Згодом, при підтримці
панівних класів, монастир став основним релігійним вогнищем Давньої Русі,
перетворився на великого феодала-землевласника. Києво-Печерський
монастир(його так само, як і великі монастирі у Візантії, називали лаврою) став
незабаром і провідним культурним центром. Тут жили і працювали літописці
Нестор, Никон, Іаков, художник Сліпій, лікарі Агапіт, Даміант.
Першими кам’яними монументальними спорудами, зведеними на території
монастиря, були: Успенський собор, церква Іоанна Предтечі, Трапезна і
Троїцька надбрамна церкви. Навколо центральної садиби лаври були
споруджені спочатку дерев’яні, а потім, у ХII столітті, кам’яні стіни.
Протягом багатовікової історії лаврські будови неодноразово зазнавали
руйнувань. Та минав час, і вони піднімалися з руїн та попелу, відроджені
руками талановитих майстрів. Остаточне формування архітектурного ансамблю
лаври припадає на другу половину ХVII – середину ХVIII століття. Саме тоді, в
умовах економічного і культурного піднесення, викликаного возз’єднанням
України з Росією, були оздоблені древньоруські споруди, побудовані нові
комплекси, що доповнили й естетично збагатили ансамбль.
З 1926 року територію лаври оголошено історико-культурним
заповідником. Великий комплекс споруд, що виростали тут з ХI століття,
становить історичну й архітектурну цінність.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Later, with the support ofthe ruling classes, the monastery became the main religious hearth of ancient Rusturned into a great feudal Lord-landowner. Kyiv-PecherskMonastery (its just like the big monasteries in the Byzantine Empire, called the Lavra) becamesoon a leading cultural center. Here lived and worked the chroniclersNestor, Nikon, Ìakov, artist-Blind, doctors Agapit, Damìant. 98The first monumental stone structures, working on the territory ofthe monastery, were: uspensky Cathedral, the Church of John the Baptist, Refectory andTrinity Gate Church. Around the Central Manor there werewere originally made of wood, and then, in the TWELFTH century, the stone walls.Over the centuries-old history of Lavra of hauntingthe devastation. And time passed and they raised from ruins and ashes, resurrectedhands of talented masters. The final formation of the architectural ensembleLaura falls in the second half of XVII-the middle of the eighteenth century. It was then, inconditions of economic and cultural rise caused by ReunionUkraine and Russia have been decorated with ancient Russian structures built newcomplexes that complemented and aesthetically enriched the ensemble.Since 1926 the monastery territory declared a historical and culturalreserve. A large complex of buildings that grew here from XI centuryis the historical and architectural value.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Subsequently, with the support of
the ruling classes, the monastery became the main focus of religious Ancient,
has become a big feudal landowner. Crypt
Monastery (the same as the large monasteries in Byzantium, called Monastery) was
soon leading cultural center. Here lived and worked chroniclers
Nestor, Nikon, Jacob, by the blind, doctors Agapit Damiant.
The first monumental stone buildings erected on the site
of the monastery were: Assumption Cathedral Church of St. John the Baptist, refectory and
Trinity Gate Church. Around the central farm monastery were
built originally made of wood, and then, in the twelfth century, stone walls.
During the long history of the structure Lavra repeatedly suffered
damage. But time passed, and they rose from the ruins and ashes, reborn
hands of talented artists. The final formation of the architectural ensemble
laurels in the second half of the seventeenth - mid-eighteenth century. It was then, in
terms of economic and cultural development caused by the reunion
of Ukraine and Russia were decorated of Ancient structures built new
buildings that complement and aesthetically enriched the ensemble.
Since 1926, the territory of Lavra declared a historical and cultural
reserve. A large complex of buildings that grew up here from the eleventh century,
has a historical and architectural value.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Later, at support
prevailing classes, the monastery became the main religious fire Disagreed Rus,
turned into a big lord-landowner must be. Kyiv Pecherskyi
monastery(its justAs large-scale monastery in the Byzantine, called Lavra) became
soon and leading cultural center. Here lived and worked chroniclers
Nestor, Nikon, Іаков, artist a blind, doctors Agapit, Даміант.
The first stone monumental buildings, consolidated on the territory
monastery, were: the Dormition Church, the church of John the Baptist, refectory and
Holy Trinity Gate Church. Around central manor Lavra were
Originally built wooden, and then, in the 06 century, stone walls.
over the centuries-old history of the monastery buildings has operated
of destruction. And passed by time and they rose from the ruins and ashes, revived
Hands of talanted master artisans commercially;. The final formation of the architectural ensemble
monastery falls on the second half of the 17 th - middle ХVIII century. Exactly then, in
conditions of economic and cultural growth,Resulting from the reunification connection
between Ukraine and Russia, were decorated with древньоруські, built new
plants that complement and aesthetically enriched ensemble.
from 1926 the territory of Lavra announced an historic-cultural
Reserve. The huge range of facilities that grew up here with XI century,
is historical and architectural value.
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