Скільки мов сьогодні у світі? Скільки їх було при початках людської історії, якщо взагалі є резон шукати розмаїття у ще не народженій якості? З того, що 'в повині було Слово' і 'усе через Нього постало', випливає теза, що її підтверджено наукою: людину и людство створила мова. Власне, як продукт діяльності мова сама є пам'яттю, вміст щез усієї істоії, усіх людських шляхів, перехресть, розгалужень, об'їздів, переправ, глухих кутів, стежок і магістралей. При цьому усякий етимологічний словник вказує ще й на синтез мов, є історією перекладу та недоперекладу і свідчить про характер міжнародних контактів та непорозумінь - за участю тлумачать чи без.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
How many languages in the world today? As much as they were at the beginning of human history, if there is reason to seek diversity in yet, daughter of quality? What's in the other was the word ' and ' all through it there ', the name of the thesis that it is confirmed by science: man and mankind has created. Actually, as a product of the activity it is memory, the contents of the ŝez all ìstoìï all human ways, intersections, branches, ob'ïzdìv, pereprav, deaf corners, trails and roads. While every etymological dictionary points on the synthesis of languages, there is a history of translation and nedoperekladu and indicates the nature of the international contacts and misunderstanding-involving a dream or not.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
How many languages in the world today? How many of them were at the beginning of human history, if ever there is a reason to seek diversity in unborn money? From what 'should fix the Word was in' and 'through him all faced', follows the thesis that it is confirmed by science, man and mankind has created it. Actually, as a product of language itself is a memory content istoiyi all disappeared, all human paths, intersections, branches, detours, crossings, deadlocks, trails and highways. Thus every etymological dictionary also indicates the synthesis languages, is the history of translation and nedoperekladu and indicates the nature of international contacts and misunderstandings - involving interpret or without.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
How many languages in the world today? How many of them were in the ability of human history, if it is reasonable to seek diversity, not a child born in quality? From the fact that "in the coming was the Word" and "solely because it was raised, it follows the thesis,It is confirmed by a science: the man and humanity has created a language. Actually, as well as the product of language is the memory, content disappeared all істоії, all roads, crossroad and branching, roundabout guidance, to wash, deaf anglesPaths and pipelines. At the same time every Vasmer Etymological indicates on the synthesis of languages, a history of translation and недоперекладу and indicates the character of international contacts and misunderstanding - involving interpret or not.
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