Нещастя зближує − приятелі подалися до бару. 9. Вона нарешті заспокоїлася. Вона від природи схильна до тривожності − завжди занепокоєна через свого сина. Вона так заздрила, коли бачила інших дітей, які здавалися їй бадьорими та впевненими. Вона оволоділа собою, лише коли її найкраща подруга присяглася, що все це їй тільки здається. 10. Якби він зустрів таку дівчину, до якої відчув би прихильність, яка б його зачарувала, в яку б він закохався, то про таку кохану він би турбувався, нею б захоплювався, її б шанував, обожнював, поклонявся б їй, насолоджувався б кожною миттю, проведеною з нею, і палко б її кохав. Він робив би все, аби тільки вона була задоволеною. − Боже милосердний! Яка зворушлива картина!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Adversity brings − friends had moved to the bar. 9. She finally calmed down. It is by nature prone to anxiety − always concerned about through his son. She is so envied when saw the other children, who gave up her refreshed and confident. She entered the only when her best friend prisâglasâ, what ever it is it only seems. 10. If he met this girl, which he felt would be a commitment that has Bewitched him, in which he fell in love, then such a sweetheart he'd worried it would be admired, it would have had, adored, worshipped her, would have enjoyed every moment, held her and loved her would ardently. He did have everything, if only she was satisfied. − God is Merciful. That touching picture!
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Misfortune brings - friends went to the bar. 9. She finally calmed down. It is by nature prone to anxiety - always concerned by his son. She was so jealous when the other children saw that she seemed cheerful and confident. She mastered themselves, only when her best friend prysyahlasya that all of this it just seems. 10. If he met this girl, which felt like a commitment that it would be charmed into which he had fallen in love, it is about a sweetheart he would have worried it would be admired, it would be honored, adored, worshiped to her would have enjoyed each instantly drawn to her and would dearly loved her. He would do anything if only she was satisfied. - God is merciful What a touching picture!
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