. Якщо ти хочеш більше встигати, потрібно раніше вставати та пізніше лягати спати. 17. Ти вчинив мудро, що зробив це таємно. 18. Сьогодні сонце світить яскравіше, ніж учора. 19. Вона обережно скуштувала суп, ніби боялася отруїтися
. If you want more time, you have to get up earlier and later go to sleep. 17. Thou hast wisely did it secretly. 18. Today the sun shines brighter than yesterday. 19. She gently skuštuvala soup, as if afraid of poison
. If you want to make it longer, you need to get up earlier and go to bed later. 17. You have done wisely did it secretly. 18. Today the sun shines brighter than yesterday. 19. She tasted the soup gently, as if afraid of poison
. If you want more keep up to earlier to get up and go to bed. 17. You acted wisely that he did it in secret. 18. Today the sun shines brighter than he did before. 19. She carefully tasted the soup,As if afraid poisoned