačuvala the cost of her stay at the hotel.21. Will a little time and he gets used to civilian life. 22. From the time when her book became a bestseller,she bathed in rozkošah. 23. Despite the difficult times, he managed to make on the ramparts-a capitalon the translation. 24. Looking in the dictionary, she learned that "firewall" is a common wall dvohtbudinkìv or apartments.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. Jane again hit a buying fever - it's just some kind of disease. 2. Well, you and clumsy as
a bear, sit better here. 3. It often goes to the big shopping centers and better not go,
do not hand over - you is written on the forehead. 4. I ​​told you that he will betray you - why would tell him everything? 5. Again, I did not listen and put yourself to ridicule. How much can I? 6. Where he know about our problems? His life - the oil. 7. Business Class seats are not as better as the price difference between them and economy class seats. 8. Finding a complete inability to rural life, he was nicknamed "the city glove." 9. The meeting came without exception. 10. Why these conversations - it is resolved, it remains only to declare the results. 11. Brazil team was the principal ornament of the tournament. 12. In order to play on the stock exchange should have some training and talent. 13. tactics stockbrokers depends on whether the quotation on the stock exchange is reduced or increased. 14. The economy collapsed and immediately revived the "black" market. 15. Rather than respond in fact, he began to breed demagoguery. 16. "Tolkuchka" - not a place where to dwell on morality. 17. Gayda the main street - probably found there where to eat. 18. Do not buy anything on "flea market" - quality is not cheap things
are. 19. What wind brought him here? 20. The company paid the cost of hotel accommodation.
21. It will take some time and it will get used to civilian life. 22. Since when her book became a bestseller,
it is bathed in luxury. 23. Despite the difficult times, he managed to amass a no-capital
in translations. 24. Looking in the dictionary, she learned that the "firewall" - a common wall dvohtbudynkiv or apartments.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. Jane again hit in purchasing waste is simply disease sort. 2. Well, you and clumsy as
bear, sit down for better here. 3. It rarely goes to large shopping centers is better and ne khody,
They no longer sdash - Do you have a written on my forehead. 4. I told you that he'll betray why it is necessary to tell? 5. Me again do not heed and put himself to ridicule. Can you imagine how many? 6.How would he know about our problems? His life is very oily. 7. Place of business class is not as best as the difference in price between them and places of economic class. 8. Finding full shows an unfriendly environment to village life,He got the nickname "urban білоручки". 9. At the meeting came all without exception. 10. Why these chat window is sealed, it just remains to announce the results. 11. Brazil squad was the main decoration of the tournament. 12.To play at the exchange, ought to have a certain training and talent. 13. Tactics stockbrokers depends on whether the quotations for exchange is reduced or increased. 14. Economics) and immediately "black market". 15.Instead, to answer in fact, he began to breed demagogy. 16. "Overcrowding" is not the place where it is worth speculating about morality. 17. Let's go on Main Street - probably, there exists a where to eat. 18.Do not buy anything to "flea market" - mistake evaluating the quality not
there. 19. What good wind blew him here? 20. The company has been paying the cost of its accommodation at hotels.
21. It will take a little time and he gets used to civil life.22. Since her book became a bestseller,
it is awash in luxury. 23. Despite the hard times, he managed to amass no-this capital
on translations. 24. Looking up, she found outWhat the Firewall bar is a joint wall двохтбудинків or apartments.
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