Коли він подзвонив мені додому мої батьки сказали що я вже пішовВона х перевод - Коли він подзвонив мені додому мої батьки сказали що я вже пішовВона х английский как сказать

Коли він подзвонив мені додому мої

Коли він подзвонив мені додому мої батьки сказали що я вже пішов
Вона хотіла побувати в місті де вона провела своє дитинство
Коли я виглянув у вікно я побачив що в небі яскраво світить сонце а дощ припинився
Коли ми прибули на вокзал поїзд вже пішов
Вона дісталася свого будинку дуже пізно бо пізно вийшла від батьків
Моя подруга почувала себе погано через те що отримала сонячний удар
Учні написали твір про літні канікули які вони провели на узбережжі Чорного Моря
Коли він був молодим він брав участь у футбольних матчах
Вона поскаржилася що ніхто не допоміг їй виконати цу завдання
Коли вона робила доповідь вона не дивилася у свої записи
Коли я вийшов зі свого будинку я згадав що не взяв з собою грошей
Наша команда виграла тому що ми хотіли перемогти
Він не здогадався скільки я заплатила за сукню яку купила в вашому магазині
Охоронец не впізнав людину що пограбувала банк
Вони хотіли знати де ви провели відпустку?
Коли я прийшов додому я побачив що моя дочка читає книгу яку я принусла їй з бібліотеки
До цього я ніколи не був у музеї тому мені захотілося відвідати його
Як тільки вони повечеряли вони одразу пішли на прогулянку
Вчора він зустрів друга якого не бачив з дитинства
Оскільки я прийшов додому о десятій мій син ще не пішов спати
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When he called me home my parents said that I wentShe would like to visit in the city where she spent her childhoodWhen I looked out the window I saw that the sun shines brightly in the sky and the rain stopped When we arrived at the station, the train had already goneShe went to her home very late because of late came from parentsMy girlfriend made me feel bad because got sunstrokeThe students wrote a piece about the summer vacation that they spent on the Black Sea coastWhen he was young he participated in football matchesShe complained that nobody helped her run is the task When she did report it is not looked at their recordsWhen I came out from my home I remembered that took a moneyOur team won because we wanted to winHe never realized how much I paid for the dress you bought at your storeOhoronec not recognized man that the pograbuvala Bank They wanted to know where you had a vacation?When I came home I saw that my daughter is reading the book which I prinusla it from the libraryBefore that I never was at the Museum because I wanted to visit hisAs soon as they had they immediately went out for a walkYesterday, he met a friend not seen since childhoodSince I came home at ten my son has not yet gone to bed
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When he called me home my parents said that I went
She wanted to visit the town where she spent her childhood
when I looked out the window I saw that the sky bright sun shines and the rain stopped
when we arrived at the station the train was gone
she went to his home too late for late came from parents
My friend felt bad because that got sunstroke
Students wrote an essay on summer holidays they spent on the Black Sea
when he was young, he participated in football matches
She complained that no one helped her fulfill zu task
When she did report it did not look at their records
when I left his house I mentioned that did not take with them the money
Our team won because we wanted to win
he did not think how much I paid for the dress you bought in your store
security guard did not recognize the person that robbed the bank
they wanted to know where you spent your holidays?
When I came home I saw my daughter reading a book I prynusla her library
Before that I had never been to a museum because I wanted to visit him
Once they had dinner they immediately went for a walk
Yesterday he met a friend who had not seen since childhood
Since I came home at ten, my son went to bed yet
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
When he called me home my parents told me that I already went
she wanted to visit the city where they played his childhood
When i peeked out through the window I have distinguished in the sky the bright sun shines and the rain stopped
When we arrived to the train station had gone
it is inherited his house very late because later came from parents
my friend felt bad because received sunstroke
Students wrote work on summer vacations which they spent on the Black Sea
when he was young, he took part in football matches
She complained that nobody has helped to implement skyrock task
When she did report it looked in his notes
when I went out from our house I remembered not bring money
our team won because we wanted to win
He could have figured out how much I paid for dress was bought in your shop
Охоронец have not learned man rob bank
they wanted to know where you can spend your vacation?
When I came home I have my daughter reading a book which i принусла her from the library
Before that I was never in the museum because I wanted to visit his
as soon as they dined they went for a walk
Yesterday he met the second is not seen since childhood
Because I came home at ten my son have not gone to sleep
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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