Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today — Ruslan Puhalsky. Rusl перевод - Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today — Ruslan Puhalsky. Rusl английский как сказать

Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio S

Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today — Ruslan Puhalsky. Ruslan is 16 now.
He studies at Technical College but he works as well.
Where do you work Ruslan?
Ruslan: I work on ge and I love it.
Mary: Oh, it's interesting. Why do you like to work there?
Ruslan: Well, I'm always
outdoors, and I never am under pressure like lots of other people in their jobs.
Mary: Don't you feel lonely?
Ruslan: I can always talk to the animals when I feel like that. Do you know pigs are as intelligent as humans? What I find really difficult is getting up early every morning, especially in winter, I'm really bad at it and dad has to help me get out of bed in different ways.
Mary: How do you spend your leisure time? Have you got some?
Ruslan: During the week I haven't got much time for leisure, but things are different at the weekends. My college friends all live and work in the city about half an hour away and I visit them at weekends. We go clubbing because I love music and dancing. I'm fond of dancing very much and love my Saturday nights out. As you can imagine, it’s very different from my life during the week.
Mary: Yes, I see... So, you're good at farming and you don't think about doing something different...
Ruslan: Oh, the things are not exactly like this. Frankly speaking, I often think thatI've got other skills that I don't know about. I'm not bored with farming at all but I love learning new things and I learn fast. I've heard many stories and seen TV program¬mes about people who changed their lives completely.

Mary: Would you like to change yours?
but do you know what I want to become?
Mary: Sorry Ruslan: Well, I don’t tell many people about this,
, no idea... Well, what would you like to be?
Ruslan: A professional dancer!
Mary: Wow! It's a challenge!мозок
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today — Ruslan Puhalsky. Ruslan is 16 now.
He studies at Technical College but he works as well.
Where do you work Ruslan?
Ruslan: I work on ge and I love it.
Mary: Oh, it's interesting. Why do you like to work there?
Ruslan: Well, I'm always
outdoors, and I never am under pressure like lots of other people in their jobs.
Mary: Don't you feel lonely?
Ruslan: I can always talk to the animals when I feel like that. Do you know pigs are as intelligent as humans? What I find really difficult is getting up early every morning, especially in winter, I'm really bad at it and dad has to help me get out of bed in different ways.
Mary: How do you spend your leisure time? Have you got some?
Ruslan: During the week I haven't got much time for leisure, but things are different at the weekends. My college friends all live and work in the city about half an hour away and I visit them at weekends. We go clubbing because I love music and dancing. I'm fond of dancing very much and love my Saturday nights out. As you can imagine, it’s very different from my life during the week.
Mary: Yes, I see... So, you're good at farming and you don't think about doing something different...
Ruslan: Oh, the things are not exactly like this. Frankly speaking, I often think thatI've got other skills that I don't know about. I'm not bored with farming at all but I love learning new things and I learn fast. I've heard many stories and seen TV program¬mes about people who changed their lives completely.

Mary: Would you like to change yours?
but do you know what I want to become?
Mary: Sorry Ruslan: Well, I don’t tell many people about this,
, no idea... Well, what would you like to be?
Ruslan: A professional dancer!
Mary: Wow! It's a challenge!мозок
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today - Ruslan Puhalsky. Now Ruslan is 16.
He Studies at Technical College BUT he works as Well.
Where do you work Ruslan?
Ruslan: I work and I ge On love it.
Mary: Oh, it's Interesting. Why do you like to work there?
Ruslan: Well, I'm always
outdoors, and I never AM Under pressure like Lots of Other people in their JOBS.
Mary: Do not you feel lonely?
Ruslan: I Can Talk to the always animals when I feel like that. Do you know pigs are as intelligent as humans? What I Find Difficult is really getting up EARLY Every Morning, especially in winter, I'm really bad at it and dad has to Help Me get out of Bed in Different Ways.
Mary: How do you Spend your leisure time? Have you got Some?
Ruslan: During the Week I Have not got much time for leisure, BUT Different things are at the weekends. My college friends all live and work in the city about half an hour away and I visit them at weekends. We go clubbing because I love music and dancing. I'm fond of dancing very much and love my Saturday nights out. As you Can imagine, it's Very Different from my life during the Week.
Mary: Yes, I See ... So, you're good at farming and you do not think about doing Something Different ...
Ruslan: Oh, the things are not exactly like this. Frankly speaking, I often think thatI've got other skills that I do not know about. I'm not bored with farming at all but I love learning new things and I learn fast. I've Heard and Seen MANY stories about people program¬mes TV Who CHANGED their Lives completely. Mary: Would you like to Change Yours? BUT do you Know What I Want to Become? Mary: Sorry Ruslan: Well, I do not MANY tell people about this, , No idea ... Well, What Would you like to be? Ruslan: A Professional dancer! Mary: Wow! It's a challenge! Brain

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Mary: Meet the guest of our Radio Studio Today - Ruslan Puhalsky. Ruslan is now 16.
He studies at Technical College but he works as well.
Where do you work? Ruslan
Ruslan: I work on ge and I love it.
Mary: Oh, it's interesting. Why do you like to work there?
Ruslan: Well, I'm always
outdoors, and I never am under pressure like lots of other people in their jobs.
Mary: Don't you feel lonely?
Ruslan: I can always talk to the animals when I feel like that. Do you know pigs are as intelligent as humans? What I find really difficult is getting up early every morning, especially in winter, I'm really bad at it and dad has to help me get out of bed in different ways.
Mary: How do you spend your leisure time? Have you got? speaking
Ruslan: During the week I haven't got much time for leisure,But things are different at the weekends. My college friends all live and work in the city about half an hour away and I visit them at weekends. We go Africa clubbing I love music and cheerful. I'm fond of cheerful very much and love my Saturday nights out. As you can imagine, it's very different from my life during the week.
Mary: Yes, I see... So,You're good at farming and you don't think about doing something different...
Ruslan: Oh, the things are not exactly like this. Frankly speaking, I often think thatI've got other skills that I don't know about. I'm not bored with farming at all but I love learning new things and I learn fast. I've heard many stories and seen TV program efficiency mes about people who created an their lives completely.

Mary:Would you like to change yours?
but do you know what I want to become?
Mary: Sorry Ruslan: Well, I don't tell many people about this,
, no. idea... Well, what would you like to be?
Ruslan: A professional dancer!
Mary: Wow! It's a challenge!brain
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