1. Він не заперечував би, якби вона погодилася на його пропозицію сьог перевод - 1. Він не заперечував би, якби вона погодилася на його пропозицію сьог английский как сказать

1. Він не заперечував би, якби вона

1. Він не заперечував би, якби вона погодилася на його пропозицію сьогодні ж. 2. Кожен викликав би співчуття, якби
вів такий спосіб життя. 3. Якщо він не хоче розмовляти, вона не буде набридати. 4. Не здивуюся, якщо вона вийде заміж.
5. Якщо вона вже прийняла рішення, йому нічого сказати. 6. Було б недипломатично, якби він заявив про це. 7. Якби він
хотів знайти її, він би цього не зробив. 8. Якщо він стане моряком, то побачить багато країн. 9. Якби вона слухала уважніше то не переплутала би час. 10. Він пожалкував, що поїхав сам. 11. Він не говорив би так, якби не був упевнений. 12. Якби він
був лагідніший, вона б усе розповіла. 13. Якби він подарував парфуми, вона була б щаслива. 14. Якби вона знала, де книжка, вона б нічого не запитувала. 15. Якщо їм усе одно, він буде зустрічатися з нею. 16. Хотілося б, аби вона
могла зробити це. 17. Якщо вона боялася проспати, то прокидалася всю ніч. 18. Їй буде
легко вчити німецьку мову, якщо вона відвідає Німеччину. 19. Якби зустріч відбулася,
це допомогло б їй. 20. Якщо він прочитає статтю, то сам усе зрозуміє. 21. Шкода, що
вона йому не вірить. 22. На його місці, вона б не стала захищати їх. 23. Якби вони
дійсно посварилися, вони б поводилися інакше. 24. Вона ніколи б не згадала його,
якби не побачила фотографію. 25. Шкода, що канікули закінчилися так швидко.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. He wouldn't mind if she agreed to his proposal today. 2. Each summoned to compassion, ifHe conducted this way of life. 3. If he doesn't want to talk, it will not be bored. 4. do not be surprised if she marry.5. If it is decided he had nothing to say. 6. It would be nediplomatično if he had said it. 7. If hewanted to find her, he would have did not. 8. If it is to become a sailor, you will see a lot of countries. 9. If she listened to more attentively not messed up to time. 10. He požalkuvav that drove itself. 11. He did not say so, if it was not sure. 12. If hewas lagìdnìšij, she would have all told. 13. If he gave the perfume, she would have been happy. 14. If she knew where the book, it would be nothing. 15. If you still want them, he will meet with her. 16. I would like to make itcould do it. 17. If she was afraid to sleep, then wake up all night. 18. It will beeasy to learn German, if she is to visit Germany. 19. If the meeting took place,It would have helped her. 20. If he reads the article, itself, all will understand. 21. I wishShe does not believe him. 22. In its place, it would not protect them. 23. If theyreally quarreling, they would have behaved differently. 24. She would have never remembered it,If not I saw the photo. 25. It is a pity that the holidays are over so quickly.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. He would not mind if she agreed to his proposal today. 2. Everyone would cause sympathy had
led such a life. 3. If he wants to talk, it will not bother. 4. Do not be surprised if she gets married.
5. If it is already decided, he had nothing to say. 6. It would be undiplomatic, if he said it. 7. If he
wanted to find her, he would not do that. 8. If it becomes a sailor, you see a lot of countries. 9. If she listened attentively is confused to time. 10. He regretted that he had gone. 11. He did not speak as if I was not sure. 12. If it
was lahidnishyy, she would tell all. 13. If he gave perfume, she would be happy. 14. If she knew where the book, she would not have asked. 15. If they still, he will meet with her. 16. I would like to, she
could do it. 17. If she was afraid of sleep, then woke up all night. 18. It will be
easy to learn German, if she will visit Germany. 19. If the meeting took place,
it would help her. 20. If he read the article, then he will understand everything. 21. Too bad
she does not believe him. 22. In its place, it would not protect them. 23. If they
really quarreled, they would have behaved differently. 24. It would never have remembered it,
had not seen the photo. 25. It is a pity that the holidays have ended so quickly.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. He would have she agreed to his proposal today. 2. Everyone would have caused sympathy, if
led a way of life. 3. If he does not want to talk, it will not to bother. 4. Do not be surprisedIf she marries.
5. If it has already decided he had nothing to say. 6. It would be недипломатично if he said about it. 7. If he
would find it, he would have never did. 8. If he becomes sailors,We will see many countries. 9. If she listened attentively not messed up to time. 10. He also mentioned that drove himself. 11. He did not speak so had not been assured. 12. If he
was лагідніший, it would all described. 13.If he gave the perfume, she would be happy. 14. If she knew, where the book, she would not requested. 15. If they are all the same, he will meet with it. 16. It would be desirable to
could not make it. 17.If she feared sleep, woke up the whole night. 18. She would be
easy to study German language she will visit Germany. 19. If the meeting took place,
it would help it. 20. If he has read the article, then he'll understand. 21.It is a pity that
she does not trust him. 22. In its place, it would not wish to protect them. 23. If they
really quarreled, they would have behaved differently. 24. She would never have remembered him
had not seen the photograph. 25. It is a pity,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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