для початку вибрати професію всього свого життя це не легка справа, тим більше якщо тобі лише 17 років. особисто я довгий час не могла зрозуміти ким я хочу бути.В порівнняні з іншими, у мене не було мрії з дитинства про мою майбутню професію. Проте у школі мені подобалося вивчати англійську мову. Наша вчителька подавала нам цікаву і корисну інформацію. і хоч майже ніхто з нас не навчився вільно володіти мовою за ці роки, проте у мене зявилося бажання вивчати саме цю сферу. тому що це життєво необхідно для успішної людини знати мови у нас час.
Зараз я розумію, що обрала саме цю професію, тому що вважала її відносно легкою. Я думала, що ключ до успіху в професії перекладача полягає в тому, щоб володіти мовою. І не потрібно навантажуватись різними точними дисциплінами. І тільки зараз я розумію ,наскільки важкою є професія перекладача. Потрібно не тільки постійно вдосконалювати свої навички, а й мати певний талант, щоб досягти успіху. І хоч цей шлях дуже не легкий я надіюсь, що ці роки не пройдуть даремно, і я зможу взяти максимум знань і сформувати певні професійні навички.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
to begin, choose the profession of my life is not an easy thing, especially if you are only 17 years. personally, I am a long time couldn't figure out who I want to be in porìvnnânì with the other, I had the dream since childhood about my future profession. But in school I liked to study English. Our teacher submitted us an interesting and useful information. and though almost none of us learned to freely own language over the years, however, I were a desire to explore this field. because it is vital for a successful person to know the language in the us.Now I understand that chose this profession because she believed her relatively easy. I thought that the key to success in the profession of a translator is to enjoy. And no need to navantažuvatis′ a variety of precise disciplines. And only now I understand how heavy is the profession of translator. Not only do you need to continually improve their skills, but also have some talent to achieve success. And though this path is not easy, I hope that these years will not be in vain, and I will be able to take a maximum of knowledge and establish certain professional skills.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
choose a profession to start his life is not easy, especially if you're only 17 years old. I personally long time could not understand what I want buty.V porivnnyani with others, I had no childhood dreams about my future profession. But in school I liked to learn English. Our teacher submitted to us interesting and useful information. and although almost none of us learned fluent English over the years, but I zyavylosya desire to study this particular sector. because it is vital for successful human language we know the time.
Now I realize that chose this profession because it considered relatively easy. I thought that the key to success in the profession of interpreter is to own language. I do not need to be loaded in different disciplines accurate. And only now I realize how difficult is the profession of an interpreter. We must not only continuously improve their skills, but also have a certain talent to succeed. Though this way is not very easy, I hope that the years do not pass in vain, and I will be able to take up some form of knowledge and skills.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
For the beginning of profession to choose his life is not an easy thing, especially if you only 17 years. Personally I have a long time could not understand what I want to be.V порівнняні with others,I had a dream of my childhood my future profession. However, in the school I liked to study English. Our teacher we filed for interesting and useful information.And although almost none of us is learned to speak English fluently over the years, my a desire to study this sphere. Because it is essential for the successful person know the language in your time with us.
Now I understand,That I has choosed just this profession, because considered its rather easy. I thought that the key to success in the profession of interpreter is to speak English fluently. And one shouldn't навантажуватись different exact subjects.Only now I understand, how difficult is the profession of translator. It is necessary not only to constantly improve their skills, but have some talent to succeed. And although this path is not very easy I look forwardThese years did not pass in vain, and I will be able to redeem knowledge and form certain professional skills.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..