А. Київ, столиця України, – це величезне місто з населенням майже три мільйони мешканців, розташоване на Дніпрі. Київ – старовинне місто, віком понад 1500 років, зберегло багато пам’яток
культури та архітектури, частина з яких була відновлена останнім часом. Найвизначнішими з них є Києво-Печерська Лавра, комплекс з більш ніж сотні будівель, що складався близько 900 років (серед яких
Успенський собор (ХІ ст.), Всіхсвятьська церква, Троїцька надбрамна церква, Микільська церква, Хрестовоздвиженська церква та інші); Софіївський собор (ХІ ст.); Золоті Ворота (ХІ ст.); Церква Успіння Богородиці (Пирогоща) (ХІІ ст.); Михайлівський золотоверхий собор (ХІІ ст.); Андріївська церква (ХVIII ст.);
кафедральний собор Св. Володимира (ХІХ ст.); костьол Святого Миколая та багато інших. Центральна вулиця Києва, древній Хрещатик, перетворився на сучасний європейський проспект, а Майдан Незалежності,
з його оригінальним архітектурним ансамблем, – на улюблене місце відвідань киян і гостей міста. Київ є
потужним центром науки та освіти, найвідомішими університетами є Києво-Могилянський університет,
один з найстарших в Україні, Національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка та Національний політехнічний університет. Культурні запити задовольняють численні театри, виставкові зали та музеї, серед яких
Національний музей історії України, Музей Українського образотворчого мистецтва, Музей Західного і
Східного Мистецтва та багато інших.
Б. Харків, друге за чисельністю населення місто України, є потужним промисловим, освітнім,
науковим та культурним центром країни. Основними галузями є машинобудування та верста-
тобудування, харчова та тютюнова промисловість, а також книгодрукування. З 1919 по 1934 рр. Харків був
столицею України. Незважаючи на відносно невеликий вік (350 років), Харків має багато пам’яток культури та архітектури, серед яких як давні, так і сучасні. Покровський собор (ХVII ст.), одна з перших камяних
будівель міста, Благовіщенський собор (ХVIII століття), дзвіниця собору Успіння (ХІХ століття), збудована
на честь перемоги над Наполеоном, відносяться до відносної давнини. З іншого боку, Харків пишається сучасним архітектурним ансамблем площі Свободи, яка є однією з найбільших у Європі, довжиною
більше кілометра. В центрі ансамблю – оригінальна конструкція Держпрому, першої у Європі висотної
будівлі з суцільного залізобетону (1924). Поруч знаходиться ще одна велична споруда у стилі конструктивізму – Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, один з найстарших в Україні, заснований
1805 року. Гармонійними пропорціями відзначається також архітектурний ансамбль Привокзальної площі,
альтанка “Дзеркальний струмінь” напроти сучасної будівлі нового оперного театру, пам’ятник Тарасу Шевченку (1934), який вважається кращим у світі монументом великому поету.
В. Одеса – відносно молоде місто, якому ледве виповнилося 200 років, однак його населення вже
перевищило мільйон мешканців. Одеса – це великий порт та морський пасажирський вокзал,
база риболовного флоту, нафтоочисний завод та суднобудування. Одеса – це ще й морський курорт, пляжі
Ланжерону, неквапливі вуличні кафе, бруківка затишних вулиць, обсаджених акацією, липами, платанами
та каштанами, легендарна Дерибасівська, знаменита будівля Оперного театру, Приморський бульвар з Воронцовським палацом та Грецькою колонадою і, звичайно, бронзовий пам’ятник дюку де Рішельє, який
більше півтора століття дивиться вниз Потьомкінськими сходами, милуючись видом на гавань та затоку, де
день і ніч кипить робота. Одеса – місто моряків, то ж недивно, що тут є Музей військовоморського флоту.
Одеса – також місто письменників, поетів, художників, філантропів, а отже тут ви знайдете Літературний
музей, Музей Західного та Східного мистецтва, Музей приватних колекцій, а на вулицях міста вам запропонують численні мистецькі вироби, виготовлені місцевими умільцями. Одеський сільськогосподарський
ринок, Привоз, вражає не тільки власними розмірами, але й колоритністю продавців та покупців.
Г. Львів – старовинне місто Західної України, розташоване у передгір’ї Карпат в басейні річок Західного Бугу та Дністра. Засноване ще усередині ХІІІ-го століття, місто зберегло багато старовинних пам’яток, які викликають загальне захоплення і зосереджені в районі Старого міста. Тут розташовані чарівна площа Старий Ринок, дивовижні будівлі Вірменського кафедрального собору (ХІV століття) та
Латинського кафедрального собору Св. Марії (ХІV ст.); каплиця Боймів (ХVII ст.), що вражає багатством
скульптурного оздоблення; архітектурний ансамбль колишнього Бернардинського костьолу і монастиря
(ХVIII ст.); перлина львівської архітектури Собор Святого Юра (ХVIII ст.); Домініканський костьол (ХVIII ст.),
один з найвеличніших пам’ятників у стилі бароко; Преображенська церква (ХІХ ст.). Обсаджений деревами проспект Свободи прикрашає величава будівля оперного театру, шедевру української архітектури.
Побудований наприкінці ХІХ століття у класичному стилі із застосуванням елементів Ренесансу та бароко, театр відзначається гармонійними пропорціями і справляє незабутнє враження. Прикраси екстер’єру,
що надають будівлі урочистого вигляду, гармонійно доповнюються щедрим убранням інтер’єру, де різнокольоровий мармур, позолота, ліпнина та скульптури налаштовують глядачів на сприйняття високого
мистецтва. Львівський університет, заснований 1661 року, є найстаршим класичним університетом на
теренах України.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Translate.And Kiev, capital of Ukraine, is a huge city with a population of almost three million inhabitants, is situated on the Dnieper River. Kiev is an ancient city, aged more than 1,500 years old, has kept a lot of attractionsculture and architecture, part of which has been restored recently. Most remarkable is the Kiev Pechersk Lavra complex with more than a hundred buildings, consisting of about 900 years (among whichThe assumption Cathedral (XI century), Vsìhsvât′s′ka Church, the Trinity, the Church of the exaltation of the cross Church, Nicholas and others); St. Sofia Cathedral (XI century); Golden Gates (XI century); Church of the assumption of the Virgin (Pirogoscha) (XII century); St. Michael's Cathedral (XII century); St. Andrew's Church (XVIII century);the Cathedral of St. Vladimir (19th century); Church of St. Nicholas and many others. The central street of Kiev-Khreschatyk, ancient, has turned into a modern European prospect and Independence,with its original architectural ensemble, is a favourite place for kievans and guests of the city. Kiev isthe powerful Center of science and education, most universities are kievo-Mogilâns′kij University,one of the oldest in Ukraine, National University. Taras Shevchenko and the National Polytechnic University. Cultural requests satisfy the numerous theatres, exhibition halls and museums, among which theNational Museum of history of Ukraine, Museum of Ukrainian fine arts, Museum of Western andOriental art and many others.B. Kharkiv, the second most populous city of Ukraine, is a powerful industrial, educational,Scientific and cultural center of the country. The main industries are machinery and machine tools-tobuduvannâ, food and tobacco processing, and printing. From 1919 to 1934. Kharkiv wasthe capital of Ukraine. Despite the relatively small (350 years), Kharkiv has many monuments of culture and architecture, including both ancient and modern. Pokrovsky Cathedral (XVII century), one of the first kamânihthe buildings of the city, the Annunciation Cathedral (XVIII century), the Bell Tower of the Cathedral of the assumption (19th century), builtin honor of the victory over Napoleon, refer to relative antiquity. On the other hand, Chicago boasts modern architectural ensemble of the square of freedom, which is one of the largest in Europe, the length ofmore kilometers. In the center of the ensemble is the original design of Deržpromu, the first in Europe, high altitudea building with solid concrete (1924). Nearby is another magnificent building in the style of Constructivism – Kharkiv National University. V.n. Karazin National University, one of the oldest in Ukraine, was founded1805. Harmonious proportions is celebrated also the architectural ensemble around the square,Arbour "mirror stream" in front of the modern building of the new Opera House, a monument to Taras Shevchenko (1934), which is considered the best in the world as the monument to the great poet.In Odessa is a relatively young city, which barely celebrated 200 years, however, its population alreadyexceeded one million residents. Odessa is a major port and sea passenger station,the base of the fishing fleet, naftoočisnij plant and shipbuilding. Odessa is also a seaside resort, beachesLanžeronu, unhurried Street Café, hideaways cobblestone streets, cased akacìêû, lindens, giganticand chestnuts, legendary Deribasovskaya Street, the famous building of the Opera House, Primorsky Boulevard with the Vorontsov Palace and Greek Colonnade, and of course the bronze monument to Duke de Richelieu, whichmore than half a century looks down the Potemkin stairs, admiring the view of the harbor and the Bay, whereday and night boils. Odessa is a city of sailors, so it is not surprising that there is a Museum of the vìjs′kovomors′kogo fleet.Odessa is also a city of writers, poets, artists, philanthropists, and therefore you will find here LiteratureMuseum, the Museum of Western and Oriental art, the Museum of private collections, and in the streets of the city offers numerous artistic products made by local craftsmen. Odessa agriculturalPrivoz market, impresses not only with their own size, but also the koloritnìstû of sellers and buyers.G. Lviv is an ancient city in Western Ukraine, located in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in the basin of the rivers of the Western bug and Dniester. Founded still inside the 13TH-century city with many ancient monuments, which cause a general admiration and focused in the area of the old city. Here are the charming old market square, amazing building of the Armenian Cathedral (XIV century) and theThe Latin Cathedral of St. Mary (XIV century); the chapel of Bojmìv (XVII century), that affects the wealth ofsculptural decoration; the architectural ensemble of the former Bernardine Church and monastery 55(XVIII century); gem of Lviv architecture is the Cathedral of St. George (XVIII century); Dominican Church (18TH century),one of the most magnificent monuments in Baroque style; Transfiguration Church (XIX century). A tree-lined avenue of liberty adorns the majestic building Opera masterpiece of Ukrainian architecture.Built in the late 19th century in classical style with the use of elements of the Renaissance and Baroque Theatre is marked by harmonious proportions and makes an indelible impression. Decorating the exterior,that give the building a solemn look, perfectly complemented by the generous ubrannâm of the Interior, where the multi-colored marble, gilt, stucco and sculptures set viewers on the perception of highart. Lviv University, founded in 1661 of the year, is the oldest classical University atthe territory of Ukraine.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
A. Kyiv, capital of Ukraine - a huge city with a population of nearly three million inhabitants, located on the Dnieper. Kyiv - ancient city aged 1500 years, has preserved many monuments
of culture and architecture, some of which has been restored recently. The most remarkable of these is the Lavra complex with more than a hundred buildings, consisting of about 900 years (including the
Assumption Cathedral (XI century.) Vsihsvyatska church, Trinity Gate Church, St. Nicholas Church, Holy Cross Church and others); St. Sophia Cathedral (XI.) Golden Gate (XI cent.); Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (Pirogoscha) (XII century.) St. Michael's Cathedral (XII century.) St. Andrew's Church (XVIII century.)
Cathedral of St. Vladimir (XIX c.); St. Nicholas Church and many others. The central street of Kyiv, Khreshchatyk old, has become a modern European avenue and Independence Square,
with its original architectural ensemble - the favorite spot visits to Kiev and guests. Kyiv is
a major center of science and education, is the most famous universities of Kyiv-Mohyla University,
one of the oldest in Ukraine National University. Taras Shevchenko National Polytechnic University. Culture requests satisfy numerous theaters, exhibition halls and museums, including the
National Museum of Ukraine, Ukrainian Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Western and
Oriental Art, and many others.
B. Kharkiv, the second largest city of Ukraine is a potent industrial, educational,
scientific and cultural center. The main industries are engineering and versta-
tobuduvannya, food and tobacco industry and printing. From 1919 to 1934 Kharkiv was
the capital of Ukraine. Despite the relatively small age (350 years), Kharkov has many cultural monuments and architecture, including both ancient and modern. St. Basil's Cathedral (XVII century.), One of the first stone
buildings in the city, the Annunciation Cathedral (XVIII century), the bell tower of the Cathedral of the Assumption (nineteenth century), built
to commemorate the victory over Napoleon, refer to the relative antiquity. On the other hand, Kharkiv boasts modern architectural ensemble Liberty Square, which is one of the biggest in Europe in length
than a kilometer away. In the center of the ensemble - the original design Derzhprom, Europe's first high-rise
building with solid concrete (1924). Nearby is another magnificent building in the style of Constructivism - Kharkiv National University. Karazin, one of the oldest in Ukraine, founded
in 1805. Harmonious proportions also noted architectural ensemble Railway Square,
arbor "Mirror stream" in front of the modern building of the new opera house, the monument to Taras Shevchenko (1934), considered the world's best monument to the great poet.
V. Odessa - a relatively young city, which is barely 200 years old, but its population has
exceeded one million inhabitants. Odessa - is a major port and sea passenger station,
the base of the fishing fleet, refinery and shipbuilding. Odessa - is also a seaside resort, beach
Langeron, leisurely outdoor cafes, cobblestone cozy streets lined with acacia, lime trees, plane trees
and chestnut trees, the legendary Deribasovskaya, the famous building of the Opera House, the seaside boulevard of Vorontsov palace and Greek colonnade and, of course, bronze city monument to Duke de Richelieu, who
more than a century Potemkin Stairs looking down, admiring views of the harbor and bay, where
day and night boils work. Odessa - a city of sailors, it is not surprising that there is a museum naval fleet.
Odessa - also a city of writers, poets, artists, philanthropists, and therefore you will find here Literary
Museum, Museum of Western and Oriental Art Museum of Private Collections, and on the streets offers many artistic products made by local craftsmen. Odessa agricultural
market Privoz, affects not only the size but also the colors of sellers and buyers.
G. Lviv - the ancient city in western Ukraine, located in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in the basin of the Western Bug and Dniester. Founded within the thirteenth century, the city has preserved many ancient monuments that cause universal admiration and concentrated in the Old City. There are charming Old Market area, amazing building Armenian Cathedral (XIV century) and
the Latin Cathedral of St. Mary (XIV c.); Boim Chapel (XVII century.), which affects the wealth
of sculptural decoration; architectural ensemble of the former Bernardine Monastery and Church
(XVIII century.) Lviv architectural jewel of St. George's Cathedral (XVIII century.) Dominican church (XVIII century.),
One of the greatest monuments of Baroque; Transfiguration Church (XIX century.). Tree-lined Liberty Avenue building is decorated with majestic opera house, masterpiece of Ukrainian architecture.
Built in the late nineteenth century in classical style with the use of elements of Renaissance and Baroque theater celebrated harmonious proportions and makes an indelible impression. Jewelry exterior,
which give the building a solemn look, harmoniously complemented by lavish decoration of the interior, where colored marble, gilding, modeling and sculpture viewers tune the perception of high
art. Lviv University, founded in 1661, is the oldest classical university on
the territory of Ukraine.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
А. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is a tremendous city with a population of almost three million inhabitants, is located on the Dnieper. Kyiv - is an ancient city, over 1500 years, preserved many monuments
culture and architecture,Part of which was restored recently. The best achievement of these is the Kyiv Cave Monastery, complex with more than a hundred of buildings, which was made up about 900 years (including
Uspensky Cathedral (11th century),Всіхсвятьська church, Holy Trinity Gate Church St. Nicholas church, Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church etc.); St. Sofia Cathedral (11th century); Golden Gates (11th century); the Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary (Пирогоща) (12th century);Saint Mickael Zlatoverhy cathedral (12th century); St. Andrew's Church (18th century);
cathedral JI projects. Volodymyr (1880s); the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and many others. The main street of Kiev, the ancient Khreshchatyk,Become a modern European prospect and Maidan Nezalezhnosti,
with its original architectural ensemble - to a favorite place visitings Kiev people and guests of the city. Kyiv is
a powerful center of science and education,Most reputed universities is Могилянський university,
one of the oldest in Ukraine, National University. National Taras Shevchenko University and the National Polytechnic University.Cultural demands satisfying numerous theaters, exhibition halls and museums, including
National Museum of History of Ukraine, Museum of Ukrainian Fine Art, Museum of Western and
Oriental Arts and many others.
B. Kharkiv, the second largest city by population of Ukraine, is a potent industrial, educational,
scientific and cultural center of the country. The main industries are engineering and athletics-
тобудування, food and tobacco and publishing. From 1919 till 1932. Kharkiv was
capital of Ukraine. Despite relatively young age (350 years), Kharkiv has many monuments of culture and architecture,Among them the ancient and modern. Pokrovsky Cathedral (XVII century), one of the first камяних
city, Annunciation Cathedral (18th century), bell tower of the Cathedral of Assumption (ХІХ century), built
To commemorate the victory over Napoleon, belong to the relative years ago. On the other hand, Kharkiv is proud of modern architectural ensemble of the Liberty Square, which is one of the largest in Europe, length
more kilometer.In the center of the ensemble - an original design Derzhprom, first in Europe high
buildings with solid reinforced concrete (1924).There is another magnificent building in the style of constructivism - Kharkiv National University. B. N. V.n. Karazin Kharkiv National University, one of the oldest in Ukraine, founded
1805.Harmonious proportions also noted an architectural ensemble of the station square,
pergola "colorful stream" in front of the modern building new opera theater, the monument to Taras Shevchenko (1934),Which is considered to be the best in the world the monument to the great poet.
. Odessa is a relatively young city, which barely turned 200 years, but his have already been
exceeded 1mln.Odessa is a huge port and Sea passenger terminal,
base fishing fleet, нафтоочисний plant and shipbuilding. Odesa - it is also a sea resort, beaches
Ланжерону, unhurried street cafe,Paving cozy streets, in which there are many акацією, lime trees, by platans
and chestnuts, legendary Дерибасівська, a famous building Opera Theater, Primorskiy boulevard from Воронцовським palace and Greek colonnades,Of course, the bronze monument to duke de Richelieu, which
half a century looking down the Potemkin stairs, admiring the view of the harbor and Bay, where
day and night boils work. Odessa - a city of seamen, so it is not surprising,There is a museum військовоморського fleet.
Odessa is also the city of writers, poets, artists, philanthropists, so you can find here Literary
museum, Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Museum of private collections,And on the streets of the city offers numerous art products made by local skilled craftsmen. The Odesa agricultural
market, Privoz, it impresses not only their own dimensions,But колоритністю sellers and buyers.
G. Lviv - the ancient city of Western Ukraine, is situated in the foothills of the Carpathians in the pool rivers of the Western Buh and the Dniester River. Founded in 13th centuryCity retains many ancient monuments, which cause general admiration and concentrated in the area of the Old City. There are charming Old Market square,Amazing buildings Armenian Cathedral (XIV century) and
Latin Cathedral JI projects. Maria (XIV); chapel Боймів (XVII st.), amazing wealth
sculptural design;Architectural ensemble of former Бернардинського kostel and
XVIII century); pearl Lviv architecture - St. George's Cathedral (18th century); the Dominican Cathedral (18th century),
One of the grandest monuments in Baroque taste; Transfiguration Church (ХІХ century). It attracts trees Liberty Avenue decorates gorda building opera theater, masterpiece of Ukrainian architecture.
Built by the end of the 19th century in classical style with the use of elements of Renaissance and Baroque music, theater is harmonious proportions and makes an indelible impression. Decoration of exterior
Providing building solemn appearance, harmoniously complemented by a generous убранням interior, de-colored marble, gilded, molding and sculptures adjust the spectators in the perception of high
art.Lviv University, founded in 1661, is the oldest classical university on
within Ukraine.
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