1. Read parts A–B of the letter and find the words meaning: (A) change перевод - 1. Read parts A–B of the letter and find the words meaning: (A) change русский как сказать

1. Read parts A–B of the letter and

1. Read parts A–B of the letter and find the words meaning: (A) change, concentrate, riches, obvious, sharply,
things that are not very good, (B) introduction, such that can be bought, cell phone, encouraged, competitive
offer, fall sharply, gigantic, without paying, secure, insecure.
Led by its mayor, Mr. Omelchenko, Kyiv has launched a massive beautification
drive in the last few years that has fundamentally altered the face of the city. The
reconstruction and restorations have been focused, naturally, near the heart of the
city, with much of the attention put on the area around St. Sophia’s Cathedral.
The recent reconstruction of St. Michael’s Cathedral, which, like many of Kyiv’s
treasures, was ruined by the Soviets, is only the most visible project in the area.
Plenty of other churches, parks, squares and turn-of-the-century buildings
between Zoloti Vorota to Andriyivsky Uzviz (it’s a short steep cobblestone
Souvenir Market street running from St. Andrew’s Church down to Podil, Kyiv’s
lower part of the city) have seen equally impressive repairs in recent years.
The other big church project was in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, where the ancient
Uspensky Sobor (Assumption Cathedral) – one of the holiest sites in all of
Kyivska Russ – was rebuilt earlier this year. The expensive reconstruction of
Khreshchatyk before Independence Day in 1998 was roundly criticized, but overall, the street looks better because
of it. Of course, there are plenty of eyesores that remain to be fixed. But to undo 70 years of Soviet destruction and
bad architecture will take decades. Kyiv is off to a pretty good start.
Any place whose phone lines are monopolized by a dinosaur like Ukrtelekom,
the Ukrainian Telephone Communication Company, obviously benefits greatly
from an infusion of mobile phones – as long as they’re affordable. Of course
mobile phones were anything but affordable five years ago. The handsets alone
ran about $3 000, while calls cost up to $0.85 a minute. At those prices, mobile
phones might as well not have existed at all. Competition, fueled by the great
GSM-900 tender of 1996–97, has changed all that. Today, cell phone prices
have plummeted to the point where they are affordable to the middle class and
small companies. The amount of time saved by businesses and individuals
alike has been enormous. Rather than wait months for Ukrtelekom to install
a new line for a $1 000 fee, anyone can pick up a mobile in a day, often free
of charge. What’s more, your mobile phone will be much more reliable than
Ukraine’s crummy land lines.
2. Work in pairs. Look through parts A–B again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000.
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
3. Read parts C–F and find the words meaning: (C) dislike, extravagantly, (D) walk unsteadily, protected,
good enough, symbol, liberation; an ugly or unpleasant woman, especially one who is old or looks like a
witch; experience, (E) become popular.
Five years ago if you wanted to find a reasonable meal served by a waitperson,
who did not visibly abhor you, you were looking at paying $25 per entree in
one of about three establishments loosely classified as “Western-style.” Those
days are long gone. Today you can get just about any kind of meal you want for
just about any price – and have it delivered. No more waiting for 20 minutes
at The Studio restaurant to pay $50 for an average meal. Now you can have it
your way.
Back home, being able to stagger out to the shop at 3:30 in the morning to
buy a bag of Doritos and a Slurpee is regarded as a sacred and absolute right.
You still won’t have much luck with the Doritos and the Slurpee in Kyiv, but
at least you can now go out in the middle of the night and find a decent snack
with relative ease. Kyiv has witnessed an explosion of 24-hour stores in the
last couple years. That explosion, coupled with the recent introduction of the
supermarket, threatens to wipe out one of the lynchpins of Soviet inefficiency –
the gastronom. Good riddance. We rarely have the desire to wait 20 minutes
in line for the privilege of having a toothless hag look angrily at us as she
picks with difficulty our pickled tomatoes. But all too often, we are forced
to undergo just that. We prefer to help ourselves, thank you. And thankfully
today we can.
OK, so we admit this one’s more of a global phenomenon. And unfortunately,
the masses of Kyiv are still too poor to exploit it. But the Internet is catching
on in Kyiv, and that’s good for everybody. It’s good for foreigners because it
gives us easy access to news from back home and lets us avoid the trauma of
being cut off from e-mail for more than 3 hours. It’s good for locals because
the Internet is about the only place where news in Russian or Ukrainian isn’t
controlled, or worse, censored.
Cheaper Class A apartment
and office space
Dolby cinema
houses Cash machines A stable
Cold draft beer
4. Work in pairs. Look through parts C–F again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000.
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
5. Work in pairs. Discuss what you would include into this category if you wrote The Best of Kyiv today.
Why? Exchange your ideas with the other pairs.
6. Read parts G–L and find the words meaning: (G) make a silly expression with your face, start, kill, a list of
a lot of different things, a small detail, encouragement, price, tip, scandal, (H) strict, have unpleasant smell,
end, daring,(I) inequality, to make the relationship between two people or groups worse, rich, just (adj), a
domestic animal, self-respect, (K): electricity switching-off, heat supply interruption, occasional, services,
accuse, received, not enough, laziness.
The city’s ongoing failure to erect a four- or five-star hotel has taken on a soap-opera
feel. One smiling foreign investor after another has waltzed into Kyiv to mug for the
press and break ground on a new project, only to leave town a couple months later after
the city administration skewered the project on a laundry list of minor technicalities.
The city’s unreasonable refusal to allow foreign investors into the hotel market can only
be explained by mass corruption. On a small scale, any city bureaucrat with a stamp in
his hand can and will skewer a project if not given the proper “incentive” to OK it. On
a larger scale, the capital’s network of old Soviet hotels, which feature unpleasant decor
and terrible service at very high rates, must have something to do with this. Only city
officials on the receiving end of substantial gratuities could possibly want to extend the
life of these disgraceful institutions. Nobody said it was easy doing business in Ukraine,
but the ongoing five-star fiasco is an outrage unlike almost any other in Kyiv.
Anyone who has ever traveled to Ukraine knows exactly how I feel about Ukraine’s rigid
visa policy: It stinks. The country might as well put up huge posters on the doors of all its
embassies worldwide, saying, “Don’t visit us”. There is no official measure of how many
tourist dollars Ukraine loses due lo its absurd visa requirements, but it must number in
the billions. Last I checked, Ukraine’s economy was in a mess. Putting a moratorium on
money entering the country is not the way to fix it. As if the visa requirement wasn’t bad
enough. Ukraine has the audacity to send arriving tourists to OVIR to get registration
stamps. The country might as well put up a huge poster at the airport reading, “We hate
you.” Ukraine has a beautiful country. It’s time to let the world come see it.
The disparity in salaries between foreigners and locals continues to
drive a wedge between the foreign and Ukrainian communities. To
some extent this phenomenon is an unfortunate byproduct of the
mixing of two very different markets: The Western and Ukrainian
labor markets. But too many plump Western firms, rather than setting
a good example by paying locals on a fair scale, shamelessly lower
themselves to the standards of the Ukrainian economy and pay wages
that wouldn’t support a pet in the West. This is a vulgar form of wage
slavery. Western firms argue that the country needs their foreign
investment and that many of the people they hire would be otherwise
unemployed or selling things in Petrivka market. There is some truth to that. But there are times when one’s dignity
must overcome the realities of Keynesian economics*.
Notes: * Keynesian economics – economic theories by J. M. Keynes (1883–1946), an English economist and monetary
expert, who suggested active government intervention into the market to provide maximum employment.
Enough said.
Thesis 1: Civilized countries provide all citizens with basic necessities such as water,
heat and electricity. Thesis 2: Ukrainian citizens are subject to frequent power outages,
heat cutoffs, and sporadic supply of cold water, to say nothing of hot water. Conclusion:
Ukraine is not a civilized country. Bureaucrats like to blame the poor utilities infrastructure
inherited from the Soviet Union and the lack of cash in modern-day Ukraine to repair
it. Then how did those bureaucrats get so rich? This is another example of the people
suffering from the excesses of their rulers. Water is not a luxury item. To be considered
a developed country, Ukraine must learn how to provide it to everybody.
Privileged license
Lack of good
bars Bad roads Discrimination Poor phone lines
7. Work in pairs. Look through parts G–L again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000.
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
8. Work in pairs. Discuss what you would include into this category if you wrote The Worst of Kyiv t
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
1. читать части A – B письма и найти смысл слова: (A) изменение, концентрат, богатство, очевидно, резко,вещи, которые не являются очень хорошими, (B) введение, такие, которые могут быть куплены, сотовый телефон, поощрять, конкурентоспособнойпредлагаем, упасть резко, гигантские, без оплаты, безопасных и небезопасных.ЛУЧШИЕ ИЗ КИЕВА A. БЛАГОУСТРОЙСТВО КИЕВАВо главе с мэром, г-н Омельченко, Киев начал массовое благоустройствадиск в последние несколько лет, которые коренным образом изменили лицо города. Вреконструкции и реставрации были сосредоточены, естественно, рядом с центромгород, с много внимания, положить на область вокруг собора Святой Софии.Недавней реконструкции собора St. Michael, который, как многие из Киевасокровища, был разрушен советов, это только наиболее заметных проект в области.Множество других церквей, парков, площадей, зданий го векамежду Золотые ворота на Андреевский спуск (это короткий крутых мощеныхСувенирный рынок улица от Андреевской церкви до Подола, КиевНижняя часть города) видели менее впечатляет ремонт в последние годы.Другой большой проект церкви был в Киево-Печерской Лавры, где древниеУспенский собор (Успенский собор) – один из самых священных мест во всехКиевская Русь – был восстановлен ранее в этом году. Дорогая реконструкцияКрещатик, перед днем независимости в 1998 году был резко критиковал, но в целом, улица выглядит лучше, потому чтоего. Конечно есть много eyesores, которые по-прежнему быть исправлены. Но чтобы отменить 70 лет советской уничтожения иплохой архитектуры займет десятилетия. Киев не горит очень хорошее начало.Б. МОБИЛЬНЫЕ ТЕЛЕФОНЫЛюбое место, чьи телефонные линии монополизированы динозавров, как Укртелеком,Украинская телефонной связи компании, очевидно, что преимущества значительноиз настой мобильных телефонов – покуда они доступным. Конечнопять лет назад мобильные телефоны были ничего, но доступным. Только телефоновпобежал около 3 000 $, в то время как стоимость звонков до $0,85 за минуту. В эти цены, мобильныйтелефоны могут также не существовало вообще. Конкурс, подпитывается ВеликогоТендер GSM-900 в 1996-97, изменилось все это. Сегодня цены на сотовый телефонупали до точки, где они являются доступными для среднего класса инебольшие компании. Количество времени, спас предприятий и частных лицтак был огромен. Вместо того, чтобы ждать месяцев Укртелеком для установкиНовая линия для гонорар $ 1 000, кто может забрать мобильный в день, часто бесплатнобесплатно. Более того ваш мобильный телефон будет гораздо более надежными, чемУкраина в вшивой наземных линий.2. Работа в парах. Посмотрите через части A-B еще раз. Обсудите, если ничего изменилось с ноября 2000 года.Это было к лучшему или к худшему? Почему?3. чтение части C – F и найти смысл слова: (C) не нравится, экстравагантно, (D) ходьбы непрочно, защитой,достаточно хорошо, символ, освобождения; уродливые или неприятных женщину, особенно тот, кто стар или выглядит какведьма; опыт, (E) становятся популярными. C. РЕСТОРАН РЕВОЛЮЦИЯПять лет назад, если вы хотели найти разумное питание, обслуживается waitperson,кто не сделал ненавидим заметно вас, вы глядя на платить $25 за блюдо водин из трех учреждений, слабо классифицирован как «Западная стиль». Те,дни, давно прошли. Сегодня вы можете получить почти любой вид пищи вы хотите длякак раз о любой ценой – и она поставила. Нет больше ждать 20 минутв ресторане The Studio платить $50 за средний еды. Теперь вы можете иметь егоВаш путь.57D. УДОБНЫЙ ШОППИНГВернуться домой будучи в состоянии поразить вне к магазину в 3:30 утракупить мешок Doritos и Slurpee рассматривается как священное и абсолютное право.Вы все еще не имеют много удачи с Doritos и Slurpee в Киеве, нопо крайней мере вы можете теперь выйти в середине ночи и найти достойную закускас относительной легкостью. Киев стал свидетелем взрыва 24-часовой магазинов впоследние пару лет. Что взрыва, наряду с недавним введениемсупермаркет, угрожает уничтожить один из столбов советской неэффективность –Гастроном. Скатертью дорога. Мы редко имеем желание ждать 20 минутв очереди за привилегию иметь беззубый ППЗ сердито смотрят на нас как онавыборка с трудом наших маринованные помидоры. Но все слишком часто, мы вынужденычтобы пройти именно это. Мы предпочитаем, чтобы помочь себе, благодарю вас. И к счастьюСегодня мы можем.Е. ИНТЕРНЕТ-КАФЕ И ДОСТУПИтак, мы признаем это одно более глобального явления. И, к сожалению,массы Киева по-прежнему слишком бедны, чтобы эксплуатировать его. Но ловля Интернетна в Киеве, и это хорошо для всех. Это хорошо для иностранцев, потому что ондает нам простой доступ к новости от дома и позволяет нам избежать травмыбудучи отрезаны от электронной почты для более чем 3 часов. Это хорошо для местных жителей, потому чтоИнтернет-это единственное место, где не Новости на русском или украинскомконтролируемые, или хуже, цензуре.F. ПОЧЕТНОЕ УПОМИНАНИЕДешевле квартира классаи офисные помещенияDolby кинодома банкоматов A стабильныйВалютаХолодное разливное пиво4. Работа в парах. Посмотрите через части C – F снова. Обсудите, если ничего изменилось с ноября 2000 года.Это было к лучшему или к худшему? Почему?5. Работа в парах. Обсудите, что вы будет включать в эту категорию, если вы написали The Best of Kyiv сегодня.Почему? Обмен идеями с другими парами.6. чтение части G-L и найти смысл слова: (G) делают глупые выражение с вашим лицом, начало, убить, списокмного разных вещей, маленькая деталь, поощрение, Цена, кончик, скандал (H) строгое, имеют неприятный запах,конец, daring,(I) неравенство, чтобы сделать отношения между двумя людьми или группы хуже, богатые, просто (регулируемое),домашнее животное, самоуважение, (K): электричество отключения, обрыв питания тепла, иногда, Услуги,обвините, полученные, не достаточно, лень.58ХУДШИЕ ИЗ КИЕВАG. НЕТ ПЯТИ ЗВЕЗДОЧНЫХ ОТЕЛЕЙСохраняющаяся неспособность города возвести четырех - или пяти звездочный отель взяла на мыльной оперечувствуете. Один улыбающийся иностранный инвестор после того, как другой вальс в Киеве кружку дляНажмите и разорвать землю на новый проект, только для того, чтобы покинуть город пару месяцев спустя послеАдминистрация города нанизанные проект на Прачечная список незначительных технических деталей.Города необоснованный отказ разрешить иностранных инвесторов в гостиничный рынок можно толькообъяснить массовой коррупции. В небольших масштабах, любой город бюрократом с отметкой вего рука может и будет шашлык проекта, если не получат надлежащего «стимул» до OK его. Наболее широком масштабе, столицы сети старых советских гостиниц, которые неприятные декороми страшные одежды по очень высоким ценам, должны иметь что-то делать с этим. Только городдолжностные лица на получая конце существенные чаевые, возможно, хотят продлитьжизнь этих учреждений, позорны. Никто не сказал, это было легко вести бизнес в Украине,Однако продолжающиеся фиаско пяти звездочный является оскорблением в отличие от любой другой в Киеве.H. ВИЗЫЛюбой, кто когда-либо побывал в Украине знает точно, как я чувствую о Украине грузовикВизовая политика: воняет. Страна может также положить вверх огромные плакаты на двери всех еепосольств во всем мире, говоря: «не посетить нас». Существует никаких официальных мер, сколькоtourist dollars Ukraine loses due lo its absurd visa requirements, but it must number inthe billions. Last I checked, Ukraine’s economy was in a mess. Putting a moratorium onmoney entering the country is not the way to fix it. As if the visa requirement wasn’t badenough. Ukraine has the audacity to send arriving tourists to OVIR to get registrationstamps. The country might as well put up a huge poster at the airport reading, “We hateyou.” Ukraine has a beautiful country. It’s time to let the world come see it.I. SALARY DISPARITYThe disparity in salaries between foreigners and locals continues todrive a wedge between the foreign and Ukrainian communities. Tosome extent this phenomenon is an unfortunate byproduct of themixing of two very different markets: The Western and Ukrainianlabor markets. But too many plump Western firms, rather than settinga good example by paying locals on a fair scale, shamelessly lowerthemselves to the standards of the Ukrainian economy and pay wagesthat wouldn’t support a pet in the West. This is a vulgar form of wageslavery. Western firms argue that the country needs their foreigninvestment and that many of the people they hire would be otherwiseunemployed or selling things in Petrivka market. There is some truth to that. But there are times when one’s dignitymust overcome the realities of Keynesian economics*.Notes: * Keynesian economics – economic theories by J. M. Keynes (1883–1946), an English economist and monetaryexpert, who suggested active government intervention into the market to provide maximum employment. J. CORRUPTIONEnough said.K. UTILITIES HELLThesis 1: Civilized countries provide all citizens with basic necessities such as water,heat and electricity. Thesis 2: Ukrainian citizens are subject to frequent power outages,heat cutoffs, and sporadic supply of cold water, to say nothing of hot water. Conclusion:Ukraine is not a civilized country. Bureaucrats like to blame the poor utilities infrastructureinherited from the Soviet Union and the lack of cash in modern-day Ukraine to repairit. Then how did those bureaucrats get so rich? This is another example of the peoplesuffering from the excesses of their rulers. Water is not a luxury item. To be considereda developed country, Ukraine must learn how to provide it to everybody.59L. HONORABLE MENTIONPrivileged licenseplatesLack of goodbars Bad roads Discrimination Poor phone lines7. Work in pairs. Look through parts G–L again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000.Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?8. Work in pairs. Discuss what you would include into this category if you wrote The Worst of Kyiv t
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
1. Read parts A-B of the letter and find the words meaning (A) change, concentrate, riches, obvious, sharply,
things that are not very good, (B) introduction, such that can be bought, cell phone, encouraged, competitive
offer, fall sharply, gigantic, without paying, secure, insecure.
Led by its mayor, Mr. Omelchenko, Kyiv has launched a massive beautification
drive in the last few years that has fundamentally altered the face of the city. The
reconstruction and restorations have been focused, naturally, near the heart of the
city, with much of the attention put on the area around St. Sophia's Cathedral.
The recent reconstruction of St. Michael's Cathedral, which, like many of Kyiv's
treasures, was ruined by the Soviets, is only the most visible project in the area.
Plenty of other churches, parks, squares and turn-of-the-century buildings
between Zoloti Vorota to Andriyivsky Uzviz (it's a short steep cobblestone
Souvenir Market street running from St. Andrew's Church down to Podil, Kyiv's
lower part of the city) have seen equally impressive repairs in recent years.
The other big church project was in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, where the ancient
Uspensky Sobor (Assumption Cathedral) - one of the holiest sites in all of
Kyivska Russ - was rebuilt earlier this year. The expensive reconstruction of
Khreshchatyk before Independence Day in 1 998 was roundly criticized, but overall, the street looks better because
of it. Of course, there are plenty of eyesores that remain to be fixed. But to undo 70 years of Soviet destruction and
bad architecture will take decades. Kyiv is off to a pretty good start.
Any place whose phone lines are monopolized by a dinosaur like Ukrtelekom,
the Ukrainian Telephone Communication Company, obviously benefits greatly
from an infusion of mobile phones - as long as they're affordable. Of course
mobile phones were anything but affordable five years ago. The handsets alone
ran about $ 3000, while calls cost up to $ 0.85 a minute. At those prices, mobile
phones might as well not have existed at all. Competition, fueled by the great
GSM-900 tender of 1996-97, has changed all that. Today, cell phone prices
have plummeted to the point where they are affordable to the middle class and
small companies. The amount of time saved by businesses and individuals
alike has been enormous. Rather than wait months for Ukrtelekom to install
a new line for a $ 1 000 fee, anyone can pick up a mobile in a day, often free
of charge. What's more, your mobile phone will be much more reliable than
Ukraine's crummy land lines.
2. Work in pairs. Look through parts A-B again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
3. Read parts C-F and find the words meaning: (C) dislike, extravagantly, (D) walk unsteadily, protected,
good enough, symbol, liberation; an ugly or unpleasant woman, especially one who is old or looks like a
witch; experience, (E) become popular.
Five years ago if you wanted to find a reasonable meal served by a waitperson,
who did not visibly abhor you, you were looking at paying $ 25 per entree in
one of about three establishments loosely classified as "Western-style." Those
days are long gone. Today you can get just about any kind of meal you want for
just about any price - and have it delivered. No more waiting for 20 minutes
at The Studio restaurant to pay $ 50 for an average meal. Now you can have it
your way.
Back home, being able to stagger out to the shop at 3:30 in the morning to
buy a bag of Doritos and a Slurpee is regarded as a sacred and absolute right.
You still will not have much luck with the Doritos and the Slurpee in Kyiv, but
at least you can now go out in the middle of the night and find a decent snack
with relative ease. Kyiv has witnessed an explosion of 24-hour stores in the
last couple years. That explosion, coupled with the recent introduction of the
supermarket, threatens to wipe out one of the lynchpins of Soviet inefficiency -
the gastronom. Good riddance. We rarely have the desire to wait 20 minutes
in line for the privilege of having a toothless hag look angrily at us as she
picks with difficulty our pickled tomatoes. But all too often, we are forced
to undergo just that. We prefer to help ourselves, thank you. And thankfully
today we can.
OK, so we admit this one's more of a global phenomenon. And unfortunately,
the masses of Kyiv are still too poor to exploit it. But the Internet is catching
on in Kyiv, and that's good for everybody. It's good for foreigners because it
gives us easy access to news from back home and lets us avoid the trauma of
being cut off from e-mail for more than 3 hours. It's good for locals because
the Internet is about the only place where news in Russian or Ukrainian is not
controlled, or worse, censored.
Cheaper Class A apartment
and office space
Dolby cinema
houses Cash machines A stable
Cold draft beer
4. Work in pairs. Look through parts C-F again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
5. Work in pairs. Discuss what you would include into this category if you wrote The Best of Kyiv today.
Why? Exchange your ideas with the other pairs.
6. Read parts G-L and find the words meaning: (G) make a silly expression with your face, start, kill, a list of
a lot of different things, a small detail, encouragement, price, tip, scandal, (H) strict, have unpleasant smell,
end, daring, (I) inequality, to make the relationship between two people or groups worse, rich, just (adj), a
domestic animal, self-respect, (K): electricity switching-off, heat supply interruption, occasional, services,
accuse, received, not enough, laziness.
The city's ongoing failure to erect a four- or five-star hotel has taken on a soap-opera
feel. One smiling foreign investor after another has waltzed into Kyiv to mug for the
press and break ground on a new project, only to leave town a couple months later after
the city administration skewered the project on a laundry list of minor technicalities.
The city's unreasonable refusal to allow foreign investors into the hotel market can only
be explained by mass corruption. On a small scale, any city bureaucrat with a stamp in
his hand can and will skewer a project if not given the proper "incentive" to OK it. On
a larger scale, the capital's network of old Soviet hotels, which feature unpleasant decor
and terrible service at very high rates, must have something to do with this. Only city
officials on the receiving end of substantial gratuities could possibly want to extend the
life of these disgraceful institutions. Nobody said it was easy doing business in Ukraine,
but the ongoing five-star fiasco is an outrage unlike almost any other in Kyiv.
Anyone who has ever traveled to Ukraine knows exactly how I feel about Ukraine's rigid
visa policy: It stinks. The country might as well put up huge posters on the doors of all its
embassies worldwide, saying, "Do not visit us". There is no official measure of how many
tourist dollars Ukraine loses due lo its absurd visa requirements, but it must number in
the billions. Last I checked, Ukraine's economy was in a mess. Putting a moratorium on
money entering the country is not the way to fix it. As if the visa requirement was not bad
enough. Ukraine has the audacity to send arriving tourists to OVIR to get registration
stamps. The country might as well put up a huge poster at the airport reading, "We hate
you." Ukraine has a beautiful country. It's time to let the world come see it.
The disparity in salaries between foreigners and locals continues to
drive a wedge between the foreign and Ukrainian communities. To
some extent this phenomenon is an unfortunate byproduct of the
mixing of two very different markets: The Western and Ukrainian
labor markets. But too many plump Western firms, rather than setting
a good example by paying locals on a fair scale, shamelessly lower
themselves to the standards of the Ukrainian economy and pay wages
that would not support a pet in the West. This is a vulgar form of wage
slavery. Western firms argue that the country needs their foreign
investment and that many of the people they hire would be otherwise
unemployed or selling things in Petrivka market. There is some truth to that. But there are times when one's dignity
must overcome the realities of Keynesian economics *.
Notes * Keynesian economics - economic theories by JM Keynes (1883-1946), an English economist and monetary
expert, who suggested active government intervention into the market to provide maximum employment.
Enough said.
Thesis 1: Civilized countries provide all citizens with basic necessities such as water,
heat and electricity. Thesis 2: Ukrainian citizens are subject to frequent power outages,
heat cutoffs, and sporadic supply of cold water, to say nothing of hot water. Conclusion:
Ukraine is not a civilized country. Bureaucrats like to blame the poor utilities infrastructure
inherited from the Soviet Union and the lack of cash in modern-day Ukraine to repair
it. Then how did those bureaucrats get so rich? This is another example of the people
suffering from the excesses of their rulers. Water is not a luxury item. To be considered
a developed country, Ukraine must learn how to provide it to everybody.
Privileged license
Lack of good
bars Bad roads Discrimination Poor phone lines
7. Work in pairs. Look through parts G-L again. Discuss if anything has changed since November 2000
Has it been for the better or for the worse? Why?
8. Work in pairs. Discuss what you would include into this category if you wrote The Worst of Kyiv t
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
1. Читать-A-B это письмо и найти слова значение: (a) изменения, концентрат, богатства, очевидно, резко,
вещи, которые не очень хорошо, (b) введение, таким образом, что можно купить, сотовый телефон", призвал, конкурентные
предложение для сведения, резко упадут, гигантский, без выплаты, защищенных технологий, незащищенные.
лучшие Киев
A. благоустройству Киева
во главе с его мэром, г-н Омельченко,
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