Україна набула 9 листопада 1995 року статусу держави-члена Ради Європи перевод - Україна набула 9 листопада 1995 року статусу держави-члена Ради Європи английский как сказать

Україна набула 9 листопада 1995 рок

Україна набула 9 листопада 1995 року статусу держави-члена Ради Європи, що є, в першу чергу, зобов’язанням для держави дотримуватись визначених в документах Ради Європи норм та правил. Сьогодні ці правові інструменти — біля 170 конвенцій, хартій, інших багатосторонніх угод, а також велика кількість ухвалених Парламентською асамблеєю та Комітетом міністрів резолюцій та рекомендацій — складають правове поле Ради Європи, яке визначає стандарти в області захисту прав людини, забезпечує здійснення верховенства права та дійсної плюралістичної демократії в державах-членах.

Рада Європи стала для України реальним індикатором розвитку демократичних процесів, показником дійсної відповідності її внутрішньої правозастосовчої практики міжнародним правовим стандартам.

Даючи оцінку перебуванню України в Раді Європи, слід зважати на численні фактори — як об’єктивного, так і суб’єктивного порядку — що вплинули на формування сьогоднішньої до певної міри критичної ситуації, пов’я-заної з виконанням Україною власних зобов’язань, які були взяті нею під час вступу до Ради Європи. Сам процес вступу був започаткований ще в перший рік існування України як суверенної держави – заявку про вступ до організації Україна подала 14 липня 1992 року. А вже 16 вересня 1992 року делегати українського парламенту отримали статус «спеціальних запрошених» в Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи.

27 липня 1995 року — в надзвичайно напружений час, коли вирішувалось питання про набуття Україною дійсного членства в Раді Європи, — від української держави було надіслано листа за підписами Президента України Леоніда Кучми, Голови Верховної Ради Олександра Мороза і Прем’єр-міністра Євгена Марчука, в якому, зокрема, наголошувалось, що «конституційна, правова та економічна реформи, які здійснюються в Україні, спрямовані на побудову державної системи, яка б повністю відповідала європейським стандартам, забезпечувала права і свободи людини, зокрема, дот-римання положень Європейської конвенції з прав людини». Важливою датою для України стало 11 вересня 1997 року – в цей день у Страсбурзі Повірений у справах України при Раді Європи пан Є. Перелигін передав Генеральному секретареві Ради Європи Д. Таршису документ про ратифікацію Україною Європейської конвенції з прав людини (ЄКПЛ). Відповідно до статті 66 Конвенції цей документ набув чинності для України від цієї дати. В результаті, за час від 11 вересня 1997 року до 10 травня 1999 року до контрольних органів Страсбургу – Європейської комісії з прав людини та Європейського суду з прав людини – надійшло 1132 звернень від громадян, які скаржились на порушення Україною прав, гарантованих Європейською конвенцією з прав людини. За цей же час зареєстровані були 255 звернень, 2 з яких були визнані прийнятними, а 5 надіслані до України для з’ясування обставин. Отже, незва­жаючи на всі недоліки й складнощі механізму контролю конвенції, слід визнати, що він починає набирати оберти і працювати в Україні.

Окремим питанням серед зобов’язань України є скасування смертної кари як інституту покарання. Зокрема, в Резолюції 1112 (1997) Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи невведення мораторію на виконання смертних вироків і неінформування Ради Європи про те, що страти продовжувались протягом 1996 року, визначені як серйозне порушення взятих зобов’язань. Слід визнати, що саме через постійний тиск з боку Ради Європи з постійним нагадуванням про необхідність «грати по правилам» – виконувати взяті зобов’язання, процедура страт була, хоч і без юридичного закріплення, припинена. Питання скасування смертної кари, однак не набуло остаточного вирішення і продовжує залишатись проблемним у стосунках між українською стороною і Радою Європи.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ukraine entered November 9, 1995 the status of the Council of Europe, which is primarily the obligation to comply with the state specified in the documents of the Council of Europe regulations.Today, these legal instruments - about 170 conventions, charters and other multilateral agreementsand many adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers resolutions and recommendations - make up the legal framework of the Council of Europe, which defines the standards for the protection of human rights,ensures the implementation of the rule of law and true pluralist democracy in member states.

The Council of Europe has become Ukraine's real indicator of democratic processesindicator of actual compliance with its domestic legal practice with international legal standards.
Assessing the stay of Ukraine in the European Council should take into account many factors - both objectiveand subjective - that influenced the formation of today's somewhat critical situation pov'ya-Zanoah out by Ukraine liabilities that were taken when it joined the Council of Europe.The process of accession was initiated in the first year of Ukraine as a sovereign state - an application for membership to the organization of Ukraine filed Jul. 14, 1992.And on September 16, 1992 the Ukrainian parliament delegates received the status of "special guests" at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

July 27, 1995 - in an extremely stressful timewhen it was a question of Ukraine's membership in the true Europe - from the Ukrainian state were sent a letter signed by the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma,Speaker Oleksandr Moroz and Prime Minister Yevhen Marchuk, which, in particular, emphasized that "the constitutional, legal and economic reforms undertaken in Ukraineaimed at building a public system that would fully meet European standards, ensuring human rights and freedoms, including the dot-rymannya the European Convention on Human Rights. "An important date for Ukraine was September 11, 1997 - the day in Strasbourg d'Affaires of Ukraine to the Council of Europe, Mr E. Perelygin handed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe D.Tarshis ratification by Ukraine of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). According to Article 66 of the Convention, this document came into force for Ukraine on this date. As a result,at the time of the September 11, 1997 to May 10, 1999 on the control of Strasbourg - The European Commission on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights - received 1132 complaints from citizenswho complained of a violation by Ukraine of the rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. During the same period 255 complaints were registered, of which 2 were considered acceptableand 5 sent to Ukraine to clarify the circumstances. So, despite all the shortcomings and difficulties of the monitoring mechanism of the Convention, it should be recognized that it is beginning to gain momentum and work in Ukraine.

Another issue among Ukraine's commitments is to abolish the death penalty as a punishment institution. In particular, thein Resolution 1112 (1997) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe nevvedennya moratorium on executions and neinformuvannya Council of Europe that executions continued throughout 1996,identified as a serious violation of commitments. Admittedly, because of the constant pressure from the Council of Europe with a constant reminder of the need to "play by the rules" - to fulfill obligationsprocedure executions was, though without legal confirmation, suspended. The abolition of the death penalty,but does not have the final decision and continues to be problematic in relations between the Ukrainian side and the Council of Europe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ukraine gained on 9 November 1995, the status of a Member State Council of Europe, that is, first and foremost, obligation for the State to comply with the defined in the documents of Council of Europe norms and rules. Today these legal tools — near the 170 conventions, hartìj, other multilateral agreements as well as a large number of NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Committee of Ministers resolutions and recommendations — constitute the legal framework of Council of Europe, which defines the standards in the field of human rights, provides the implementation of the rule of law and the real pluralistic democracy in Member States.

the Council of Europe for Ukraine, became a real indicator of the development of democratic processes, indicator of actual compliance with its internal enforcement practices of international legal standards.

Giving evaluation of residence in Ukraine in the Council of Europe should consider numerous factors — as an objective, and subjective manner — that influenced the formation of today's critical situation to a certain extent, related-zanoï the implementation of Ukraine's own commitments that were taken during her accession to the Council of Europe. The process was initiated in the first year of the existence of Ukraine as a sovereign State – application for membership to the Organization of Ukraine filed July 14, 1992. And already on 16 September 1992, the delegates of the Ukrainian Parliament received the status of "special guest" in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

July 27, 1995, in an extremely busy time When virìšuvalos′ questions about the acquisition of Ukraine valid membership in the Council of Europe, from the Ukrainian State was sent a letter with the signatures of the President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Moroz and Prime Minister Yevhen Marchuk, in which, inter alia, "emphasizing that" constitutional, legal and economic reforms undertaken in Ukraine aimed at the creation of the State system, which would fully meet European standards, ensure human rights and freedoms, in particular the dot by the provisions of the European Convention on human rights ". Important date for Ukraine was September 11, 1997 – on this day in Strasbourg d'affaires of Ukraine to the Council of Europe, Mr. e. Pereligìn gave the Secretary-General the Council of Europe etc. Taršisu document of ratification by Ukraine of the European Convention on human rights (ECHR). In accordance with article 66 of the Convention this document came into force for Ukraine on this date. As a result, for a time from 11 September 1997 to May 10, 1999, to the authorities of the city – the European Commission of human rights and the European Court of human rights – received 1,132 complaints from citizens, who bemoaned violation by Ukraine of the rights was guaranteed by the European Convention on human rights. Over the same time registered were 255 hits, 2 of which were deemed acceptable, and 5 sent to Ukraine for elucidating the circumstances. So, nezva, with all the disadvantages and difficulties of monitoring mechanism of the Convention, it should be recognized that it is beginning to gain momentum and work in Ukraine

A separate issue among the commitments of Ukraine an abolitionist as an Institute of the punishment. In Particular, The resolution 1112 (1997) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe nevvedennâ moratorium on executions and neìnformuvannâ the Council of Europe about what penalty continued throughout 1996, identified as a serious breach of obligations. Admittedly, because of constant pressure from the Council of Europe with a constant reminder of the need to "play by the rules" is to fulfill commitments, procedure for executions was, though no legal binding, suspended. Question of abolitionist, However, in the final solution and continues to be a problem in relations between the Ukrainian side and the Council of Europe.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Ukraine acquired 9 novembers 1995 year the status of the country-member of The council of Europe, what is, in the first place, commitment for country to observe determined in the documents of The council of the Europe of norms and rules.Today these legal instruments — about 170 conventions, charters, other multiple listings ,And also multitude decreed by Parliamentary assembly and The committee of ministers rezoliutsii and recommendations — compose the legal margine of The council of Europe which defines standards in area the defence of the rights of man ,Ensures the fulfilment of supremacy rights of and actual pliuralistichnoi democracy in countries-members.

The Europe council became for Ukraine by real indicator the development of democratic processes ,By the index of the actual accordance of her of internal pravozastosovchoi practice to international legal standards.

Ranking the Ukraine abidance in The council of Europe, necessary to defer to numerous factors — as objective ,So and subjective order — what affected formation present to the certain extent of critical situation, related with execution by the Ukraine of proper commitments which were taken it during introduction to the Europe council.Alone process introduction was originated more into the first year of the existence of the Ukraine of as sovereign state – claim about introduction to organization Ukraine provided 14 julies 1992 year.And already of 16 septembers 1992 year the delegates of Ukrainian parliament received status "special guest" in The parliamentary assembly of The council of Europe.

27 julies 1995 year — into exceedingly exerted time ,When was made up my mind question about acquirement by the Ukraine of actual membership in The council of Europe, — from Ukrainian country was sent of letter behind the signatures of The president of Ukraini Leonid Kuchmi ,The chairman of The supreme rada of Alexander Moroza and Prime-minister Evgena Marchuka, in what, in particular, was emphasized of, what "constitutional, legal that economic reform, what are accomplished in ukraine ,Intended for the construction of state system which would entirely corresponded european standards, ensured rights and the freedoms of man, in particular, the observances of the positions of European convention from the rights of man".Important date for the Ukraine constantly of 11 septembers 1997 year – into this day in Strasburzi The charge d'affaires of Ukraine at The council of Europe gentleman Is. Pereligin gave General secretary The councils of Europe D.Tarshisu document about ratification by the Ukraine of European convention from the rights of man (EKPL). According to article 66 Conventions this document took effect for Ukraine from this date. As a result ,For time from 11 septembers 1997 year to 10 mays 1999 year to the control organs of Strasburgu – European commission on the rights of man and European court from the rights of man – arrived 1132 appeals from citizens ,Which complained on disturbance by the Ukraine of rights, guaranteed by European convention from the rights of man. For this time are enroled were 255 appeals, 2 of which were accepted acceptable ,And 5 are sent to Ukraine for the understanding of circumstances. It is therefore, regardless on all disadvantages and skladnoshchi mechanism control convention, necessary to avow that he begins to assume revolutions and to work in ukraine.

Several question among the commitments of Ukraine is the abrogation of capital punishment as institute of punishment. It is in particular ,In The resolution 1112 (1997) of The parliamentary Assembly of The council of the Europe of not putting the moratorium of in pursuance the mortals of executions and neinformuvannya The councils of Europe about what executions continued by extension 1996 year ,Definite the as serious disturbance of taken commitments. necessary to avow that alone across constant enforcement on behalf of The council of Europe with constant nagaduvannyam about necessity to "play on rules" – to accomplish taken commitment ,The procedure of executions was, even and without legal fastening, stopped. The question of the abrogation of capital punishment ,However did not acquire final solution and carries on be abandoned problemnim in communion between in ukrainian party and The council of Europe.
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