Безперечним лідером американських живописців, які створювали панорамні картини, швидко став один із найвідоміших і талановитих творців масової культури Сполучених Штатів першої половини ХІХ сторіччя актор, художник і театральний продюсер Джон Бенвард. Наприкінці 1820-х років він заявив про себе як майстерний виконавець шекспірівських ролей на сценах так званих «ковчегів», величезних плавучих театрів, які регулярно відправлялися на гастролі до нових західних територій Америки після відкриття каналу Ері в 1825-му році. Однак справжній талант Бенварда проявився в царині демократичного живопису. За його спогадами, на початку 1840-х років він прочитав кілька критичних публікацій відомого журналіста і популярного письменника Джорджа Ліппарда, котрий звинувачував американських художників у байдужому ставленні до розвитку національного живопису, оскільки вони не спромоглися відтворити на своїх полотнах велич демократичної Америки. Натхненний закликами Ліппарда, Бенвард покинув свій плавучий театр і розпочав тривалу підготовку до створення найбільшої в світі панорами, яка перегодом зробила його багатієм і абсолютним рекордсменом серед тогочасних майстрів популярного жанру.
На маленькому човні, який став його малярською студією, озброєний рушницею, позаяк йому доводилося подорожувати небезпечними прикордонними територіями, котрі належали тубільним індіанським племенам, Бенвард почав своє плавання величною рікою Міссісіпі. Він часто зупинявся, ретельно замальовував місцеві пейзажі, а потім повертався до стаціонарної майстерні, розташованої у місті Луїсвілль, де переносив зображення на велике панорамне полотно. Відповідно до авторського задуму фінальний витвір мав бути трохи більшим за 400 метрів завдовжки, але довідавшись про розміри картин братів Ганінгтон, художник взяв за мету перевершити їхній рекордний результат. Наприкінці 1840-х років він завершив роботу над панорамним малюнком, довжина якого, відповідно до інформації, що друкувалася в рекламних оголошеннях, дорівнювала трьом милям (4 кілометри 800 метрів). За словами автора, на полотні йому вдалося охопити територію площею близько 1200 миль. Варто зауважити, що конкуренти неодноразово звинувачували Бенварда в зухвалому перебільшенні й навмисній містифікації, адже за їхніми відомостями, його картина була не більшою за 600 метрів, проте вони не спромоглися довести будь-які факти шахрайства в суді. У квітні 1846-го року колишній однокласник Бенварда популярний літератор Селім Вудворт завітав до студії в Луїсвіллі й залишив у своєму щоденнику згадку про «полотно довжиною в три милі», над яким наполегливо працював його приятель.
Бенвард уподібнював творчість художника-творця по-справжньому величних картин до роботи письменника, що працює над романами, котрі складаються з багатьох розділів. Саме тому він розділив свою «Велику картину розміром у 3 милі» («The Great Three-Mile Painting» або «The Grand Moving Panorama») на окремі змістові фрагменти, кожен з який був присвячений визначним регіональним пам’яткам і цікавим подіям із життя мешканців Міссісіпі. За допомогою спеціальних технічних засобів «розділи» по черзі з’являлися перед глядачами, подібно до того, як відбувається демонстрація сучасних слайд-шоу. Під час показу художник особисто детально коментував кожен фрагмент. Журналісти, що відвідували вистави, із подивом згадували, що поєднання візуального зображення з майстерною сценічною декламацією авторського тексту справляло дивовижне, майже містичне враження. Деякі особливо емоційні відвідувачі вимагали негайно зупинити демонстрацію, адже їм здавалося, що панорама оберталася на магічний екран — вони були переконані, що бачили на ній власні домівки і дружин із малими дітьми, що привітно змахують руками, закликаючи скоріше повертатися додому.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The undisputed leader of American painters who create panoramic pictures, quickly became one of the most famous and talented creators of popular culture of the United States of the first half of the 19th century actor, artist and theatre producer John Benvard. At the end of 1820-ies he established himself as a skilled performer of Shakespearean roles on the stages of the so-called "arks image, huge floating theatres that regularly went on tour to the new Western territories of America after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, the year. However, the true talent Benvarda showed up in the field of democratic art. In his memoirs, in the early 1840 's, he read multiple critical publications known journalist and popular writer George Lìpparda, who accused the American artists in bajdužomu attitude towards the development of national art, as they failed to play to their canvases the greatness of democratic America. Inspired by calls to Lìpparda, Benvard left his floating theater and began a long training to create the world's largest panorama that peregodom made him a rich man and the absolute record among the contemporary masters of the popular genre.On a small boat, which became his malârs′koû Studio, armed with a gun because he had to travel the dangerous border territories that belonged to the tubìl′nim Indian tribes, Benvard began his voyage the majestic Mississippi River. He often stopped, carefully zamal′ovuvav the local landscapes, and then returned to the stationary shop, located in Louisville, where the passed image on a large panoramic canvas. According to the author's final design work had to be a little greater than 400 meters long, but knowing about the size of paintings Ganìngton brothers, the artist took aim to surpass their record breaking result. At the end of 1840-ies he completed work on a panoramic picture, the length of which, according to information published in advertisements, was three miles (4 kilometers 800 meters). According to the author, on the canvas he was able to cover an area of about 1200 miles. It is worth noting that competitors have repeatedly accused Benvarda in audacious perebìl′šennì and deliberate hoaxes, because according to their information, his picture was no greater than 600 meters, but they failed to prove any facts of fraud in court. In April 1846, a former classmate of Benvarda popular writer Selim Vudvort came to the Studio in Louisville and left in his diary of "fabric length of three miles, over which worked his buddy. Benvard upodìbnûvav the creativity of the artist-creator of truly breathtaking paintings the work of a writer, working on novels, which are made up of many sections. That is why he shared their "great picture size in 3 miles (" The Great Three-Mile Painting "or" The Grand Moving Panorama ") to individual content fragments, each of which was dedicated to remarkable regional sights and interesting events of the life of the residents of Mississippi. By means of special technical means of "sections" alternately appeared before the audience, just how is a demonstration of the modern slide-show. During the show the artist personally detailed comment on each slice. Journalists that attended performances of the surprise mentioned that the combination of the Visual image with skilful plastics deklamacìêû author's text produces an amazing, almost mystical experience. Some particularly emotional customers demanded to immediately stop the demonstration because they thought that panorama revolved on the magic screen, they were convinced that saw her own homes and wives with young children, or flap their hands, urging more to return home.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The undisputed leader of American painters who create panoramic pictures, quickly became one of the most famous and talented creators of the popular culture of the United States the first half of the nineteenth century actor, artist and theater producer John Benvard. In late 1820 he announced himself as a skillful performer Shakespearean roles on the stages of the so-called "Ark", a huge floating theater that regularly went on tour to the new western territories of America after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, the year. However Benvarda real talent manifested itself in the field of democratic art. In his memoirs, in the early 1840s, he read a few critical publications known journalist and popular writer George Lipparda, which accused American artists in the indifference to the development of national art, as they failed to reproduce their paintings democratic greatness of America. Inspired by calling Lipparda, Benvard left his showboat and began the long preparation for creating the world's largest panorama that later, made him rich and the absolute champion of contemporary artists popular genre.
On a small boat, which was his painting studio armed with a gun, because he had travel dangerous border areas who belonged to native Indian tribes Benvard began his voyage majestic Mississippi river. He often stopped carefully zamalovuvav local scenery and then back to the hospital shop, located in Louisville, which bore the image on the large panoramic canvas. According to the author's intention was to be the final piece larger than 400 meters in length, but learned about the size of brothers Haninhton paintings, the artist took aim to surpass their record result. In the late 1840s he completed a panoramic picture, the length of which, according to information published in advertisements was some three miles (4 km 800 m). According to the author, he was able to canvas cover an area of about 1,200 miles. It should be noted that competitors often accused of exaggerating Benvarda a daring and deliberate hoax, because according to their information, his picture was not more than 600 meters, but they failed to prove any fraud in court. In April 1846, the year former classmate Benvarda popular writer Selim Woodworth came to the studio in Louisville and left in his diary memory of "blade length of three miles," over which worked hard his friend.
Benvard likened the work of artist and creator of truly majestic paintings to the writer, working on a novel, which consist of many parts. That is why he shared his "big picture size 3 miles» ( «The Great Three-Mile Painting» or «The Grand Moving Panorama») into separate semantic fragments, each of which was dedicated to the regional heritage attractions and interesting events in the life Mississippi residents. Using special equipment "sections" alternately appear before the audience, just as there is demonstration of modern slide show. During the show the artist himself commented in detail each piece. Journalists who attended the performance, surprised mentioned that combining visual images of exquisite scenic recitation of the text the author has provided an amazing, almost mystical experience. Some particularly emotional visitors demanded to immediately stop the demonstration, because they thought that rotated on a magical panorama screen - they were convinced that they had seen her own home and wives with small children, flap their hands warmly, encouraging more to return home.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The undisputed leader American painters, who create panoramic pictures, quickly became one of the most famous and talented creators of mass culture of the United States of the first half of XIX century actor,The painter and theatrical producer John Бенвард. In late 1820 years he declared himself a performer шекспірівських roles in so-called "ковчегів, huge floating theaters,Who regularly went on tour in western areas of America after opening the channel Freer 1825-th year. However real talent Бенварда manifested itself in the area of democratic painting. In his memoriesAt the beginning of 1840-ies he read several critical articles known journalist and popular writer George Ліппарда,Who accused the American artists in indifference toward the development of national painting, since they failed to play on his canvas greatness democratic America.Inspired by appeals, Ліппарда Бенвард left his floating theater and started long the world's biggest panoramasWhich перегодом made him багатієм and an absolute champion among outlooks of the masters of the popular genre.
On a small boat, its with self-adhesive paper studio, armed with a gun,Since he had to travel dangerous border territories, which belonged to the Indiana тубільним tribes to carry, Бенвард began my swimming - with river Mississipi. He often stopped andCarefully замальовував local landscape, and then returned to stationary workshops, located in the city of Луїсвілль where endured images on big panoramic canvas.According to the author's idea final work should be slightly higher than 400 meters long, but having found out about the size of paintings brothers Ганінгтон, artist took to outdo their record result.At the end of 1840-ies he finished his work on the Sweep Panorama pattern, length of which, according to reports in advertising ads are, three милям (4 kilometers of 800 meters). According to the author,On the canvas he managed to cover an area of about 1,200 miles. It is worth noting that competitors repeatedly accused Бенварда in provoking an exaggeration and навмисній містифікації, because according to their estimates,His painting was not exceed 600 meters long, but they failed to prove any fraud in court.In April 1846, former classmate Бенварда popular writer Selim Вудворт visited the studio in Луїсвіллі left in his diary memory of "canvas length of three mile" andAbove which worked hard his friend.
Бенвард уподібнював creativity of the artist creator truly majestic paintings in the work of the writer, which works to novels, which consist of lots of sections.That is why he shares his "big picture size in 3 mile" ("The Great Three-Mile Painting" or "The Grand Moving Panorama") for certain contents recorded clipsEach of which was devoted to outstanding regional monuments and interesting events from the life of the inhabitants of the Mississippi River. With the help of special technical means "sections" in turn appeared in front of spectators, just likeHow is the demonstration of the slide show. When displaying the artist personally details commented on each section. Journalists who visited performances, with surprise mentioned above,The accumulation of visual images with exquisite сценічною декламацією copyright text gave stunning, almost a mystical experience. Some very emotional visitors demanded to immediately stop the demoBecause they thought that panorama turned into the magic screen - they were convinced that they had seen her their homes and wives with small children that cordially flap their hands, exhorting rather return home.
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